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Somebody tell me where I can buy a jacket like the ones they are wearing

They're the wolf screaming lonely in the night
They're the blood stain on the sta-yaaa-yaage

Any gay ass store in France where they sell overpriced sweatshop goods

The Bogdanoff Angels. Interdimensional beings sent to guide us during the Tribulation that is soon to start.

If you're asking on Sup Forums, you've already lost.

dunno, look like a couple of blokes with some rare disease/disability or something.

You should become an interstellar pilot before that, faggot !


can i get a quick rundown

yes pls someone

they cucked the rothschilds

macron is /ourguy/ now


lol thx sir

the book that saved the world

Ah the original German edition even better than Stalag.


>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist >Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) >Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 >Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world; you likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

> Rothschilds ad arcum Bogdanoffs
> In contactus cum alieni
> Non possideatis ut psychicae facultates,
> Imperium Gallia aequi, sed cum ferro pugnus
> Cohaerebant municipiis, & ripas globally
> Decendentes directi a linea regum antiquorum
> Non urbes prima die Martis bankroll (Bogdangrad primus esse erit civitas)
> Ex 99% of research DNA edendis facilities in terris
> Prima excogitatoris parvuli eorum et infantes in omnes verisimili non Bogdanoff
> Tum fratrum dixit 215+ habere IQ, ut sit intelligentia solum quae in terris altum Area LI & monasteria in Tibetan
> Antiqua Indian scripturis, quae ad duo angeli eius descendet et producat terra era in illustratione sunt ac novas technicae artis progressiones apud illos
> R & D et possidebunt Nanobot Labs per orbem terrarum
> Vos have verisimile iam Bogdabots medio tui
> Quod Bogdanoffs communicationis in voce archangeli et in iusto Gabriel et Michael, mittentes ad Verbum Dei in Ecclesia Orthodoxa. Qui putatis quia inaniter profectus est ad conventum inter papam & in Orthodoxa summo imperio (prima testimonii inter duos Institutis ipse super M annorum) ordinatis coram propositionis Orthodoxa ducis primum trinus ad Antarcticam iam in historiam seu paucis diebus post ad Bogdanoff testudine munitum, in Wilkes terra?
> Sub a week et didicit copiosa est in French
> Natione civitatibus aurum subsidiis suos dant in tumido geminos. Est aurum non est in Ft. Knox, nisi feat. Bogdanoff
> VII Quod geminos sunt circa decennium vetus, ex tempore, ex spatio, ex parte referat hominem currently accepit a basi societas nostra
> Re vera, non fabulosa sunt essentiam uniuscuiusque omnium punctorum spatii et temporis, magnus bang a fine usque ad universum. Ultimum tamen eorum consilia nescimus. Nos spes tu benevolentia in rebus.

Wisdom for the blind
