UK has found the perfect solution against terror attacks, RUN HIDE TELL. If I only knew...
Is this the solution Pol? Are we finally safe??
UK has found the perfect solution against terror attacks, RUN HIDE TELL. If I only knew...
Is this the solution Pol? Are we finally safe??
shoot back
All of the "'MURICA" gun stereotypes aside, this is the only reason I like living in the US. At least I won't have to worry about dying completely defenseless like a little fucking bitch.
I'm going to immediately hide and tell the terrorist to run, I just know it.
the real solution is never leaving your house
i've been here for about 3 years now. can't complain, honestly!
>At least I won't have to worry about dying completely defenseless
Oh yeah? Because you can bring guns in concert halls?
Thought so.
Remember the fags killed in the club? They can't carry inside, so they're little fucking bitches anyway.
i'd survive a terrorist gun attack, i can feel it.
Run, hide, prepare to be slaughtered by islamic savages your government invited (back) in and/or declined to act against.
No worries, cameras everywhere so the police and politicians will know exactly what to lie about when you're dead and gone.
Yeah that's true, I wish our gun laws were better.
Until then run hide tell I guess.
Have enough Quran memorized to "prove" you're a muslim and then stab the terrorists in the back as soon as they let you live
>Remember the fags killed in the club? They can't carry inside, so they're little fucking bitches anyway.
Remember the muhammad pbuh cartoon contest in Texas?
If savages aren't being stopped at the borders (leftists either have abolished or want to abolish) anymore you'll have to stop them at the door. Quite simple really.
it's easy to survive a terrorist attack: don't be around it when it happens
They wont look in your buttcheeks, dumbass.
>Terrorist: Durka Durka Jihad!
>Me: pic related
Yes, the Run, Hide and Tell Program will be introduced in the primary school curriculum in all of Europe.
Yeah, so you're talking about breaking the law.
So the argument does not apply only for the US then.
Facebook live women get their vag stabbed by a machette 37 times.
The cops werent puking because people had a bullet hole in them.
>carry gun illegally
>police shoots you
Brill plan, Joe.
????????? are u a bot?
>What to do during a terrorist attack
Step 1: unholster pistol
Step 2: shoot terrorist
Congratulations you have just completed the terrorist defense course.
What To Do During A Terrorist Attack In America
>pull gun out and shoot them
>if in Gun Free Zone; run and hide like a European or Democrat
Show me one law that says you can't get poop on your gun. Plus 'no gun' policies don't carry the force of law unless a state specifically legislates it.
>Step 1: unholster pistol
What if you're in a concert hall, like in Bataclan?
You don't have a gun there.
western Europe is lost, move to another area, this will just get worse and worse.
>pull gun out and shoot them
Well, except in a lot of places which are gun free zones.
And you know the terrorist attacks will occur there.
No but the private security would and could react a lot faster than the cops.
How is Island doing with immigration, I never really hear anything about it. Are u also taking in refugees or what?
I meant """""""refugees""""""" of course.
You win a Darwin Award for putting yourself in a life threatening situation
>You win a Darwin Award for putting yourself in a life threatening situation
So, every time you go to the bank, to the city office, to a club, to an airport, anywhere where you can't carry, you deserve a Darwin Award according to you?
Jeez mate.
I bet you're one of those people believing the 2A is still a thing and not merely the shadow of itself.
all it took was for one dude to get his brains blown out to start a civil war and end slavery (even though that's all bullshit, but beside the point)
all it took was for one dude to get assassinated to start world war 2 and get japan microwaved
all it took was for 2 aluminium "planes" to slam into two steel and concrete towers at physically impossible speeds for the altitude at which they were flying, causing them to magically produce thermite and subsequently collapse upon themselves like controlled demolitions, slaughtering almost 3000 americans, 1 "plane" to blow up the financial dept of the pentagon the day after they announced they couldn't find 2.3 trillion dollars, 1 "plane" to fail completely and disintegrate itself into a field, and one weak-ass building collapsing from an internal fire that conveniently held tons of incriminating evidence for parties involved, to have the U.S. hand-delivering freedom and democracy to the middle east for almost 2 decades
yet, since 9/11, it seems nothing sparks the world into an uproar anymore. why is this?
people are being raped and slaughtered every fucking week over in europe. degeneracy is on an infinite rise. children are now drag queens. refugees are flooding countries, raping, not assimilating, establishing colonies, essentially. and what do we do about this? we tolerate it. how the fuck do this image not enrage people. look at all those fucking innocent people. murdered. not a fucking tear was shed. not a fucking drop of blood was produced in retribution. why are we, humanity, willingly letting ourselves get fucked in the ass by this shit. why are we thanking our rapists and telling others not to criticize them. why the fuck doesn't anyone want to stand up to this bullshit.
So we should all just avoid possible terrorist targets, thanks, got it.
>every time you go to the bank
legal in my state to conceal carry
>to the city office,
>to a club
depends on the club but usually legal as long as they sell food/non alcoholic shit. Wouldn't be at a club anyways as I am not a nigger.
>to an airport
You can open carry in the airport until you check in, in which you can put your gun in with the luggage and claim it.
>premise: fear of litigation > fear of losing life
Glad to see you guys have your priorities straight
The frog in the pot of water.
Yeah, I call it the complacency virus. Its hard to put a finger on what exactly causes it.
Concealed carry means just that. If you're doing it right nobody will know. If you blow terrorists away nobody will give a shit that you brought a gun in a no gun area.
I saw the vid of the 3 london brisge terrorists attacking guys with knives and all I can say is that those guys were fit as fuck. knew how to fight and also knew how to team fight so in all honesty if you want to defend yourself you don't stand a chance.
Modern western individualism combined with the targeted breakdown of previously culturally homogeneous western societies. Who's going to stand up or even fight for a society he doesn't identify with at all?
What right does one have to say "this is how it is in these lands" when muhammed, born there too, feels opposite? And what makes both their views any more valid than those of ali and his 9 children from Somalia all on their way to western Europe as well?
Don't these lands/doesn't the world belong to everybody? (Well, except for the pieces of land gated off by the political and societal elite who force these absurd views on us that is. Those are just theirs and soon will be guarded 24/7 so that they can continue to enjoy the freedoms and safety previously shared by all Europeans. )
the sad thing, is, i'll always be the frog.
there are so many people that share this sentiment, but we are systematically barred from organizing and starting anything.
i could speak up right now, take hostages and get the cameras on me. but then i'd be labeled crazy, incredible, radical.
you speak up against the corruption and it has you assassinated. literally. you criticize those who control you and you're silenced before you can gain any traction. how the fuck are we supposed to enact change? there should have been dozens of revolutions in america alone over the past half-century.
how the fuck are we supposed to drain the swamp if we can't find the fucking plug.
>i could speak up right now, take hostages and get the cameras on me. but then i'd be labeled crazy, incredible, radical.
Topkek or you could, you know, just speak up and make your point in a reasonable manner. No need to go all jihad/breivik on us now.
I used to be heavily against guns in all forms. A total idiot, really. Then I got jumped by guys with knives and I couldn't do a fucking thing about it. All of a sudden, I liked the idea of being able to defend myself.
It does follow the principles of self defence in a third party encounter, run > hide > fight, your first best option is to always leave the danger zone if possible.
But if we had firearms in the UK we would have that last option which is to fight rather than die like a little bitch.
Exactly, if you have a firearm, and get trapped, go down a dead end or end up face to face with an active shooter, you have that last option which is to put some fucking bullets in him.
Or even better someone has already done that because some CCW holder decides to go rambo instead.
If the person being attacked or a bystander had a gun, immediate action could be taken. Run? Bullets are faster. Hide? Lets wait so the gunman can find us. Tell? Nope u are already dead.
There was actually 1 policeman that immediately acted during the London Bridge attack, the joke is that the British police do not carry a firearm. so he didn't stand a chance.
>Then I got jumped by guys with knives and I couldn't do a fucking thing about it. All of a sudden, I liked the idea of being able to defend myself.
You do realize that when carrying firearms becomes commonplace these criminals will carry firearms too?
Good luck pulling your gun out with one of theirs already pressed against your head.
There is a channel full of hundreds of people doing that successfully. You are welcome.
Fucking hell, or maybe instead, cease engaging in policies which promote future attacks, such as the ongoing islamification of Europe, there's a reason Japan hasn't had any issues with muslim terrorism, the left cannot into even the most basic common sense.
I was in Borough Market 5 mins before the attack, then went back to my home in Vauxhall, where there were strong rumours that there was another terrorist active (later turned out to be an unrelated stabbing). When I saw the Met Police "RUN HIDE TELL" bullshit, it didn't exactly fill me with confidence. It gives the impression that the police haven't got any control on the situation, and that we should panic.
Shoot back and shoot straight, pussy
well yeah, i was thinking more along the lines of getting your message out to the world at once. i could write some blog post, or make a youtube video, but it'll just get buried and no one will pay attention to it.
sure, others will watch/read/listen and agree, but where does the action take place? what does it take for people with similar ideals to actually organize and take over? i guess asking for the threat of loss of life to not exist is definitely asking too much. there should be a risk, of course. it's just frustrating to see the complacency, as this user put it infuriating. how can germany allow this shit to happen. the citizens are brainwashed. they have no idea what hitler and ww2 were really all about. someone makes a roman salute as a joke and their life is fucking over. they can't even wave the fucking GERMAN FLAG in germany because it's "too nationalistic". they're taught in school to not be too proud of their heritage. so they think letting refugees in is the right thing to do. merkel is a piece of human garbage.
i tell people things like "islam accounts for the majority of the influence on and reasoning behind most recent terrorist attacks."
i even show them graphs depicting this point with sources.
they get so angry and "oh my god" "how can we keep letting this happen" "that's so disgusting and yet it opens my eyes"
ok, so let's fucking do something about it.
"i don't know..." "i don't want to seem islamophobic" "it's not our place, let the governments sort it out" "ISIS will be destroyed, don't worry"
Have you ever had a knife held to your throat when you're out minding your own business? I tell you what lad, I never ever let my guard down when I'm out now. I would much rather die with a gun in my hand trying to defend myself, than get my throat slit like a pig. And btw the UK has a growing gun problem now anyway. So it's not a matter of whether or not we should have a debate on firearms, it's a case of when are we going to NEED firearms. I really don't like the way my country is heading, and it's mostly down the the EU. Can't wait to do free trade with the USA and Australia while the EUSSR crumbles.
>If the person being attacked or a bystander had a gun, immediate action could be taken.
If carrying guns was commonplace these guys wouldn't have gone to lidl to get a couple of ceramic knives to stab people with. They would have gotten easily available guns.
The UK was quite lucky these clowns of Allah were so ineffective and supposedly even unable to rent a truck/lorry as large as they originally had planned to. (Due to lack of funds topkek)
Fisrt post is not only best post but only fucking answer.
Very well said!
Yeah fucking right dude
First off like everywhere I go I'm not allowed to carry a gun, work, bars etc
Second off the homosexual Jews in fashion industry make clothes so tight these days it's difficult to conceal a weapon.
Which leads to three, even if I am able to carry my gun I gotta worry about some old bitch seeing it and calling the cops or some tough guy trying to fuck me up over it.
I love guns and gun culture but carrying a gun is not at all easy in America. Btw I have carry permit.
What passages should I memorize?
>I would much rather die with a gun in my hand trying to defend myself, than get my throat slit like a pig.
To be quite honest famalam, you could have carried a pocketknife and died holding that whilst trying to defend yourself.
Situational awareness would have done you more good than any weapon.
he literally covered that you false-flag leaf. I wish I could pull a gun out and shoot you.
Well considering you weren't there with me, you don't know that. I was sat on a bench in a park at 2am and two guys just approached me out of the darkness. They were waiting a few dozen yards away watching for someone to sit down. Also a pocket knife against a huge kitchen knife is not a match I'd want to make.
>Second off the homosexual Jews in fashion industry make clothes so tight these days it's difficult to conceal a weapon.
>fags are forcing me to wear hipster clothes.
>it's impossible to buy any other type of clothing.
> that fpbp
> that flag
based user
>I was sat on a bench in a park at 2am
There's your problem
>They were waiting a few dozen yards away watching for someone to sit down.
In the bushes or what?
Ok my point is that it's not easy to conceal a pistol. I'm thinking about getting a shoulder holster and wearing a jacket or vest everywhere.
That eye of horus made of blood should tell you everything you need to know...
I didn't even watch the video, but I bet it's those damned white supremacists shooting peaceful Asians again
Well.... you are not wrong
Look at my flag.
Yeah you make a good point, but I personally would like a gun policy with thorough background checks. So not everyone can get them. These attackers were well known to the intelligence agencies (like most of the time) so they would never be allowed to buy a gun.
Of course you will always have the illegal gun trade, but apparently it is not as easy to get a illegal gun, otherwise they would have used them.
Western Europe is dead.
Long live the Polish.
This technique stops nuclear attacks too? I remember seeing something similar in movies set in the 50s
Duck and Cover.
>A knife fight vs a shootout
You ever seen a knife fight mate? It's literally just who can take the most stabs to the gut
>protip: it's literally 50+
>run like a bitch
>shoot back
You need bomb shelters for that though.
Come to think of it, in Israel they do flee into bomb shelters whenever muslims launch their signature fireworks of peace. How much longer until that strategy'll pick up in islamic enclaves here?
We're all Israeli now boys. (Yeah, even you Adolf.)
You fucking dolt. We have so little firearms in our country. We haven't had a terrorist attack, we barely have gun attacks. The only ones killing each other with guns are organized crime.
Why do you want all of us to die? If guns become readily available, then the one who draws first wins. Protip: it'll be the one who's looking for trouble.
>You ever seen a knife fight mate? It's literally just who can take the most stabs to the gut
Not with a knife at your throat it's not.
jesus fucking christ
So what? It still doesn't make everyone having knives work anywhere near as well as everyone having guns.
>You fucking dolt. We have so little firearms in our country. We haven't had a terrorist attack, we barely have gun attacks. The only ones killing each other with guns are organized crime.
>Why do you want all of us to die? If guns become readily available, then the one who draws first wins. Protip: it'll be the one who's looking for trouble.
You are aware of the fact that terrorists have been arrested (quite recently in fact) with assault rifles in their possession in countries right next to yours right?
What weapons do you think both the bataclan and hebdo massacres where committed with?
How much border control do you think there is between those countries and yours?
The reason nothing has happened in the Netherlands so far is quite likely its usefulness as a transit/safehouse country. Well that and the fact that the Brussels airport attack that was actually planned to target Schiphol had to be rushed due to members of that cell likely talking to the police.
Serious 1984 shit in here
Why hasn't anyone posted the wikihow school shooting manga edit ?
You're going downhill Sup Forums
I don't want to flee like a pussy.
How about this for counter-terrorism.
> Bring a gun and soft body armour
> Fuck shit up
This has the added bonus of discouraging anyone from doing terror in the future. If everyone panics and flees the terrorist will have easy pickings. It's not like you can run from a bullet.
You motherfucking Americans,
I'm so jaleous of your freedoms
Literally this is the best tactic
This is the only right thing to do in that situation it hurt me deep inside when I heard that shit on the radio today what a fucked country this is
how surprising
Fixed that for you. There's plenty of worse advice on here tbqh famalam.
How many times do you get frisked a day? Fuckin cuck.
They'll snap your fancy guitar in half, but bonus extra special care for firearms because they REALLY don't want that shit to go missing.
All that's going to happen is we get a lot more gun violence, murders and suicides if we have guns. The odd terrorist attack that has a very slim chance of being prevented with guns readily available(which still hasn't occured here) isn't going to justify that.
How exactly is this bad advice for hotel staff and other tourists workers, who are clearly the target audience for this otherwise locked video? What else do you expect them to do? To dodge bullets and judo-chop the pistol out of the attacker's hands?
It seems like you are trying to make a point by correlating the amount of guns per capita to the amount of terrorist attacks. = Less guns per capita in the Netherlands so no terror attacks. Correlation is not causation. My point is that you don't need guns for a terror attack, see:
The London Bridge attack (knives), the attack in Nice (truck, 87 dead) or the Arianne Grande attack (homemade bomb)
guns are not always the key to a successful attack.
>>The only ones killing each other with guns are organized crime.
Not really..
Which brings me back to this post >>Why do you want all of us to die? If guns become readily available, then the one who draws first wins. Protip: it'll be the one who's looking for trouble.
Again see my previous post.
How many times do you need to be frisked to have your life turned upside down by criminal charges?... hmmmm
la ilaha illallah muhummadur rassulullah
The shahadda is their creed and it also means you just converted
Then stab them in the back
>The odd terrorist attack that has a very slim chance of being prevented with guns readily available(which still hasn't occured here) isn't going to justify that.
Of course it's unthinkable that there'll be a large increase in these attacks.
>la ilaha illallah muhummadur rassulullah
That might save you but it's no guarantee. You know that whole "Muslim terrorists mostly kill Muslims" thing? Reciting the Shahada can still make you a hypocrite, which is worse than being an unbeliever. In some ISIS videos you can see the terrorists thoroughly interrogate their victims, and one wrong answer is enough to earn you death.
Also, a lot of those terrorists are clever in picking their targets. If you recite the Shahada at Bataclan they're not going to stop shooting you. Why? Because it's a degenerate night club, and no true Muslim would be found in there. That's why they often pick those kinds of events, to eliminate the possibility of hurting true Muslims.
Finally, some are simply out of fucks to give. Like all those busdrivers of peace. They accept the possibility of hitting one or two true Muslims in order to kill many more unbelievers.
Can someone edit the video where it looks like she's putting the people back in their seats instead and runs off by herself? Also give her a jew nose.