>People starving to death, being raped and genocided in Africa every day
>"Yeah, sucks to suck, we can't help them sorry!"
>Girl gets raped in Europe
>People starving to death, being raped and genocided in Africa every day
>"Yeah, sucks to suck, we can't help them sorry!"
>Girl gets raped in Europe
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't care about niggers
Yeah, I don't care what happens in my country either. Who gives a shit about crime? It happens everywhere. I literally don't care if I see my own people getting raped and killed. Who gives a fuck? Like it happens in Africa too.
there was an attempt.jpg
Shit in the toilet is no surprise. Shit on the kitchen counter is a problem.
niggers are not human
>white jeans are precious
>brown jeans arent
fpbp and /thread
If I wake up one morning, and see a turd in the toilet in my bathroom, it's no big deal.
But if I go to the kitchen, and see a turd on the table, that's a problem.
You see Ahmed, one is a white woman and the other is a filthy nigger
>Jewish Policy Makers and NGO board members push for 3rd world shitskins to come to Europe
>Rape European Women
>3rd world shitholes consist of lower IQ individuals who can't progress past the stone age socially regardless of how much technology and foreign aid we give them
don't forget to sage all fields folks
this, but posted by someone who isn't a leaf
Negroids are inferior both spiritually and biologically.
>a fucking leaf
lol fuck non-whites
Why the fuck is it my fault niggers are stealing and raping in Africa? You are a complete retard.
fpbp /thread
Can someone stake these gypsy fucking vampires already?
>Niggers/Muslims genocide and rape in Africa, and it's bad
>Niggers/Muslims genocide and rape in Europe, and it's bad
I fail to see the inconsistency.
They came to our home and fucked with us. Let the sort their own shit out. Sage.
>>People starving to death, being raped and genocided in Africa every day
>>"Yeah, sucks to suck, we can't help them sorry!"
Not our jurisdiction, if they want to live like this it is their concern. We are not imperialist pigs.
>>Girl gets raped in Europe
Very much our jurisdiction. Our country, our rules. Death to foreigners who think otherwise.
What is so hard to understand here?
That's racist, so you only care about white people? Real nice political platform you have there.
NEWS FLASH, every normal person doesn't care about race and doesn't see it as that big of a deal, everyone is human no matter if you think they're inferior or not. Even if you believe that some people are less intelligent than others due to their race, doesn't mean that they need to suffer, it's not their fucking fault..
third post best post
Africans are not human.
Why do people make so many of these tiresome troll threads
Caring for your own kind is normal thing to do.
Why should i care about Africans? They don't care about me either. Humanitarian refugee-transporting billionaires care even less, they created their misery, stealing their money, now they stealing my money.
(n.) rule by the mole people
>every normal person
>muh popularity
popularity doesnt bring you missiles, or productivity, or modern tech or modern medicine or modern anything
so when you factor both quality and quantity, niggers should be wiped out
>muh niggers should exist for some reason!
no, resources on earth are physically limited, and the world would be a better place if the niggers were exterminated, and africa back under colonial rule
better for everyone
Ingroup preference: normal.
Outgroup preference: degeneracy.
gee in both cases its fucking niggers and sand niggers, in one case they don't belong there.
are you a troll?
>Real nice political platform you have there.
Nigger are you retarded? this is an img board
>NEWS FLASH, every normal person doesn't care about race and doesn't see it as that big of a deal,
Explain the BLM movement then
> Even if you believe that some people are less intelligent than others due to their race, doesn't mean that they need to suffer, it's not their fucking fault..
So why is it my duty to take care of them?
>this is most likley bait but w/e (will not reply)
>Let's import an un-assimilatable culture into the civilized world in order to fix problems that those countries refuse to fix for themselves.
>caring about your own
Fucking amazing concept right?
>"hypocracy" is wanting to protect your volk and their females from outside invaders while also at the same time wanting to genocide those same rapacious subhuman imvaders
so, when you learn how to actually spell the word, you can look it up to try to figure out what it actually means
but since you are a nigger, this task will be a herculean feat for you and might as well be NP-complete
fuck off
Are you asking me why I care more about what happens near me than what happens on a separate continent?
Are you mentally challenged?
Fuck me, how to go back in time?
>when there's rhodes . png
Hypocracy runs on hypocrisy by the leftist elite.
Eh just remember my SA brother, If shit does pop off down there. Their is a few of us that aren't just larps that will fly down.
>Explain the BLM movement then
The vast majority of the population doesn't care about BLM and think they are just as bad as white supremacists. Again, most people just don't care about race.
Again, you sound like crazy people who are obsessed with race. It doesn't matter what color you are we all bleed the same
build a fortress
hold out till the nogs starve themselves out
recolonize the place exactly like cecil rhodes did
kick out communist christian churches preaching equality this time, keep shooting the niggers in the face
Wrong. I don't bleed sickle cells.
>People starving to death, being raped and genocided in Africa every day
We offered to help and Africa told us to leave them to their own affairs.
>rape happens in foreign country
Guess that country is a shithole, those people who live there and are responsible for it and should do better at civilization.
>rape happens in my country
This is where I live, this is my home and I'm not going to tolerate people acting like savages in my country, kill them all
Africa can't be helped, and every attempt to help them just causes their population to grow, migrate, and then start genociding and raping people outside of Africa.
Thanks but we're ALL waiting for shit to pop off so that we can go full on race war with the native savages. I wouldn't be surprised if the number of white south africans willing to fight in a race war is around 95%.
shit in a toilet vs shit on the kitchen table tbqh famalam
Yeah BLM doesn't do anything, none cares about them, Yea fake news fake news. Don't worry.
>The vast majority of the population supports BLM
Not a bad idea and the nignogs won't just starve they'll genocide each other. We just have to defend ourselves. Only other problem is the coloreds, not as smart as us but not exactly as savage as negroes. There's about as much of them in SA as us.
How did that happen in Africa? Fighting age male?
>The vast majority of the population supports BLM
fuck off fearmonger
Yea none in america cares about race!
Fake news, fake news, go to sleep now, everything is okay
------------>None sees race, stop fear mongering, nothing is happening, Its all okay I promise, fake news
difference between humans and subhumans is the nuclear program
it is irrelevant how savage or numerous they are because they will always pale in comparison to the nuclear program
just get those nukes back:
foreign world wont be able to fuck with you (example: north korea) and you can just send chemical warheads from the fortress
its literally machetes vs artillery, kinda like dealing with vermin in a garden, humans win even if vermin breeds faster
I want Avril Lavign to drown in my cum
Yeah though it would be a bad idea to blow our resources away. I'd rather just buy weapons and scare them off.
I honestly only care about Europeans. My empathy is very low for other people.
>implying I care about niggers
>implying I care about roasties
>implying I care about anyone but myself
Who here /blackpill/?
reminder that being a hypocrite doesn't make you wrong and pointing our hypocrisy is not an argument
that is like planting crops next to a rat's nest
burn the vermin first