Tinder sjw cringe Thread.
Tinder sjw cringe Thread?
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and then you swiped right?
Are you sure that's not a trap?
Jesus Christ they're everywhere.
Of course. Two tons of fun.
As much as you laugh these, you can guarantee they have inboxes full of horny men with no standards giving them validation. It's our fault, lads.
I'm going to keep posting it until it replaces the Navy Seal copypasta
>bragging about being good at tetris
Is tetris some kind of sexual euphemism or does she mean the video game?
How can a man be so desperate for pussy that he goes for one of these abominations?
Like i'm a desperate 27yo touchless virgin but I would never fuck such a monstrosity.
I know man 24 here, these fuckers got the thirst like a nigger, dudes dehydrated as shit, 3 days with out water and a salt shaker.
Sadly this guy is right, almost any woman can throw on a bit of makeup and look appealing for some poor fuck
It would be so easy to redpill these beasts. They just need attention from an alpha.
I hope that doesn't happen though, it never helps having a bunch of fat cows on your team.
Seems like an alien mindset to me, its really hard to believe anybody could be attracted to such a "woman".
>Like i'm a desperate 27yo touchless virgin but I would never fuck such a monstrosity.
How the fuck. German girls are easy man.
Anybody got that picture of that weird little guy looking at avocados in the store?
He's got a little body, weird shaped head and lots of gay looking tattoos.
For some reason quirky college girls love Tetris. It's like so retro.
not for germans
> Like i'm a desperate 27yo touchless virgin but I would never fuck such a monstrosity.
you are a shining beacon of light amidst cucks
it happens, i'm probably mentally ill or something, but the again who isn't nowadays?
asked a girl out once but got rejected and didn't try again since then.
This is why welfare is bad.
Welfare is enabling those people and is saying to them that their lifestyle is approved of.
No welfare, waaaay less leeches.
This is why there is a LOT MORE AntiFa in Europe than in the US. They don't _need_ to work after all.
>Unemployed student / Writer
Why this does not impress me?
Oh she's the fatty from BuzzFeed France.
Well, at least she'll die of a heart attack at age 40.
Has potential, but you need to post it in typed out form in the textbox so everyone can just copy paste it. Otherwise it'll never take off.
Don't let your memes be dreams user.
I'm so lucky my gf is god tier. These dating sites are so full of these cucked monstrosities.
>asked a girl out once but got rejected and didn't try again since then.
You need to get over rejection and ask more girls out. It's a numbers game ultimately.
At least she's honest about being fat which is more than can be said for a lot of online profiles.
That's just depressing. I'm no Chad, but I don't have problems meeting decent girls. But if I did, much rather stick my dick in a fuckin gopher hole.
We need to start Making fat shaming Great Again.
Massive slide going on, more threads being created on Sup Forums than on Sup Forums
some generic SJW cringe I found out in the wild.
>I believe in life after death
>I am an atheist
Choose 1
>believe in life after death
>God doesn't exist
>respected journalists
They really don't understand how much they are hated, Do they?
This one's a beauty
>intersectional queer feminist
I think I have cancer now.
You're either attractive or run after girls like a beta cuck, there's no other choice.Get ripped breh
Jesus. That's a rough 22.
>San Diego
My city is fucked... isn't it?
Made me chuckle.
I got over it but barely ever meet a girl I want to ask out.
The good ones seem to be so rare
failing suicide so fucking ironic
She is better in the thumbnail than in video:
Is that the video she linked hahaha holy shit
I thought early 40s at first glance
you zealanders just go into it
at least australia warms us up before he rapes us with bants
>I'm a good boy
Sensible Chuckle Magazine.exe
>no white guys
>i want to get married someday
ahhh A liberal against democracy but wants to be famous. is there any other kind?
shut up meg
>Burn the coal, pay the toll.
>try once, not even try ever again
Dude if you want to succed you have to try million of times, until you get better, like everything in life
>tried once to cook, wasnt good, now i just buy prepared food
just fuck yourself and get better in everything, if you cannot handle failure you should die fast
Can someone not from Airstrip One (flag related) comment first "where are you so I can rape you dead"
that screen resolution :^)
dude, just go to the nearest Haus with 200 euro and have yourself a great time. When i was stationed there sometimes my buddies and i would start the night off there. fuck your choice for 60 euro then go out and get shithouse wasted not giving a fuck if you strike out or not. If you dont then its bonus pussy at that point.
this lol. what a dumbo
It's bad bro, but not nearly as bad as LA/San Fran. Plus North County is pretty Conservative.
>22 and has a child
>22 and still think goth is cool
>22 and vegetarian
Why do they put the feminist shit on blast in these profiles? That's the male equivalent of flame shirts and fedoras.
the point is, it has a pennis?
>single mom on tinder
Is this what lack-of-dick does to a woman?
where can i find more of this shit, i feel if i actually go on tinder ill kill myself
And if it has, it ins uncut?
camp Pendleton?
Gothic is cool
Wew lad, egads what a head. Its like Tarantino bred with that kid from Mask.
Women like these fuck well, like it's the last fuck of their life. Self-effusive.
those people dont deserve to be professionals , god
Gothic is cool, yes
Goths are not.
>evergreen state
The two things are actually totally separate issues. Just as the existence of some type of "god" is a separate issue to whether he dictated the bible to ancient jews. The fact that you can't distinguish the difference gives lie to your believe in having a superior intellect.
if thats the beast then i'd go for it.
>Personal Care Assistant
>aka I wipe ass for a living
I bust a gut everytime I see some 20 something or above with a low tier medical care job.
East county here
>non binary
Goddamn I hate this bullshit.
user, I
I agree. I should die fast but instead I am dying very, very slowly.
>German girls are easy man.
no. they are bitchy and demanding as fuck
Bruh. Killed him.
Says Sven.
>Don't you have a cuckshed to fuck off back to?
High testosterone will do that. You have low test.
>Deep, emotional video
>Picture of her half naked in the thumbnail
I love being autistic with girls on tinder
I want to shove my dick down her throat
Atheists aren't logical people just by being atheist as that liberal douchebag proves. Most, in my experience, can believe in things like ghosts, magic, demons and guardian spirits. The only shared trait is that they deny the universe had a creator. Other than that, they can be as superstitious as anyone else.
Kinda ironic in my worldview. For me, a creator is logical and with cause and effect, we have a reason to believe in God. There's no reason to believe in an afterlife though.