I've heard about this new "far-right group" and wondered who they are and what their goal is?
What can you tell me about Scottish Dawn?
>what is google
it took me literally 5 seconds to bring up the site.
google "scottish dawn", they say that they aim to preserve and protect scottish identity.
"Scottish Dawn is a new Identitarian social movement formed from various organisations in 2017 to develop a coherent conception of Scottish identity and secure its place within Scottish Politics."
try googling before you make a thread, britbong.
They promote education amongst their people. Their first goal is learning long division.
I just wanted an American to do it for me, thanks.
Why do they use a Germanic rune in their logo? Umm..cultural appropriation much?
celts, everywhere ?
Is there a reason why their logo is so similar to the SNP's?
It's uncanny. Makes me have second thoughts about them.
had never heard of these guys until now and I'm in Scotland.
A little research just now showing the antifa fucktards here have doxed one of the main guys already.
I'm genuinely glad and excited that there is somewhat of a far-right presence going on in Scotland though. There are too many antifa members there.
Unless they are hoping that they become associated with the SNP and damage them in the media.
I wouldn't be surprised if they face legal action from the SNP if they get any media attention. I'd have no beef with them though as long as they believe in keeping the union together.
Perhaps. Maybe their plan is to present themselves to right-wing folks in Scotland as the alternative to SNP? Only time will tell though.
Ever since the SNP started warping the nationalist movement into a no borders, virtue signalling cuck orgy there has been a huge gap on the market waiting to be filled by something like this.
>STD flag
Its funny how both the Scottish and Irish nationalist parties turned into open borders, fag loving, muslim embracing, sjw cuckfests.
Sng are traitor scum and go to rallies with the communists and support the snp
They are pro-indy anti-eu, but don't trust the snp to negotiate independece.
>Teehee we are peaceful we don't need tanks
>Give us all of your muslims we have room.
They seem to be fine with union groups for now while we have bigger threats.
lust for power made them seek out the votes of lefties.
There definitely needs to be a cultural revolution against the leftie ideology that seems to be running rampant among Scots, especially younger Scots.
I don't know a lot about them tbf, just happened to have the flag saved out of interest.
It's the schools, my entire time in secondary school (12-18) was teachers talking about how bad the tories are and how great the snp are.
The next generation seem to be fairly right wing but I hope it won't be too late. It's hard being pro-indy right wing, it's a pretty silent group with nobody to support then which is why I hope this group takes off a bit.
Not sure about the whole Dawn thing and the norse rune. A GĂ idhlig name and a sunburst might have been a bit better.
Also forgot about the free college and uni. Which is also free to EVERYBODY IN THE EU. Everybody goes because it's free, so even people with no qualifications will go study something just for fun then go work in starbucks and never pay the loans back.
Yeah, this is a major problem for Scotland! It's good for those who live there (Scottish people) but when they invite anyone and everyone to get an education and live in their country, leftie views will ensue. I truly hope you're right about the next generation being more right leaning.
So do I...I would barely even describe anywhere outside of the islands as culturally scottish. Binge drinking and heroin are not a culture. Our country is a marxists wet dream. I only hope we can save it.
Half tempted to join desu but it might end up like the edl/sdl and just be braindead football casuals.
Just a waste of time desu. Nobody in Scotland gives a fuck about this organised pish. Our natural demeanour is enough of a deterrent. No need for this LARPing nonsense.
Forgive me for not wanting to live in a country full of uneducated fuckwits like you've got down south. I happily pay my tax to fund 'free' education for the next generation. It's an investment. Starbucks blah blah blah. You're jelly. Stop voting tories to spite yourselves and you might also get some decent policy in your country. Scotland does education perfectly.
I'm scottish you cunt.
Perfect education? that why cfe is a total failure and my qualifications are worth fuck all?
We cant afford free college and uni...we have a 20% poverty rate. You probably live in the west end or in some fancy calla built town you utter cunt.
The point being made is that not just Scottish people get free education in Scotland.
Any independent that runs in a Scottish constituency at a GE has their arse kissed by the entire populace. The only problem is that there's been almost no independent MPs in Scotland over the course of our political history.
If you're a populist then your chances of being elected increase ten-fold depending on your stances and whether your constituency is more left-wing or right-wing. Scottish Dawn is going to be slammed by our lefty newspapers before being proscribed and members being arrested and interrogated.
A Sup Forumsack being elected as an MP would do far more than what Scottish Dawn will ever do. Get off your computers and go fight for the British people.
Also, most people are picking shitty degrees like liberal arts and french.. How can that bring about an educated country?
Great point. Scotland is very much a populist nation. It's a shame it's letting antifa dictate it's city hubs (Glasgow & Edinburgh)
almost as if they were co-opted by the globalist cabal in the same way that the U.S. DNC was.