It's not faaaair!

Be Russia.

>Annex a tiny island with the full concent of the people from a meme country

>Restrict faggotry just a little bit.

>Meet and do business with American politicians

>Have some state controlled media, but also completely independent, uncensored or foreign points of view.

>A somewhat defunct political system, but also completely copypasted and cargoculted from the West.

Everyone is fucking pissed at us.

Be China.

>Ban faggotry, porn and other kinds of perversion and degeneracy completely.

>Expand into the vast stretches of ocean while pushing around multiple strong nations and directly infringing on American interests.

>Buy politicians in droves.

>Censor everything

>Refuse western ideological supremacy and reject its values.

Noone blinks the eye and everyone wants to be their friends.

It's our own fault for falling for anticommunism and western values meme, but still.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Palace

>A somewhat defunct political system, but also completely copypasted and cargoculted from the West.

Only in theory as Putinist Russia is an outright dictatorship where political dissidents are tortured, murdered and jailed on fake charges.

>but also completely independent, uncensored or foreign points of view.

Not really. All media is state controlled in Russia now.

Because you don't make everything we use Ivan.

Also your nation is a Multy Kulty shithole.

Also Russia is vastly more corrupt than China.

It's only our subhuman counterparts on the left, anyone with a brain recognizes Russia as a much needed ally in containing Chinese and North Korean aggression.

>Only in theory as Putinist Russia is an outright dictatorship where political dissidents are tortured, murdered and jailed on fake charges.
No, no, that's actually right on the money if they were aiming to emulate Western politics.

>Also your nation is a Multy Kulty shithole.
So is Russia.

Read on torturę in Russia or what happens to opposition in Russia. The West is jew-controlled (like Russia) but police and security service don't outright murder and torture people like Russia. Yeah police is brutal in the USA but they're a joke compared to what russian police is doing on regular basis. Political opponents being outright assasinated is also rare in Europe/USA but not so much rare in the Russian Federation.

Are you retarded? The EU doesn't want to financially support your broke ass like it did Poland's, it wants you to break up, gib Siberia and its resources and give up nukes.

Delusional, but a few years under the Chinese boot will teach you all you you need to know

>Delusional, but a few years under the Chinese boot will teach you all you you need to know.

If you think China is more corrupt than Russia then you are delusional.

China is just smarter about it than Russia.
Russia actually tries to be "le tough opposition" to the West.

Where as China just "does business" and stealthily spreads their influence through that. China has done the same to Russia, almost overnight Putin has handed over large parts of your economy to China because of his anti-Western crusade.

Also, Communism failed because the jews that ran it took all of the wealth and moved into the West. Buying up media, banking, and critical social infrastructure.

Sure thing. Not being able to breathe is just on par with being less corrupt

China has a population 10 times larger than Russia's that's willing to work for $50/month.

>Sure thing. Not being able to breathe is just on par with being less corrupt
Learn English, pollution and corruption are two different things and China is actively fighting with both unlike Russia. China is building a forest city now whereas Russia will soon cut down the entire Taiga because their primitive economy is reliant on oil, gas and wood. Read up on pollution in Russia.

Russia has lower per capita than China now.

Pollution comes from corruption. As does vid related. Behold the magic of Chinese manufacturing

Like who tough?


Not if you cut out the Chinese oligarch class.

No it doesn't russian shill but

Yes it is since they can simply close any organisation or station that is against Kremlin.

what the fuck just happened

Brought to you by the land of styrofoam bridges

China civir engineel nao

Russian jewish oligarchy is much worse. It's funny you even mention oligarchs in a duscussion about Russia.

did they build wiring through other people's fucking homes

Can't wait for the Chinese master race to reign supreme after Russia turns majority Central Asian and USA majority Hispanic

Gotta keep the industry running

Poland I get why your a little sensitive about Russia but it's simply not true what you're saying.

Please focus on showering our president in your pure and innocent love.
That's much more pleasant for us.

>after Russia turns majority Central Asian

Russians are worse subhumans than central asians so that could be an improvement for Russia.


If only it was as progressive as China


The superior Asian intellect

How about the people they poisoned with radioactive polonium?

That's because China actually produces something other than raw materials.

Good lord.

Why waste polonium when a bus will do

that's one way to take off your shirt... I prefer just using my arms but her, innovation is innovation.

but hey*

It's because China has US's balls in its hands and could crush'em at any time.

Trumpstein is jewish and has jewish grandchildren so he is even worse than Putin. Benjamin Kalkstein vel Jarosław Kaczyński is also jewish that's why they're so friendly.
Trump's ancestors were jews called Schusters.

Kremlin passed a law that allow them shut down any organisation they want as "undesirable" so free media don't exist in Russia but you should fuck off to r/the_donald..


National pastime famalam

I thought these fucking asian diaspora had 10-20 IQ points higher than euro caucasians, why do they have this Vlad The Impaler style brutality

wtf is happening in this video? pls respond, I can't tell if I should be disgusted or sad or angry.

>Russia will soon
>very soon
+15 shekels

>Works 70h a week during 30 years for peanuts
>ends slipping in a fucking machine
>meanwhile in the West niggers are on welfare and spend their time raping women / doing drugs
Feel bad for this Chink


Looks at this polish sperg lmao.

because all the retards die from the industrial nightmare that is the chinese manufacturing industry

People? Ore one spy who run to another government? Something he would get the electric chair here?

No fear, communist healthcare is here

Nevermind buddy. Plz kill yourself now.

Those are actually medical maggots.

Pretty much no one cared and the West were not against the Russia. Until Ukrainian war when it crossed all the lines. Probably West shouldn't have let it slide so easily in Georgia.

Supleme engineeling skills

bad case of rice-eye

Pollution proves that they don't care for well-being of their citizens, but that doesn't mean that they don't care for well-being of their state.
Asians has always been like this. Individual is worthless to them.

holy shit that airtime...

You have no idea what you're talking about. Polefags are such a stereotype.


Some unironic torture since no one provided when asked about Russia

Maybe nobody cared in you shit hole. But Germany and the US are getting 24/7 anti Putin propaganda for the last 10 years.

So your just talking out off your ass as usual.

is that supposed to be russians torturing people? since when do russians like armalite?

Nobe, still China

Fuck why this turned into a chinese hate thread again.

Don't we have your back already?

t. chinese

>Nevermind buddy. Plz kill yourself now.
You first r/the_donald scum.

Not even remotely true. Even before the Georgia war our media portrayed Putin as a Bond villain. That's kind of what turned me into a Russiaphile. I started to notice how fakenews the news was regarding Russia, and started looking into it. I realized that the reason the west treated Russia this way was because they were the biggest threat to US hegemony and the neo-con agenda.

>You have no idea what you're talking about. Polefags are such a stereotype.

Yes because proxy shills from Russia say Russia is such a wonderful place.

that image is pretty ironic considering they are just now making shitty ICBMs...

Just bantz

What Alexander III said already?
Russia has 2 allies: its army ant its Navy

This guy looks more like russian but maybe not amerindian enough.

>they are just now making shitty ICBMs...

Well, they make steady progress despite having very limited resources.

>cop: "Excuse me sir, what are you doing?"
>based chink: "Im taking my wife home sir."
>cop: "Ok, proceed."

>meddling with foreign elections while profiting from organized crime and terrorist activity in Ukraine

Ah crap, he forgot this one.

I have some gore in my china folder but i don't feel like posting it
Maybe will make a comfy bread later

They actually killed journalists. Also there was that oil magnate that defied Putin live on tv (cant remember his name). He went straight to prison and his property was stolen.

That fucker had some balls, I'l give him that!

>17 posts by this ID
Why are poles so obsessed with Russia? Every single thread is filled with endless poleposting of the lowest caliber. Take a break Krwzyskyzysc.

HIS fucking property?! Some mafiosi trys to sell out his country and gets jail time? He should have gotten a bullet to his disgusting face.

>muh communism
>based China

It's because Russia is seen as a white country by brainwashed self-hating westerners

Sink the chinks

lol? And you think the other oligarchs that took his possessions are honest folk?

Their average wage is around 500 - 600 bucks. Dont you find it strange that such a great country has this level of living?


Funny part is, the reason khodorkovsky is still breathing is simply that every time he is welcomed by the western politicians, putin gets a rating boost because of how much most people here who know what he did despise him.

i legit think they are not even human

This argument again. Jesus Christ. Of fucking course he's not the only one.
The others just were smart enough to bow to the state. He openly tried to keep the old system up and basically send a hugh fuck you to the Russian people.

Do you have any idea how life was under the rule of those people? I do so don't tell me how things are in a place you never lived in.

In a less hostile manner now.
Do you really trust your media on this topic? Don't you find it weird that for the media Russia is worse then north Korea, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan together?

Seriously. What are the odds here?

fucking insectoids

Finally an explanation for the in my opinion incredible bad move of releasing him.
I can see it working out in Putin's favour.

the fuck's going on there?

I dont watch CNN if thats what you are implying. I google from different sources and see the wiki just like anyone here. Sure some might be equally based, but holy shit!

What? You believe they are not a "de facto" authoritarian regime? We also had "elections" by the time of Salazar too.

Tbh i agree user. I fucking hate the chi-coms

>Be Merkel
>vote against gay marriage

nigga what

Autocratic. If you gonna insult nations, at least do it right.

just a hungry chink

>be Merkel
>don't let a fascist government take over your country

Reagan and the two Bushes were leaders of the free world btw



That's not the point tough.
No it's not the land the free. Probably not going to be comparable to the west in the next decades.

So is 80% of the world! Why this crusade against Russia? What is so much worse about Russia in comparison with more then at least half the planet?

Why is the west so obsessed with Putin? Obsessed to a point were there are more articles about him in the german news then about Merkel?