How could someone actually be this retarded though
>gender reveal party
what the fuck is wrong with your country
>it was niggers
gee willikers, are you telling me Sup Forums was right again?
>she also had to endure 24+ hours of labor to deliver a dead baby. How sad.
Traditionally, and the way it's supposed to be, it is a gathering with family and friends (and other kids if it's not the first pregnancy) to just tell them if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl.
Nowadays, people just gather around a jar full of newspaper clippings, pick one at random, and whatever word comes out is the gender.
It was unborn, they were going to tell the family it's gender.
The look of terror and heartbreak on her face makes me feel bad for being happy about the size of her redpill
The way we do it in America is, we teach 3 year olds about gay sex, crossdressing and trannies. THEN we do
>a jar full of newspaper clippings, pick one at random, and whatever word comes out is the gender.
Killers havent been caught but the boyfriend was arrested after that video came out in 2014. Could it be the guy did time, got out and got his revenge?
Not trannies, "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" baby shower type deal.
that happened in 2014
she didn't learn shit
22 years old?
burn the coal, pay the toll
nothing of value was lost
> If caught, the killers could receive the death penalty - not just for Garrett's death, but also for the miscarried fetus.
How the fuck does that work? I thought under American law a fetus wasn't a person and it wasn't even "alive". What gives?
#Notallniggers amirite laydeeeees
please tell me they used the footage to catch the nog and blew his brains out
leftist aren't principled, my wetback friend
burn coal pay the toll
>Nigger lover got her senpai killed
I'm glad she survived the shooting and lost her baby. That way she can pay for her treasonous behavior for the rest of her life.
>tragic accident
ecsqueeze me? "accident"?
>she didn't deserve this
What did he mean by this?
gib money
Fucking cringe
Why do people like you always post the shittiest image you can possibly find with a retarded smug comment.
Hopefully now she stops
>burn the coal, pay the toll
Fuck nigger lovers
Are they really asking people to donate gibs for the funeral?
I think he means she did not deserve to be married to a ginger, to be killed and to have the ginger live.
Rearrange the letters in ginger.
This time 100x
so random niggers burst into a house and tried to murder a white family.
sounds like merica to me.
What have we here?
It's unclear. She probably knew them, as she is ghetto coalburning trash famous for being assaulted by her ex-boyfriend. Based on the photos in the article, the woman who died wasn't a coal burner and it's unclear if the baby that was lost was white or mixed.
God (who is a Serb) is clearly punishing you for spreading islam during Kosovo war
Man, nothing brings out feelings of righteous rage when young children lose a parent by violence. All my compassion for the perps dissappears much like when a nigger is handed a job application.
Jewish products.
Good riddance.
A wigger
There a story to go with this? I need my daily heart attack.
what the flying fuck did he do to bottom right.
probably the father of the baby
Industrial-strength lye.
Jesus H. That's fucking muslim tier.
White women would risk their life for the big black cock. It's more sad for white boys actually.
looks like the kind of trash that posts shit about jesus all day on facebook and takes small breaks to go to arbys or fuck 10 men(most of which are black or mexican) in the trailer next door
Ohhhhh shhhhh I am so fucking triggered !! No not really.. no new news here only old sad meme
Holy shit, it's the same coal burner whore from years ago, and this time she got a mother of two white children killed (and their father put in a coma). Coal burners are the worst people on this planet.
>nigger beats up coalburning girlfriend and causes the half-breed baby to miscarriage
is he, dare I say it, our guy?
Here's the mother-to-be who lost her child, and her ex-boyfriend from 2014.
> home invasion
> mass murders
> assassination
>police don't know if it's random
God damn that dispatcher
I feel bad for the kids
burn the coal, pay the toll
>knowing niggers
Why tho
Disgust or rage I could understand. Sorrow, not so much. Maybe I am sociopath tho...
that is not a tradition anywhere i'm familiar with, sounds like backcountry rubes looking for another excuse to drink and eat hamburgers on a wednesday night
More of a post-GFC dilapidated suburb tradition. And by tradition, I mean literally invented within the last 8 years by the mulatto underclass. But your post is otherwise factual.
It's only a few years old. My son is 2 and we didn't do it. But I've been to a few and they're usually pretty fun for a family friendly party/cookout type thing. And people get pretty creative with how they actually reveal it.
Americans don't operate on logic, rather emotions.
>coming from the post-nation who elected le weed man
>ginger rearranges to nigger
What did they mean by this
This was funny and made me feel better. Selfish spoiled white women being destroyed by dirty hood she-boons.
Really? She is holding her little brother on her lap and still gets attacked.
The only good part of this is that 3 children learned a deep seated fear of niggers without having to suffer a life changing injury or trauma.
Why does it make you feel better? They form their political beliefs with emotions, and their psychology has been weaponized against them. I'm not saying that white women didn't do nothin. But I don't celebrate their enrichment.
Degeneracy that extends far beyond human comprehension.
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.
If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!
1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Sieg Heil....,,
It makes me feel better because it's good to see a woman receiving karma for her misdeeds. No one forced her to choose that path, she chose that path knowing full well that she was doing something unforgivable and despicable. Women like this don't behave like human beings, they behave like animals acting based on instinct. They do not feel compassion towards humans that are hurt by their actions, and they can only seek to please themselves. Thus, they are not deserving of any sympathy whatsoever.
got burger on the brains? reread it
It's probably retaliation because the racemixer put their friend in jail
>t. nigger
I remember someone on /k/ having one of those parties, and the way they revealed it was colored tannerite targets they shot off the back porch.
It's a thing in some places, but where I live it's typical no one knows aside from the parents until they are actually born, because a lot of family will show up in the waiting room, and go get dinner afterwards, or something.
I don't believe in karma and you need to sort yourself out on the female question user. They make emotional decisions, sure. But you're describing sociopaths, not women.
damn even associating with coal burners can get you and your wife killed
Implying women don't behave like sociopaths.
Explain to me why women decide to cheat and move on so quickly from one relationship to the next, user.
If they're filled with emotions, then why is it that men have a harder time moving on from a heartbreak, as multiple studies have found.
Women aren't complete human beings, they are half animals and half human. Most of the time they submit to their animal side, and that's why we have women who fuck and date apes.
That's why we have women who cheat with no remorse.
Now, I ask you this, what emotion is there to be found in women who turn their back on humanity?
Youre generalizing all women. Stop being a NEET loser faggot that gets zero tail, and
>hes still wearing the prison jumpsuit.
Are you proud of your mother? Honest question. Enlighten me.
I'm not generalizing them, I've closely observed all of them. You people need to be redpilled on their behavior.
t. FBI or Antifa
whatever philippes, half your country is trannies.
>But you're describing sociopaths, not women.
Woman has great time dating blacks, and continues to associate. Why should we not blame her? She apparently is the type that has to learn the hard way.
She paid the toll again.
Is that it? Your mother? Is that the source of your support for them?
>Implying women don't behave like sociopaths.
Women certainly can be sociopaths. Manipulation is also something that comes more natural to them.
>Explain to me why women decide to cheat and move on so quickly from one relationship to the next, user.
There are many reasons why women cheat. But there is a biological function behind their partner-changing patterns.
>Now, I ask you this, what emotion is there to be found in women who turn their back on humanity?
I don't know user. You sound very bitter. I used to, for a long while. I had a very bitter phase. Just keep applying yourself to other things user, don't dwell on these feels please, this anger will pass. Don't form your beliefs on it, because they aren't all vapid diseased whores. Read Chateau Heartiste and work on your game, try to find feminine and non-pozzed women.
We were talking about the video of the girl with the kid in her lap getting attacked by Shaniquas, not the coal burner in OP user.
But to answer your question, it wouldn't make much of a difference. I could tell you that I am, or I could tell you that I am not. What's important is how you see ALL the women around you, and whether your question the humanity of those who trespass it.
I hate the way you racists are jumping to conclusions and assuming it's niggers even though there's no evidence that I was!
For all we know it could have been savages beaners.....