How fucked is Sweden really?
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>African and Muslim population
>African and Muslim population amongst 1 year olds
It's like 69% white
On a scale from 1 to 10, ∞.
Grenade attacks happen there regularly. I don't say they're demographically fucked since percentage wise, I believe they're only 6% Muslim which is lower than France, but that percentage alone added with the politics of Sweden seems to have doomed it completely.
Post yfw you all will realize that Sweden is perfectly fine and we just spread the chaos propaganda to keep the country for ourselves.
Not fucked at all everything is perfectly fine here.
Most swedes (except some racist idiots in Skåne) loves the multicultural parts of this country. Immigration to Sweden is nothing new, we are all a product of immigration.
>But multiculturalism is something new in Sweden
Wrong, Sweden has always been a multicultural society. Protestant swedes has been the majority culture, but we have had minorities like the Sami, catholics, Estonians, Finns, jews, Norwegians etc. living in this country for centuries.
Never forget that the "etnich swedes" is also immigrants, the Sami people is the indengious people of Sweden, Murmansk, Finland and norway.
Cant see the problem, eh?
Sweden is pretty fucked but most swedes are fine. //Swede
You can cut down on the propaganda. I've told them the truth already.
I made a map.
But it isn't propaganda, everything is fine here and we need to tell the rest of Sup Forums. Immigration makes us stronger, and shilling for it on Sup Forums will attract more young kids from Africa
You deserve what you're getting.
I work in a Swedish hospital for pregnant women.
More than half the births are foreign kids. The statistics count these as actual Swedes. It's over for Sweden.
Norwegian bro detected, btw your country is not looking to well either...
Hahahahaha, just take a look at their recent polls. Norway is 10 years behind Sweden.
Norways next prime Minister will be a Globalist eu shill
Norway is fucked
Reason being why people in skåne are racist is unlike you they actually do live in the shitty parts of Sweden where there are a lot of immigrants. Swedes saying everything is alright in Sweden are just as stupid as the politicians who live in luxury away from all the problems.
dude... Its more than 6%. Latest official report i heard was 15% but i believe that is really low. I would estimate it to around 30% of the population. Then you have to remember that these people ONLY reproduce, they don't reproduce that successfull, most of them end up as criminal street kids. Most swedes go to some kind of education, get good jobs etc. Very few good jobs go to immigrants. It will be bloody when the swedes get tired of feeding them.
Fucked enough to get me worried
I'm curious what people here might make of this, I apologize as it deviates from the preferred narrative.
du borde inte skriva om saker du inte vet något om, stockholms-råtta.
>immigration makes us stronger
Stay this way, dear sweden.
Malmö user here, been living all over Skåne but Malmö is the only city that is truly unsafe. The rest of the bigger towns have bad areas, and it's getting worse, but overall pretty safe.
But yeah, it's a noticeable difference between towns in Skåne and the rest of Sweden, that's why the village folks are generally far more outspoken about the issues coming mostly from around Malmö or at least from arab gangs.
That's not alot for a country in the nordic region
I'm thinking of moving right now because soon times will get very bad. Many institution are deteriorating, state finances look poor during good economic times, and brain drain is happening.
yep, but its nothing new. We all know that roaches are drawn to the bigger cities first.
A few steps away from total societal collapse
Kuin kotimaa tä pohjoinen, ma kallis isien.
In general... I'd say, population-wise, they're 20% fucked.
However, in political sense, they're 100% fucked because majority of them are multicultural cucks.
Nice meme, fuckings Dalarna farmer.
Soon whites will disappear in scandinavia you nordic cucks.
I'm going to enlist in the finnish armed forces, I want to pay you with my life for this country's cuckoldry
How do your women like swedish (non-cucked) men? I don't know the language, my blood is white and blue though... exile is Swedistan is no joke, let me tell you.
He is an idiot. Afghans are 79 times more likely to commit rape, and non-european immigrants commit more than half of all rapes.
He points to poverty, but according to other studies the neighbourhood you live doesn't make anyone a criminal.
What the fuck
(((they))) are right in their "accept tan swedes" propoganda. The days of white sweden are over and it will only get worse even if they close the borders today, just look at demographic birthrates.
Thousands of refugees pour into europe everyday. Sweden is our generations Rhodesia in terms of the economical pinnacle its currently at... doomed to fall
Lämna smuts.
Swedes are complete morons in state of denial, you are like these Titanic people who waited on board because they are fine. You are laughingstock of the world, nobody respects you and Somalian niggers rape your women.You have no honor or self respect you are more women than men because only women would say they are fine in such fucked situation.
Bunch of cucks licking muslim and negro ass. Give away your women to niggers, you are worthess.
if you really fell for that bait i recommend lurking for another year
Most people like Swedes
> However Your govt is terrible and no longer has your best interest in mind
Alla problem kan spåras till Stockholm och Malmö.
Senapsgas när?
please be bait...you can't be THAT cucked.
Pathetic cuck.
Wrong, Stockholm is the ones making money in this country. Without Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg this country would be poor as fuck.
Why would it be bait, name one thing wrong with multiculturalism
Swedish Hitler will arise when shit really gets tough and civil war will happen in our life time. We'll probably lose it and end up like native americans on our little reservations far up north.
why not just make all of europe red
It also coincides with changes in the law some years ago, where they have created inflation in what consitutes 'rape.'
There was a legal case not long ago, when a 15 year old boy was prosecuted for 'rape' because his girlfriend hadn't turned 15 yet. Just two teenagers in love... It really is absurd.
The 'rape' accusation against Assange was a broken rubber and him going on anyway.
Nowadays a man need a written application from the woman, and five eye witnesses during the act not to risk being accused of rape.
>Afghans are 79 times more likely to commit rape, and non-european immigrants commit more than half of all rapes.
That's the problem though, if you retried those cases in most other European countries it's likely no crime would have been commited at all. Sweden has one of the broadest legal definitions of sexual assault in the world.
>He points to poverty, but according to other studies the neighbourhood you live doesn't make anyone a criminal.
He also points out that of the high numbers of crime committed by impoverished Swedes, more often immigrants are the victims, not the perpetrators of sexual assault
>Most swedes loves the multicultural parts of this country.
Complete bullshit
who the immigrants are assulting doesn't matter, does it? The simple fact that they do it in the first place should say enough
t. leftycuck
Tillbaka in i ditt cuckskjul!
>fake swede doesn't know the right shit
never would have guessed
>nothing wrong with multiculturalism
nobody but a troll would say anything that stupid
>Nigger harasses NatSocs
>Get arrested
>(((MSM))) cries about how a peaceful swede got arrested
welcome to Sweden
Yeah, that's kind of why I wanted to hear Sup Forums's thoughts on the subject. On the one hand, many people here get upset about how loose the definition of rape can be, and they claim that it unfairly stacks the deck against men. To the point where some here will call any accusation of rape by a woman a lie.
That is of course unless we're talking about minorities, especially in the case of Sweden. Sweden's amazingly broad definition of sexual assault get's completely forgotten when the subject of refugees comes up. When that happens many here will take a completely different tone and begin saying things about white genocide or the decline of western masculinity.
>Never forget that the "etnich swedes" is also immigrants, the Sami people is the indengious people of Sweden, Murmansk, Finland and norway.
should be proud cucking those loser out of their homeland then
also they are asiatic so hardly the native Swedes
>That's the problem though, if you retried those cases in most other European countries it's likely no crime would have been commited at all. Sweden has one of the broadest legal definitions of sexual assault in the world.
Because some fag in a newspaper says so? Do you think all the rapes and sexual assaults at music festival(the number went up 1000% between 2015 and 2016) we're done by "children" who dindu nuffin?
>He also points out that of the high numbers of crime committed by impoverished Swedes, more often immigrants are the victims, not the perpetrators of sexual assault
Source? He has none.
Also, when he writes:
> Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.
Immigrants of yesteryear we're Finns, Balkans and upper-class Iranians(very few though), ie. not the same as the ones today.
>those two young white girls gushing over the nigger at the beginning
am I seeing things I wouldn't normally see?
Fuck off racist
Said the American, we are only modeling our country after yours. The American multiculturalism is our idol
They are the etnich people of Fennoscandinavia, it's the truth. The Sami settled here in 11 000 bc. The swedes arrived in Sweden between 10 000-12 000 bc.
>Doesn't even know swedish
well alrite then muhammad
>The Sami settled here in 11 000 bc. The swedes arrived in Sweden between 10 000-12 000 bc.
Er en fra India som elsker å shitposte bak en svensk proxy her.
Well there are multiple kinds of rape (statutory, by deception, etc.) but if I'm not mistaken by definition it must involve penetration.
Talking about people who lived >10000 years ago in terms of 'Sami' or 'Swedes' is complete nonsense.
Imagine being neighbor to these fucking assholes. Everytime there's a terrorist attack here, surprise surprise, they're being supplied through Sweden.
>Grenade attacks happen there regularly
What 'grenade attacks'? What have you been smoking?
>Europeans origin: contemporary Iran
>Samis origin: Asia
Iran is closer to Sweden than Asia
Pretty fucking fucked man. We should be governed by the other Nordic and Baltic countries for bout 25 years to un-fuck everything, because I'm starting to think we can't even fix it ourselves. SD is the last hope, and not a good one at that.
look at crime index
War Torn Ukraine 50.43
Sweden 49.35
France 44.78
Germany 32.64
Poland 30.19
So yeah they are on 3rd world level shithole now.
You could start by giving back Skåne, Blekinge and Halland, and we'll take care of your muslim problem. There's really nothing left in those regions worth keeping thanks to your governments mismanagement, so it's a win win either way for you.
truth ? your media are doing great job keeping that down
Not hard to find a Finnish woman. Would be hard to find one that isn't an SJW though.
Mannerheim was a pro-Western cuck and friend of Churchill who hated Hitler and nationalism, by the way.
>if I'm not mistaken by definition it must involve penetration
You are mistaken. It's insanely broad.
Sorry it's in Swedish, but if you have chrome or Firefox it should translate automatically
The yuge mistake people make when calculating exactly when a country is fucked is
1. Not realizing that at a certain point all non-muslims will flee
2. That countries have more than 2 parties, so pro-Sharia voters do NOT have to get 51%, possibly as little as 13% to get into power.
Why do you think that the number of rapes(actual rapes involving penetration) and sexual assaults at music festivals increased with 1000% between 2015 and 2016? Magic?
Then 'broken rubber' submitted as evidence contained NO DNA.
She was just pissed bc he went and shagged someone else
Sweden is one of the best countries on earth what are you talking about??
Sweden is the safest place for white people to go once Europe collapses. Why? Because it is one of the largest countries in europe by land area, it has the most untouched nature and most importantly, it's cold, which means niggers will die if they venture outside of urban areas.
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.
If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!
1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Sieg Heil......
>Most swedes loves the multicultural
that they do.
>Why do you think that the number of rapes(actual rapes involving penetration)
Did they? I read the law (you can too) and they seem to call literally all sexual assault "rape".
You're wrong:
> Det andra rekvisitet innebär att genom ord eller handling kränka en persons sexuella integritet. Detta kan vara om en person, likt beröring ovan, tar på en persons intima delar i ett sexuellt syfte.
Touching someone intimate parts against the other persons will is called "sexuellt ofredande", ie. sexual assault. This is some of what the immigrants do at music festivals and elsewhere.
>6 kap. Om sexualbrott
1 § Den som genom misshandel eller annars med våld eller genom hot om brottslig gärning tvingar en person till samlag eller till att företa eller tåla en annan sexuell handling som med hänsyn till kränkningens allvar är jämförlig med samlag, döms för våldtäkt till fängelse i lägst två och högst sex år.
Chapter 6. If sex crimes
1 § Anyone who by assault or otherwise by force or by threat of criminal act, forcing a person to sexual intercourse or to undertake or endure another sexual act with regard to the violation seriously is comparable to sexual intercourse, shall be sentenced for rape to imprisonment for at least two and a maximum of six years.
They define it all under broad legal term "rape". What you're describing, though non penatrative, would still count as rape however. The laws have been getting increasingly broad every year since 1992, and one result of that is more and more Swedish women feel comfortable enough to report it. Also, more and more Swedish MEN feel comfortable enough to report it. The broadening of the laws reduces the stigma and social fear that they won't be believed or will be shamed, so as a result more people are now reporting, and more things count as sex crimes- or rape.
Sami are not the indenginous people of Sweden, remains have recenly been found in northern Sweden that date back to 10k years bc and it was not the remains that carry the bloodlines of Sami people, eat shit lul.
It's not true. I'm actually Swedish and know what I'm talking about. Look here at "Anmälda sexualbrott
Antal anmälda sexualbrott år 2007-2016: samtliga anmälda brott, därav sexuellt ofredande, våldtäkt (inkl. grov) samt sexuellt tvång, utnyttjande m.m.":
It's not the same crime FFS. Why do you think it is?
Cool story, Stockholm close to issuing bankruptcy.
Please post sources on your retard claims, Sami are thought to have lived in the northern part of Sweden for less than 4k years, lul.
Swedish government shitpost.
>I'm actually Swedish and know what I'm talking about.
lol Are you a Swedish lawyer? Just because you're from a country doesn't make you an expert on how their legal system works.
>It's not the same crime FFS.
Actually despite that link full of statistics, the law still calls all sexual assault "rape". There are gradations in the severity of the sexual assault, but at the end of the day the crime is called rape.
Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim is a national hero and I suggest you only speak of him with the utmost respect.
If someone gets convicted of sexual assault(the most common sex-xrime in Sweden) then he did not get convidted of rape, now did he? How hard is that to understand? Are you trolling?
Doesn't change the fact that he hated Hitler and nationalism nearly as much as he hated Bolshevism. And failed hard during World War II, much because arch-cuck Churchill was one of his closest friends.
americunts literally cant refute a single thing from this post.
It's chucked to infinity and beyond.
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.
If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!
1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Sieg Heil , , ,
>Immigration makes us stronger
But you are importing low IQ darkies.
Their iq is only low because white people has been exploiting their resources for centuries. Black people born and raised in Sweden is just like etnich Swedish kids
Recently moved from Stockholm to Skåne, Ystad.
>the feel when i can finally go through a day without hearing any "ooga booga walla alla" or have too see any arabs or niggers.