Listen up

Time is running out for all you Nazi Drumpf supporters. My advice to you all is to grow up and move out of your parents basements. Soon Drumpf will be escorted out of the Whitehouse and Obama will serve a third term. Grow up, kiddos.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw that happens

It is coming.

Truck of peace visits gay parade - when?

i actually prefer the fucking nigger dick spamming aussie to you effeminate canadians

go back cnn leaf

Obviously glumphy will be impeached and queen clinton will be president!
>r-r-right guys???

True, true....

me on the right

You watched that after seeing it recommended while watching the black national socialist taxi driver video too aye?

your sons will be Nazi, your daughters will be Nazi, they will have sons and daughters that are Nazi you cannot stop this, you must accept defeat and conform or accept death!


It's in your interest that we don't leave our basements

what weird b8


What about us non-Nazi Trump supporters? Is time running out for us too?

I'm not sure how I feel about "President Pence". He's a little too creepy fundamentalist Jesus freak for my tastes. But he'd be better than that Obama Third Term wet dream of yours.

Hitler, just like Napoleon, was sent by God. You have been fooled. The greatest deception is that they have convinced you that Hitler was the antagonist. No.

You killed the second coming of Christ because you were not ready for it; the European white race, influenced by the Jews, did.


well they're not wrong you know



>my enemies face when I've been concealing my power level this whole time
>it turns out I've been a legendary super Aryan with black hair dye and brown contacts

>mfw a stupid fuck with a Nazi flag hates Islam

You're dumb as fuck. Islam is not the true enemy. Tell me who the enemy is so I know you're not retarded.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

there is nothing wrong with hating islam.
but blaming them for all the problems is.

Islam is a problem, yes, but they are not the source. Conservatards need to remember that.

Day of the rope nears ,brother!

Is this a joke or something i have seen this so much i feel like i missed something

This is the new normal