Classify your doodies Sup Forums
Doodie Thread
Mine are usually 5 - 7 because I have no gall bladder but if I eat perfectly I can swing a 4
3 standard
2 some times
4 like once or twice
7 way more than i would like
I've had a couple Type 7's in my day. Usually require a shower they get so bad.
I cover the whole range except for #1. Wtf is that?
I haven't had a solid shit in three years.
t. alcoholic
1-6 depending mostly on beer consumption.
Whats named after your home city?
A shit-consistency chart is named after my home city.
Are you jealous pol?
Type 6, about an hour after I eat.
Nah, I'm from Detroit so I have it shittier.
Whenever I get 4 it's always green, can someone explain this?
It's all about diet.
That's no excuse, eat more fiber/vegtables
t.also an alcoholic
You might have anemia. A lot of poop is dead blood cells that help give it the brown color.
7 if I consume dairy
Oh, hello non-white.
Type 4 fucking sucks.
There are some times where you're wiping your ass and it's like wiping a permanent marker.
2 is objectively the best dump
Is this the politics board?
9/10 times for me, it's 3
femanon here,
type 1 and 2 regularly
type 4 and 5 after pork sweats
All politics is shit.
I often have stomach cramps after eating literally anything.
Am I dying?
These Native American genes man.
I prefer type 3 so I hold it in a bit when I do have to shit; sometimes going a day or so without shitting and shitting only once a day if sick.
Least favorite is type 7; it's like shitting acid.
I eat tons of fiber.
I'm pretty much always a Type 4.
fives are the funnest
3 or 4. Unless I drink beer then 5.
I take 3 metamucil capsules a day and eat tons of greenleafies (1-2 large containers a week) and plenty of whole beans/lentils and broccoli.
I try to keep under 1500cal day
A six pack = approx 850cal
So don't have much leftover for food.
It's the alcohol not my diet.
Not uncommon, hurts like shit.
Fairly common.
60% of the time.
Fairly common
Burns my ass-cheeks.
Back to the jungle, Gillian McKeith.
I have had all sorts of strange poops in my day. Once after going 10 days without pooping I shat out a highly dense cube which tore my asshole as it came out.