>It's a Sup Forums was wrong again episode
>It's a Sup Forums was wrong again episode
Israel is based as always
why is pol wrong?
everyone knows that Soros is a vile person and that Israel does not like him either
Yes, because Jews have never been known to backstab others for their own benefit.
More support for Israel and then the classic jew backstab
According to Sup Forums, Jewish tribalism always trumps everything. So Israel siding with a non-Jewish country against a Jew would be impossible.
Do you know why they're siding against him?
Because he failed.
Wtf I love Israel now
Soros is shilling hard against Israels policies. Why should they side with him?
The world aint black and white mate.
> it's Sup Forums lashes out at the jews for being better than them at everything episode
>It's another Jew is shilling from behind a meme flag episode
We threw Jesus under the bus, why not Soros?
I hope israel puts an end to these internationals as well as the diaspora and claims greater israel
But everyone knows that nationalist Jews hate globalist Jews.
There are many sub-groups that share ethnicity or religion that hate each other, and not in spite of it, but precisely because of it.
>when your people divide and conquer other people so hard it spills back over onto your people
Soros being against Israel also makes no sense according to the Sup Forums narrative
>illegal african migrants enter israel
>israel says fuck off you're going back to africa
>retarded sweden says ISRAEL NO, we will take them instead
>somehow this is israel's fault and proof that jews want to destroy europe
this entire fucking board doesn't make sense it's just frustrated redditors blowing off steam.
There's the (((international elements))), but we have to admit that some jews especially in Israel can be pretty based.
This is a valid point, you lot are good at the whole Fucking people over thing.
Soros is an anti-zionist left-wing extremist.
It does make sense unless you are retarded. The sooner he dies, the better.
>you lot
>American flag
You disgust me
Don't fall for their tricks, goy.
Soros might've been financing Palestinian opposition in Israel.
The Jews on pol are starting a billion threads about this, desperately trying to push the based Israel meme.
The Jews are only here to fool the goyim.
>Be global zionist group
>One of your guys reaches the spotlight due to internet activity
You cut off the infected limb, that infection is awareness. The infection will eat away at the limb and think itself victorious, but you're still alive.
If they were really against him they would have banned him and fired the ambassador.
> I hope we won't worship Soros in this millennium
You do realize people can hate both zionism and George Soros, right OP?
>Nation-wide anti-Soros campaign financed by the government
>Oy vey antisemidic bastids stop dat, we strongly condemn this vile act of 1930s-esque antisemitism
>Soros screws with Israel
>Sorry, we take it back, there is nothing wrong with your anti-Soros posters. Green light Goyim.
>It's a Sup Forums was wrong again episode
It's a jews throw each other under the bus in order to save themselves from the White Mans asswhoopin that they know is coming.
They tried to control the narrative
They tried to keep it "civic"
They failed and they fucking know it.
reminder: creepy jews are insane motherless parasites.
>Rothschilds literally from Hungary
>Rothschilds literally demanded Israel (as in a Jewish homeland)
>Rothschilds literally bankroll Soros
It's almost like if you trust a Jew you get exactly what you deserve. Almost like they can't be trusted and are well known for their use of pretending to be an ally to anyone who isn't a Jew.
Why don't you post under your real flag? Is it because people won't take your (((flag))) seriously if you do?
>t. goy
There are no "based Jews" and Israeli Jews are the worst there is.
its the true true
ty based heebs
sounds like a Ů‚plan.
Daily reminder that left and right Zionists do exist and they are both cancerous.
>The ADL
Leftist Zionist thugs
>Neocons like Fox News, Kikebart, and Netanyahu
Right wing Zionist thugs
Can you give me the full spectrum of the political jew?
whoever made this comic truly understands kikes
I was thinking of this as soon as this post came up. Thank you, Burger lad.
>Kikebart is cancerous
ever notice how nazis just dress up anti american talking points with the pretty bow of antisemitism?
The age old good Jew, bad Jew ruse.
God bless Israel
Wasted fourths, kike
Damn nigga. What have you done.
I'm steali-I mean lawfully appropriating that
They accused hungary of antisemitsm first retard. Then netanyahu retracted and calls soros a threat.
Jew backstabbery to draw support for the Jew no matter what side you choose. Soros is fucking degenerate kike, as soon as he pushes against the Kike inner circle, they give the goyim the go ahead to fight him. It's just their own degeneracy backfiring on them and a desperate attempt to silence it ASAP
Sup Forums is a Zionist board
it's the Assimilationist Jew that is the problem