
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Varg Vikernes?

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A white nigger who used to make good music. I loved Burzum, but burning churches, killing your best friend, leaving of government welfare, and most importantly, justidying living off government welfare is the most nigger shit ever.





Hitler Was Right!!!!


PS it's OKAY to live off ZOG welfare. You don't have a government white man, so stop acting like you do have one. Your gov is Israeli occipied it is a ZOG that is why White Genocide is able to occur. The first responder must be a federal zog agent or still jewtardified.

I'm not a snownigger so I don't care

He's pretty much based in most of his opinions but, triggers amerifarts because of his no nonsense views towards murican hypocrisy.

>killing your best friend
>anybody's best friend
Literally nobody liked that commie mongol degenerate.

He's just contrarian for the sake of it and hasn't developed past his teen years emotionally. He has some decent political views but mires it in personal experiences that he can't get over.
His hatred of Christianity, Mediterraneans and views on Islam are ass backwards but he lays it on thick when it comes to feminism and Nazi history.

Plus he stabbed a self proclaimed communist to death so that's pretty cool but all and all he's just entertainment and does more damage than good by separating whites further with his blue eyes bullshit and autistic larping.

Pseudoscientist, pathological lier, literally me when i was 16 in terms of comment section arguments, garbage opinions, garbage music, very entertaining, kind of a deep down sweetheart even if he tries his best to show his douche side. There is nothing wrong with larpaganism, but if only way to elevate it is to lie and ignore 2000 year old jewish hatred towards christianity then he definitely has mental issues. Overall, should have much less low iq subs shilling for him on here.

What is "larping"?

What is "google"?

>nigger shit

By this you mean "I'd love to do it too but I don't have the balls".

Survival of the fittest mang.

Handshake Dad would kick the shit out of him.

What is "love"?

(Baby don't hurt me)
(Don't hurt me)
(No more)

>Having like 5 kids without being able to pay for them
>LARPing in the woods
>Making shitty youtube videos
>Have government pay for said kids, knowing that if the government ever decides to stop paying for your kids, you are fucked

Except that Google mistakes it for a bunch of autists playing pretend. Yeah, helps a lot.

I think it's pretty worrying that he has spent almost a thousand hours on Mount & Blade

>Working like a dog so that the goverment gets half of what you make and gives it to Matumbo, Abdul and their 10 children each families
Work harder goyim!

>Sup Forums's opinion on Varg Vikernes?
>posts picture of frenchman by the name of Louis Cachet

What did OP mean by this?

Cult leader and Norse larper.

Great guy.

>killed a commie
>burned down jewish buildings
>married a qt white woman and had a ton of kids
>steals resources from welfare that would've gone to niggers and uses them for his own family

He said Abrahamic religion was bad because they worship a god that requires blood sacrifice (amongst other reasons), but follows paganism that requires a yearly sacrifice of 9 of every domesticated animal + 9 humans. He also claims there is no route of progression that can lead to a sustainable future and just wants people to remain as stagnant barbarians with no real end goal. Those are the only criticisms I have of him.

>this is a qt in the usa

Yeah that's what it is

>1 post by this id

Get in the bunker

>be me
>strong vikangz
>backstab my friendo over some autistic argument
>flee my country to LARP in some french forest
>marry autistic woman and spawn 5 little vikangzs
>become a full time NEET to support them
>claim to be expert survivalist though
>but can't farm for shit
>vermin destroys my crops
>fruits trees die on me
>live in an AIDSsack without running water
>have to steal electricity from neighbours

>t-the christians did this!

Not too bad tbqh

He is fucking schizo larping freak like Dugin. But he is still incomparably better that all those politically correct good goy e-celebs nu-pol likes to discuss here.

Fuckin idiot

If he would stop with the divide and conquer bullshit I'd like him a lot more.

Great music.

80% of his opinions are on point. 20% are paranoid/insane/poorly sourced

>80% of his opinions are on point. 20% are paranoid/insane/poorly sourced
I agree. It's like when he talks about Gallic headhunters actually having the heads of their forebears and not their enemies, which isn't what the sources say at all.

Its exactly what you read there.

>>Working like a dog so that the goverment gets half of what you make and gives it to Matumbo, Abdul, Varg Vikernes and their 10 children each families

I like his music, his opinions amuse me, I even watched a whole video once, where he described the colour of his pubic hair. He is a criminal, hating Christianity doesn't justify burning churches. And as far as the murder goes, I'd rather believe the judiciary system than him.

>A white nigger
>Cult leader and Norse larper.
>If he would stop with the divide and conquer bullshit
>Fuckin idiot
>fucking schizo larping freak

t. Christians


This is real ??


Yes, he linked it on his blog once

Sides destroyed

What kind of casual doesn't have at least 1000 hours in m&b?

>Germanic asses

>Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
>LEGO® The Hobbit™



Apparently she has autism or something and Varg "cured" her.