African Canadians? What about Germany? African Germans?
What do they call black folk in Canada?
They call 'em "niggers" like anywhere else in the World.
We call them "Jefferies"
Most of the first famous black Canadians were named Jeffery so the rest of Canada assumed thats what they all were called.
>african swedes are Afrosvenskar
the only black guy I know hates it
we call them
>stark pigmentierter Gebietsfremder
niggers, eh
no you don't, or else you'd get arrested
This has a bit of a different meaning in English (promiscuous woman who is borderline retarded, usually dyed blonde hair)
Afro-Canadian, black Canadian.
gotta be smart to not get caught
We call them "nigger(s)"
Where's his penis.
not for this 3
Maximalpigmentierter is even somthing official as far as i know, else it would be Mensch mit Migrationshintergund
in german it means both
what happened to his dick?
Coloured fella
i really like the german language, but why you guys don't separate the words? wtf
>when the cunt next to you yells at you for manspreading
They call blacks frozone
Have you ever heard about german retardation son? Well there it is.
We call them fucking niggers
So I'm shopping for a bolthole in Canada the other day and I stumble upon this place.
What the fuck, Canada?
>What about Germany?
New Germans.
DU OPFER, geh dich hängen.
>stark pigmentierter Gebietsfremder
wait a second I never actually thought of this, with trudea being a total fag and would never say black people. What do PC liberals in canada call them?
People Of Colour.
>colored people is awful
>people of color is great
SJWs must really be insane.
It's really fun. I make several long words a week. Today it was "Rohgewinnentwertungsanlage" which translates to "raw profit depreciation plant" describing the current state of my workplace. It just doesn't have any smack in English.
Well, what is he asking for, then?
same rule goes for any fucking country.
Most blacks find the term just as racist as saying coloured people, but that doesn't matter when an even more oppressed coined the new term...
This country ia fucked.
Dunno, never met one. But probably just "black"
Where is that guy's peepee?
Swedes is a germanic tribe, so he cant be that anyway.
Black people.
>What do they call black folk in Canada?
>you will never make up horrendous words in your language
why even live
Where is his penis?
I don't post dick pics. It's against the rules.
It's probably in his balls, like a second butthole.
In the 90s NYPD used to call them Canadians, generation before that called them spoons.
What do they call Pound Puppies is Paris? Or Smurfs in Spain?
it's logical because it is one thing
Can't think of any more
I call them pavement apes, niggaboos, groids, basketball Americans (Sup Forums inspired) and urban youth.
If you want a non-meme answer, it's either "Afrodeutsche" (Afro Germans) which it says on Wikipedia, but i never heard this IRL. On Wikipedia it also says "schwarze Deutsche" (black Germans), but i wouldn't really say that either.
I just call them Africans, because that's what they are. I've never met a black person who was born here. In fact, blacks were so rare here (pre-refugee crisis), that I didn't see a black person until i was 15
because it exacly describes a thing as it is
(taken from the 10 officially longest words in the dictionary, so not made-up words)
A law for workers to be insured if they get injured at work
When you can't eat certain types of food
liability insurance for cars