Good for him!
Tyler, The Creator (rapper) comes out as Openly Gay
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He tried to come out a few years ago too, but nobody believed him
Hahahahaha How The Fuck Is Gay Rapping Niggers Real Just Walk Away From The Penis Hahahahahaha
nigga that's gay
this is politics? sage
Didn't the UK ban him for anti homosex lyrics?
Who and why do we care?
Do you think he has black AIDS or fag AIDS?
Whites couldn't destroy rap music but the Jews can.
bet he's gonna regret making that cyber bullying tweet now
Yeah yeah yeah
On his albums years ago
>And said I was a racist homophobic so I grabbed Lucas and filmed us kissing
This isn't new to anyone who listens to him. He isn't gay though, he's straight but not too scared of turning gay to kiss someone as a joke.
He might just be angling to get himself unbanned from the UK/Australia and NZ. "How could they ban a gay black man"
You mean the same Tyler, The Creator who posted this nearly 6 years ago?
I hope his token black ass gets shit on til the end of time by the faggots on twitter.
So basically about as gay as Bowie?
He seems like the type of guy that would "unironically" suck dick for the rest of his life to "prove a point"
Are you fucking kidding me. First Frank Ocean now this. Oh man how I wasted my youth.
Sure this isn't a stunt?
Tyler doesn't seem the one to like dick, man definitely enjoys pussy
He certainly looks like a fag. All those rappers are secret fags, like the doctor Drew who fucked that other guy and gave him AIDS or whatever
He be likin' da old men.
Frank ocean has always been a homo and a nigger
Tyler is actual /ourguy/ and I'm calling this a stunt since the dud has gone to some insane lengths for pranks
I doubt he is, most likely just wants a career boost from liberals.
>Oh man how I wasted my youth.
how old are you little boy?
how a nigga gonna be acting hard when he a FRUITCAKE
Are there any popular gay black celebrities before him?
Frank Ocean, who was a member of his group. Wonder if every single member of Odd Future is gay, kek
burnt fruitcake be pretty hard nigga
>Implying they are different
Black people are the gayest people of all on the DL. Prior to the mass migration of Muslims, virtually no rape occurred in European jails, with only the US having high levels of prison rape due to our high black population. Whites are the least gay group, with only 2% identifying as any part of LGBT.
>one less nigger that will breed
> hating on styler
Ha, nice career suicide, black-woman-hating punk.
Doesn't he have more episodes on Adult Swim, then Sam Hyde?
Well, that explains why he was fine with Frank Ocean being gay. Honestly it's surprising he's gay though. Wow didn't expect that.
not Sup Forums related.
>Next line will have ’em like ‘Whoa' / I been kissing white boys since 2004'
I always wonder why that one random white guy was with them all the time.
LOL thanks for making my day user.
who? and why should I care. At all.
I mean does it even effect his "music"?
I love his music. He isnt one of those Liberal Leftist Idiots. He's Politically incorrect , thats why the Media alwyas tried to Blame him and his music for School Shootings and stuff.
Damn, that really fucks it up for me, not cool
Lol faggot
Nice proxies faggot
saw this guy at hook burger a month ago. was in line behind him w that chubby nigga from his music vid group. after a long wait in line and nobody giving a fuck who they were, tyler busted out a secret nigga rockspaperscissors handshake to determine who would place their order first. it looked gay and insecure as fuck. everyone was kinda like uhh who is this and please go?
this is pol related.
No bitches no problems
You're my hero.
why is it that blacks are always gay, be it openly or secretly
nice fucking warrior genes there "dominant" bud
Pretty sure 90% of rappers ride the bologna pony.
Gay MoC love white boipussy
t. Milo
Have a well deserved (you) my friend.
More dick more aids
More truvada more womany fall of man
>implying homosex and fighting ability is mutually exclusive
Alexander the Great and Richard the Lionhearted would like to have a word with you
Tyler was smashing Lucas this whole time?
He's lying retard this guy is just a leftist virute signaler
He doesn't take dick or he would have "came otu" like 5 years ago
Like close your mouth, haha
Don't listen to nigger music faggots. They are faggots because they come from single mothers and mom's look like this.
Gays vs faggets. Difference? Discuss
>I'm not gay I just want to boogey to some Marcin
What did he mean by this?
>He might just be angling to get himself unbanned from the UK/Australia and NZ
Why was he banned?
I like the new 911 song
Rap is pretty gay
because of his 'hateful lyrics' and always saying faggot in such a derogatory way.
he said homophobivc stuff. his early works was really edgy.
Kinda "weird" considering what just happened. No. It isn't. It's directly correlated, doesn't matter who you are
This is a publicity stunt to regain the limelight.
Black people these days are such fucking twink, skinny jean wearing, faggot fem boys I swear.
Gone are the days of masculine, big muscled, gold grill wearing thugs. Now these niggers wont even fight no more for fear of scuffing up their fucking $300 pair of Jordans or some other faggy over the top fashion accessory that they spend more money on than a female would.
Fucking fags I swear, how we still have mudsharks and coalburners in this day and age Ill never know, this trend shouldve died back in like 2013. Black dudes today are such fucking faggots. They all sing along to The Weekend and other faggy white knight bullshit and hit those high notes a little too good, if you know what Im saying...
I dont understand your comment.
1:04 well this is kinda awkward now...
i feel like he quoted the wrong person because i don't get it either. that or he's projecting at you for some reason
All the rap out there is gay as fuck. The noses control whose record's sell. Another obviously flaming homo is Lil Uzi Vert, pic related. He's put out a few hits recently
you can tell he gets all nervous when he's asked that. he starts cussing and getting shifty. larry is a good interviewer... he pulled that out of him and could tell where to take the interview. him even going to that question shows how solid larry is at reading people
How is this politics?
a seemingly homophobic and very politically incorrect rap star comes out of the closet as gay in an industry that is almost entirely homophobic. That's more Sup Forums than talking about fucking christian love threads
the one off topanga?
Hate fags? You dont have our testicles to come out. Are a fag. And hate us more. Easy
definitely effeminate, but he's not gay
are straight men claiming to be gay for media attention?
I'm black and the only people I know that have estranged and missing fathers are white, lmao.
i guess it's possible that some do, but Andrew and Tyler are both already super successful and topical without having to do that, so I highly doubt this is the case for either of them
how the fuck is tyler /ourguy/
I have a friend who knew him in high school. This makes sense actually.
Never heard of him. Never want to hear of him. Lots of people are homos, especially rappers. Just look at Eminem. Also this isn't news or politics. Sage
Tyler has been pretty openly bi for years, who the fuck cares anyway
>caring about some dumb nigger
I knew I 'd see something like this :DDD
>gayniggers from outer space will become a reality
>him even going to that question shows how solid larry is at reading people
yeah absolutely agree
really interesting how Larry jumps to that question based on what Tyler was talking about
How so? I've never seen anything like that. I feel like I suspected it though, with all the kissin boys and whatnot, but I thought it was just edgy Tyler.