Serious question: why do Jews hate Russia so much?

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Putin kicked out the Jewish neoliberal oligarchs from their seats of political power so they got butthurt

Why does trump love the piss so much?

The USSR is yet another case of Jews created hell on earth and having it come around to bite them on the ass and they are eternally butthurt

They're not on board with the corporate banking take over of national sovereignty, aka: globalism.

Go on--

Our (((media))) loved Russia back when Shabbos goy Yeltsin was president

Because these Jews are actually Slavic people who at one point accepted Judaism.
They have nothing in common with Mizrahi, Sephardi and other Jewish tribes, just look at their faces.
To them Eastern Europe is the land that is rightfully theirs, they will never seize to be obsessed over getting it back.

What will it take for these kikes to shut the fuck up? They're so awful and boring now with their agitprop..

Read for yourself

When the USSR collapse Jewish Harvard economists and Yelstin's Jewish advisors colluded to help Jewish oligarchs take over the whole country

Yeltsin handed the country over to Putin and he removed them from power

So they want, what--Poland or something? Who the fuck wants to live there??

You forgot to archive that
the fact that of the seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia's economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish: Berezovsky, Vladimir Guzinsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman and Valery Malkin

Yeltsin was fucking bro tier
>be ruled by (((communists)))
>based russians stand up and realize the truth
>elect Yeltsin as a good transition from the ashes of jewish communism
>Putin/Medvedev rule Russia
>Russia now a world player again

What side will you be on when Russia saves the white race?

They want all of the Slavic lands, which is roughly 75% of European territory.
Even the European part of Russia is larger than all of the EU countries combined.

You ever wonder why these jews hate nothing more in this world than Christian Slavs, yet at home they all cling to Slavic culture like preparing tea in Samovars?

The problem for us is that in order for them to break all the current governments in the East we from the West would have to sacrifice and amazing amount of our your men.

Holy shit hahah. Jews BTFO!

>why do Jews hate Russia so much?
Russia has always been pretty wise to the jews
Even under communism you had leaders like Stalin turn on them and wipe them out. The current day republicans in the US are actually the remnants of the Trotskyists who were forced to flee Russia.

Yeltsin was a puppet of Jewish oligarchs who looted Russia's wealth you dumb nigger. It wasn't until Putin came along a defanged the oligarchs that things began to improve. That's why the (((American media))) loved Yeltsin and hates Putin.

Because after WWII the jews wanted Germany, but the Russians told them to pound sand and helped create Israel.

Interesting shit, mane. Exhales smoke. Does this mean Dostoevsky and Soltzinitzn were right, and Orthodoxy is true?

Ironically enough just as how they constantly mention that Nazism's success was largely a product of having a continual boogeyman in the Jews, the (((media))) continually needs Russia as an enemy to enforce their own control over people

Jews wanted Germany? Wut? Expand, ples.

Russians have become Muslim Rapefugees for the Legacy Media and the Clinton supporter.

The entire focus on Russia hacking the election (Podesta emails) validates the Wikileaks contents.

>Stalin turn on them and wipe them out

This was about the time that many American merchants started to dislike Stalinist style communism. Just a Cohencidence, I'm sure. Before that they loved it.

The Jews sold Slavic people as slaves to Muslims for centuries

The Khazar Empire was based on selling Slavic slaves to the Caliphates while they allied with Turkic invaders from East asia

That's the part that makes me wonder if they really have something against Russians or whether they merely provide a (((convenient))) scapegoat...the other posters seem to think it's the former.

the good news is they're not going to convince normie white Christians in the Midwest to hate Russia while there are filthy, sub-human Islamists running around chopping people's heads off.

They cannot stand there being even one somewhat white, conservative country. Plus ethnic angst over muh 100 year old pogroms.

They wanted to destroy Germany completely by breaking it up

Look into the Morgenthau plan, by jewish FDR advisor Henry Morgenthau. He wanted to dismantle Germany's entire industrial base and reduce it to agricultural slave labor. Instead Truman took over and instituted the Marshall plan which gave billions of dollars to Germany and forgave their debts. This allowed them to rebuild and became the German economic miracle. It also let them act as a buffer to the USSR

I don't to speculate about that but what I know is that they are obsessed with their "homeland", never let go of to Slavic culture and do not identify with other Jewish groups to the point that many of them look down upon them and there's open animosity between them.
They often do not support Israel and do not give a crap about it, they'd never move there unless it is convenient or necessary for the moment.
For them Christian Slavs are dangerous people that need to be corrected forcibly and brought over to the "right" side.

Yup, Stalin was seen as having "betrayed" the revolution by overturning many of Lenin and Trotsky's ideas.

Khazar is all a meme
The idea was started and peddled by a jew with the goal of inflitrating goyim societies better, since they could claim they were "European". There's also no genetic evidence for it either.

>Serious question: why do Jews hate Russia so much?
No Central bank.

Why are we still listening to a damn thing that CNN says?

They don't per se. They just hate the idea of the only two major white countries allying

it wasn't supposed to recover from communism, but now it's turning nationalist

As a side note after the Cold War the Jews succeeded in deindustrializing the USSR in a way they failed to deindustrializing Germany after WW2

After the Cold War Jewish oligarchs were given the countries' entire industrial base which they dismantled and sold for scrap.

Poland was one of the few exceptions

>Russia and US are gonna be friends that take on the evils of the world including islam, making the world a better place for everyone. And we lived happily ever after

they stopped sending kids to american pedo farm orphanages.

They don't. It's mostly white Europeans and Americans

Still mad about their Bolshevik kikedom failing.

Go on--

The Khazar Empire existed

Modern Jews just aren't from there as they were wiped out by the Rus (Slavs/Vikings)

>Yeltsin was fucking bro tier
Of course a Westerner would say that

Why not, user?

Fun fact: Israel is the only western country that did not impose sanctions against Russia.
Jews have no beef with Russians. Europeans and Americans do.

They just can't stop, I was at the Gym the other day, every screen was on another news program, any time I stopped to read any CC it always went like this, "Something something Trump Russia"

They mentioned Russia and Trump every single time I looked at the TV the whole hour I was there.

It's like, they know most of their viewers are airports and gyms and public places, or people that aren't paying attention, so they make any 5 minutes of their whole channel just repeating the same claim over and over.

Like if you actually sit down to watch CNN they will repeat it over and over.

>The media mogul Vladimir Gusinsky, who rejected the new rules, was forced into exile in the summer of 2000,

>In January, Gusinsky was elected as the vice president of World Jewish Congress.[45]

Sup Forums is always right.

I can never figure out if Christianity is true or if it's just prepping the bull for kike cuckholdry.

Nice joke, kike.

Tick tock, sweeties. Tick fucking tock.

“So you didn’t consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document?,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) asked Comey on June 8. “You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?”

“Correct,” Comey answered. “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.”
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing classified information
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Tick fucking tock.


Yep. Now it's onto the son thing, part 52, chapter 12 of the ongoing propaganda drama. 'Next week on as the Jewish world turns...'
Even so called conservative outlets like Foxnews and Drudge keep running with it. No Jews can ever be trusted.


>american commie and anarcho commie responded
argument discarded

> When the richest man in Russia, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, refused any such bargain, he was jailed and his company was taken away.

> Khodorkovsky's father was Jewish, and his mother was Russian Orthodox.

Russian banned Soros.

This whole Russia thing is a diversion for people. They feed one sort of bullshit to Americans and other sort of bullshit to Russians.
Russia is not the enemy, it is run by the same fucking kikes. And so was the USSR.
But why do kikes hate Russian and also Ukrainian people so much? Because they were btfo really hard in the Russians empire, pogroms and shit. And they got their revenge when they took over Russia in 1917, millions of dead people.

Kill yourself. The end of the Eastern Bloc wasn't a thing that was wanted within it. It fell for the same reason the secular muslim countries fell, western infiltration and goal for world domination.

Fuck off fake country.

>why do Jews (((hate))) Russia so much?
Russia probably ranks first by jews overpresentation in teh wealth.

The Russian empire was ran by degenerates who practiced homosex, but I guess a fake country such as yourself doesn't care.

I once looked up the pogroms, it's such a Fucking meme, deaths in the tens, sometimes, few thousands max. I hate kikes.

What the Ukrainian poster says is true though.

>pogroms and shit
Pogroms were small thing.

Everyone except the Jews is the problem

They really want some war with Russia so they can strengthen their hold on US foreign policy and domestic matters, as well as keep the population fearful and off their tail.

lol they have nothing else
they are so fucked lol

They don't, Russia is as much Jewish as USA. It's just the illusion of opposition

Question is more like: What country do international globalists belong to? Obviously neither, they like to talk about countries when they need to expand market, but overall they don't care about your country. EU/USA are anti-nationalistic, anti-country, but when there are olympics we pretend to be countries/nationalists with flags and all, because there is money to be made and how much do they care lately if those sportsmen are even from your country? Not much. It's all just a money game and then there are ratings also, another money game. Ratings and oil, that's enough of a reason.

Serious answer: Russia is the model, the rest is theater to keep goyim distracted

Isn't putin someone we should hate?

I can hate both USA and Russia, but still that doesn't means they of both sides, i am on different side still. Of course there is a difference between illogical hate and logical hate. I don't hate for no reason and don't make up fiction to blame somebody.

>Took over very large white land area and country,
>got to inflict massive torture, maiming, degradation and death on evil Whitey
>[1st law was death penalty for 'anti-semitism']
Stalin happened
>evil purger of righteous jews
>lost most power
>still get to oppress Eastern Europoors tho
Putin happened
>Rothschilds banned from Russia
>won't take bait and engage in hot war with jewsa
>making moves to counter global jewish money power

I wonder...

jews love russia. especially the jews outside of america and especially the jews in israel. putin was voted man of the year in israel not too long ago.

What do you mean? The trump family loves Russia

russians prosecuted da jews in late 1800s n shit

Cuz russia fuckin sucks. Who likes russia srsly? Its a fuckin wasteland

"Communism didn't fail, the Soviet Union failed communism."

I forgot who said it, but this is what jews believe. They are butthurt that slavs finally had enough and put a stop to their bloodthirsty jewish supremacist ideology.

>ameritard education

>that slavs finally had enough and put a stop to their bloodthirsty jewish supremacist ideology.
>this is what burgers unrlanaly belive
Communism went nowhere from Russia only it transformed in its final from, abandoned all social obligations and where jewish oligarchs ruling country can by yachts and send their childern to study and live abroad.

>No other country in the world recognizes any part of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

All of what the Jews worked towards in Eastern Europe through the 1900's was lost when Putin came to throw them out.

This is why the globalist Jews are scrambling to create an EU military. They need to create a barrier to lock in the EU states to a new communist system.

If the EU collapses and Trump helps open up a change for the ways of US Culture, Business and Government, then the globalist Jews will be at a near total loss.

It's up to those who a red pilled to educate the younger generation about Jewish exploiters and their methods of foul influence.

It's enough to cause boycotts in the future and awareness of those who tamper with legislative in order to gain authoritarian control over capitalist markets.

Awareness and critical thinking are key for our future generations.

Masha Gessen

Politically impotent though. Those fatasses will soon die out.

LOL. Fucking

Tick tock Trump cuck, Tick tock

>Jennifer Taub, a white-collar attorney and Vermont Law School professor, posted on Twitter a 20-part message Monday that cited a specific section of the U.S. criminal code that Trump Jr. may have crossed concerning prohibitions on conspiracy to defraud the U.S. “Potential indictments are coming into clear focus,” she wrote.

Tick tock Trump cuck, Tick tock

** whispers **

Flynn is going to jail.
Kushner is going to jail
Donny Jr. is going to jail

** whispers **

Tick tock Trump cuck, Tick tock

>post without home countries' flag

The same people who blame Russia for all their problems sound exactly like the Nazis blaming Jews for all their problems.

You folks aren't too bright are you?


The Jews are playing both sides as usual and promote conflict between goy nations while they co-operate freely between borders.

not an argument. you live in your american bubble. russia under putin is the best thing israel and non american jews could ask for. the best ally of iran they could wish for. i'm assuming you're geopolitcally ignorant on such issues.
>but muh oligarchs!!!
oh you.

All correct. Some chapters of Two Hundred Years Together were finally translated - it's a very good and enlightening resource as to what happened and why.

Yuri Lina wrote a book on it, too and there's a documentary he did of his book on jewtube called Under the Sign of the Scorpion. Well worth watching.

> The Jews are playing both sides

They are losing all sides.


>Putin kicked out the Jewish neoliberal oligarchs

Lol take a look on a list with the richest 100 Russians. You couldn't be more wrong

>taking a jew's word on anything
Sure, Shlomo

>Politically impotent though.
This is why in Russia literally are created NEW FEDERAL TAXES to give an income to jew oligarchs through collection of taxes by private companies (so 17th century how cute but CNN will not gonna report this).
>inb4 federal taxes are not politics

>p-ples don't invade me, Big Guy!