OF COURSE he would put pineapple on pizza

OF COURSE he would put pineapple on pizza.

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wtf I love Trudeau now

Absolutely degenerate

OMFG this is almost as bad as TWO SCOOPS

wtf i hate pineapple on pizza now

pineapple pizza was invented in southwestern ontario, huh? The more you know...

will someone kill this faggot already

>southwestern ontario

pizza topping rankings:
1) margherita
2) ham and pineapple
3) everything else

pizza base rankings:
1) italian thin crust
2) that's it, nothing else is pizza

you can't refute this


Yes the Hawaiian pizza was invented by leafs. Don't put that shame on actual Hawaiians, we invent disgusting kawaii food instead

Muricans think they own Pizza.
All they fucking do is put cheese in 50 layers on a piece of thick dumbass dough and then some salami.

"Pizza" everyone.
New York Pizza is literally European pizza but with salami.

Why is everything fucking cheese and salami.

And dont you have shredded ham in fucking USA? Only like slices like wht teh fuck.

even more cringeworthy is the fact that he'd reference this shitty forced meme

American cuisine basically boils down to "add cheese"

Pineapple is perfect on pizza, it's delicious, you can't knock it until you try it, pineapple & ham on pizza is my favourite, especially when coated with lashings of creamy mayonnaise, wonderful !

No it wasnt. Hawaii pizza hsa been a thing in Europe for decades.

glorious canadian exports

You might be gay.

Now I'm rustled.

plz no

I agree desu

You might be gay too.

what about map?

Wow something I agree with king leaf about.

man i want sushi now :(

Pineapple is the second best pizza topping behind pepperoni

Brudda you should kill yourself, mahalo

> tfw it's been a first page menu item at Pizzerias across Europe for decades.

>I want sushi
No you don't, it's spam musubi because Samoans are insane

Mayonnaise? Fuck out of here bitch

I had pineapple in my chili today.

the only good pizza is a american-style plain cheese pizza

toppings are only used to make up for shit pizza flavors, if your favorite pizza place can't make a good cheese pizza just trash them and move on

How is liking pineapple gay ? just look at it, if you said liking cucumbers are gay or something, but there's no case to be made for pineapple appreciation being homosexual.


Why would you put something sweet in your pizza?
It just makes no sense to me

The guy who created pineapple pizza died a month ago

Kill yourself

>Mayonnaise? Fuck out of here bitch
And what's wrong with mayonnaise exactly ? creamy white goodness, superb !

Is Pineapple pizza code for a Hawaiian child?

NY Style pepperoni is the king of pizza

Margherita is godly, but ham and pineapple is degenerate. It goes like this

2.4 cheese



Mayonnaise is magnificent ! it's the soothing yin to the pineapple's sweet yan.

Trudeau seems too clueless and incompetent to be a part of Pizzagate.

>southern Ontario creation
according to CUTE journalist Katy Stoll, whom I believe entirely, her grandmother was the first to out pineapple on pizza

So is the reason for why people hate pineapple on pizza is because it's too sweet or the texture?

This. Mayo is pretty much extra fat that you put in your diet. At best, avoid mayo and substitute

I was thinking about trying pineapple pizza just to be a contrarian. Is it any good?

I'm having second thoughts now that I see Trudeau endorsing it. I don't want to be a faggot or anything

This isn't far from the truth. My ex was cheese and Bacos on everything. EVERYTHING.

Awful taste my friend. Margherita pizza is like 3 or 4.


It ruins the taste of a pizza and puts in pineapples and ham instead of sauce and maybe some meat. It's no better then vegetable pizza, which is another disaster.

Anchovies + olives = GOAT

Also Sage


I never understand why someone would want to pick bone shards out of their teeth. Absolutely disgusting. And they taste like utter shit. This HAS to be bait.

Does all pineapple in England look so fucking plastic?

Have you gone to Italy and had one in a small town? It's pretty good

Most people who hate pineapple on pizza haven't tried it.
really activates the old almonds.

The final redpill is lemon slices on pizza. I went to this pizzeria in Utah and that was their specialty, it was actually really good.

nice politics thread btw

You take the bones out and put the fish on. It's even better in pasta with oil and basil and garlic. It's great

I always have pineapple on my pizza. It's become a mandatory topping for me at this point. Cheese and pineapple is heaven.

I have a pineapple and ham pizza in the oven right this moment

only a fucking leaf like him would think hawaiian pizza is a canadian invention

the retard

Pizza slave here. We don't take the bones out. We just slap the whole fish on there. And if you order double we pour the salt juice on the pizza as well. There is no way to remove the bones entirely.

>it's spam musubi
oh ok, i still want sushi though

Still good. Wouldn't mind having to take out bones to have that saltiness

Anchovies at #3? Above pepperoni? You are more of a faggot then trudeau.

Id like

2)Goat cheese & spinach
3) Pineapple&ham
4) 4 Cheese

the rest don't even matter, and don't deserve to be ranked. Sausage is a terrible topping

It's actually not bad at all.
Sweetness pairs well with salt, I prefer ham and pineapple pizza when I'm not going full autism and just getting pepperoni

Notice how most of the shitposts have been made my brits. As we know, british cuisine is a meme.

oi m8 pineapple-eerios on me pizza best shite ever innit m8

you fucking WOULD.

bacon and pineapple on pizza is delicious

>American cheese

I won't let Trudough ruin pizza for me.
Fuck him and the mosque he rode in on.

Shouldnt this asshole be balancing the budget or putting out wild fires or some shit?

the california roll is canadian too. and peanut butter. you're a noflag but I can smell the american insecurity leaking out of your post, lol.

>Sausage is terrible

What the fuck kind of pizza are you having? Dominos? Get that good sausage from the deli and put it on a pizza and have it under the cheese and sauce

>Does all pineapple in England look so fucking plastic?
Pineapple doesn't grow in England, all of our pineapples are imported from America.

Truly barbaric

The only people I've ever met who really love Hawaiian pizza are women and faggots, not even memeing. The order of pizzas are
1. pepperoni
2. margarita
3. everything else

I'll just leave this here

Just put salt on your pizza man. I tried so hard to eat an anchovie without the bones. Still got shards in my teeth for 20 minutes.


>pineapple pizza
>Ontario creation
In America we call that a Hawaiian pizza

this so much, also usually women but just because it's "trendy" nowadays

>this coming from a nation that thinks nachos are food.

>nowhere 'cheese' on the package

are you sure you aren't eating mackerel instead of anchovies my man? I never even notice the bones.

there is a hipster place in ogden UT that unironically makes the GOAT pizza.
Lucky Slice is legendary. And they sell beer.

cool story bro

Those little stringy bonelets. More like hair than bone. That feel ruins my day.

the only thing that is good is margherita with italian thin crust and vegetables
everything else is plebeian taste or amerifat tier

i prefer quattro fromagi, but hawaiian style isn't that bad desu

Looks good but I bet everything in that picture totals like 50 dollars

>this coming from a nation that think bread sandwiches are food

Why are you posting pictures of diarrhea

He's so eager to accommodate everyone, you could probably present a child to him, tell him it would be pedophobic not to have sex, then get him arrested.

>now melts

>"New and improved"

Curiously concerned about the state of the prior product.

Imagine living in an age where you can literally package inedible shit and the masses fork their min wage over for.

Pepperoni is delicious though.

I'm just trying to get this party sharted.

Cheap enough to eat for lunch. Their larges get a bit pricey but not as much as some Chaincucks at full menu price.

what is best pizza to order here

>this coming from a nation that think bread sandwiches are food
Bread sandwiches are a peasant meme from a hundred years ago, I'd never even heard of them until Sup Forums, fish & chips are god tier, especially with a little pineapple on the side.