France is now Nazi Germany.
What happened?
France is now Nazi Germany.
What happened?
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He told them the truth
Africa literally does make too many babies.
nah they need to make a lot because the survivability of infants is high asf
I hope that this inspires Trump to start being more brutally honest about non-whites instead of dancing around the subject and sucking up to them when convenient.
What was said?
Unfortunately people keep sending money and doctors over there, so right now infant mortality isn't as high as it should be to cancel out all the excess babies being produced.
There will be a defection of elites from Globalism as the world gets worse and worse. This is because the smart ones see the writing on the wall, and realize that we are setting ourselves up for tremendous destruction. By the mid 2020s, what is said on pol will become 'mainstream' to many outside of it.
South Africa will be the 'tipping point' where Globalism will become unraveled more quickly.
Telling the truth is ends the honeymoon?
Nah. They will have to be executed en masse before the pain stops.
I want to hate Marcon but some things he has done lately have been pretty based, what is the latest consensus on Sup Forums?
Macaroni got redpilled by Trump
Can you imagine being someone who literally sees what he says - then your first reaction and response is "OMG THAT IS SO FUCKING DUMB"
It's quite disturbing that those people are real. They are real, and they're very, very stupid
He isn't wrong.
And the west keeps saving them...
Those people unironically think Africa does NOT produce too many babies?
Even a (((rothschild))) like Macron admits it.
Wait - the Neo-Lib globalist beloved by Hillary Clinton and the E.U. and Banking elite isn't actually committed to social liberalism and leftist identity politics but only uses them to win votes from dumb fucks so he can continue to bleed nations dry?
Tell me this isn't so!
Next you'll tell me the Paris Accords wouldn't actually save the globe but was just a massive wealth redistribution plan to fund China and African shitholes while corporations peddling green energy skimmed off the top.
It's funny that no one is really saying he's wrong, they're just trained to be outraged.
They are undergoing one of the largest population booms in history. Survivability is not an issue.
I pray to Allah that Marcaroon is a Nazi plant pretending to be a libshit.
A few years ago, the central campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., was facing a problem familiar to the Washington area. An infestation of Africans had pushed the community to the limits of its tolerance. Without natural predators, the africans reproduced until their numbers were limited only by the availability of food.
Gardens were being eaten. Lyme disease was spreading. Collisions with cars threatened human lives. Ecologists warned that the proliferation of africans was probably changing wild habitat enough to place songbirds at risk. Invasive plants began to fill the voids left by excessive grazing. By 2009, Cornell needed to find a solution that would satisfy everyone, including animal rights activists.
Typically, an african boom is dealt with through hunting. Often, sharpshooting riflemen or archers are brought in to bait the animals into zones where shots can safely be taken. Cornell’s administrators took a different approach: They chose to experiment with sterilizing many of the wild africans on campus while allowing periodic hunting on nearby land — and the result was something that nobody anticipated.
While I'm sure he is just trying gain popularity as support for multicultural policies in Western Europe fades, he isn't wrong. Domestically Africa go through many food shortages because niggers are not competent enough to farm, so having more children is going to increase food shortages and create more bodies for disease to spread. As a foreign issue, no country is financially capable of subsidizing the lives of hundreds of thousands to millions of African families who have children at the rate they do.
The best way to help people is to be honest about the issue, get somebody in charge that understands the reality, and help bridge the gap between the current problem and solution. This pretending nothing is wrong except intervention has failed. I don't even know how it became this way in the first place, other than the left used people to exploit the impoverished for their own gain. Even then, why are so many people duped by talking heads instead of actually looking into the issues themselves? Because it's social proof, not compassion. Compassion that requires difficult action is anathema to the typical libtard. Much easier to virtue signal and get the benefits without work. This is why they love social media.
green Peru!
is this fanfic? i like it. post the rest.
told ya so, stupids
>Africa is dumb and pops out too many babies
I don't get this guy's outrage. What part of that is incorrect?
Wtf I love Macron now.
>4,000,000,000 Africans by 2100
>800,000,000 of them heading for probably heading for Europe.
You do not need to be a genius to see that we need to do something, even if that something is building bunkers all along the European coast and blowing up all non authorised shipping.
He's a politician, which means he plays whatever tune he thinks winds the most votes.
Le Pen performed better thanwould have been expected getting as far as she did I the election.
Marcon sees the Overton window move right, so like a politician he moves with it.
Then why in the fuck is their population skyrocketing? Fuck off with this bullshit excuse, someone needs to stop these niggers from breeding and focus on building something instead of perpetuating the endless cycle of gibsmedat.
makes sense
>all these libtards buttblasted Macron was arrogant enough to say that, after spending millions of euros, Africa still can't figure out its shit and keeps crapping out kids they can't take care of.
I wonder, exactly how many millions/billions of dollars african countries think they need to be stable. Seriously, give us the number, we'll write a check, and you figure out how to do this shit.
It doesn't work that way with Africans.
look at the us population boom during the industrial era, it fucking skyrockets. The difference now is doctors n keeps babies not dead
>Le Pen performed better thanwould have been expected getting as far as she did I the election.
This. Many ppl don't understand that although she lost, she got 1 in 4 votes all the ppl who voted. That's yuuuuuge (for Francuke).
That's my point. They will fail and no one will have a fucking excuse.
And what, exactly, is Africa industrializing?
Yet nobody can prove him wrong.
the truth is people are waking up to this globalist agenda, and politicians like macaroni are following suit
Post more best girl
Foreign companies are hauling ass to get to africas resources
Day by day we're finding out Macron is /ourguy/
I love this timeline.
belgian colonization part II when?
Isn't China already doing that
>First thing you're told when going to a park or woods is not to give food the wildlife because they end up dependent on your welfare.
>But somehow doesn't apply to Africans, even when they shit out a dozen kids they can't feed without Western welfare aid.
Macron dindu nuffin.
As they've always been.
So why the increase now? And, why can't Africans figure out a way to benefit from the jobs created by these companies?
I knew someone who grew up in pre/post apartheid Africa, Dutch white, and she would go on about how lazy the Africans were. How they'd come in for their jobs, blow all their money on shit they didn't need, then just go back to their tribes on the outskirts of town because they knew they could live in their tribe for free, and get everything they wanted from the white people.
It's a two way street man, they never did shit to modernize, yet love all of the modern conveniences.
read this
>mfw macaroni played us all. he made us hate him so that the sjws would vote for him but he was actually on our side all along.
We need to execute the fucking jews, and we need to start doing it now.
We need to bomb the bar mitzah's. Kill the breeders before they can breed.
It has to be done, there is no other option left. if you are actively plotting to murder young jews, you are not doing your part to save our race from destruction.
ALL jews must be terminated, with extreme prejudice.
Weren't all the lefties all about this dude a few months ago?
maybe he's a crypto-white who cuckedly married a woman with kids his age to con the masses and (((them))) in to thinking he wasn't the hero we need
>Being this edgelord
Stormfrottage forgot to pay server bill again?
Literally only because he was against Le Pen and her evil band of literal nazis. He's always been a shady guy and not a huge amount was known about either his ideas or policies. They literally just propped him up because he wasn't Le Pen.
Best siren
>so why the increase now?
its not that the population just now started its be a constant growth throughout
> why can't Africans figure out a way to benefit from the jobs created by these companies?
theyre filthy negros, only a cultural change would help
>lefties elect a known racist under the pretense that lefties cannot be racist, only righties are
>racist proceeds to start being racist
>lefties baffled
really makes me think
How is this not the true?
There is a book!
I'm pretty sure you meant "low asf" you stupid shitskin
Anyone have a full transcript in english of what exactly he said?
kek, you right
Was Macron /ourguy/ the whole time?
>Macron for President!
>Macron: Those niggers are stupid and make too many babies
Is the faggotry also one giant-scheme, if so, then he sure is dedicated to his craft.
Maybe Africans aren't wild animals? Maybe they're people just like you and me? Maybe, if their skin was white and they all had blonde hair and blue eyes, you fucking nazis would throw all your money into a patreon account for them faster than the German blitzkrieg?
leaf, you okay..?
>he turns out to be /ourguy/
Things always work out Sup Forums
If they were white and kept having kids when they didn't have the food or money for them, I'd still say fuck them. Don't have fucking kids you can't look after and expect everyone else to give you money for it.
>Maybe Africans aren't wild animals?
You're going to need about 2,000 years of counterexamples
>As a foreign issue, no country is financially capable of subsidizing the lives of hundreds of thousands to millions of African families
Hundreds of millions is what it will be, if it isn't already, user. Hundreds of millions.
He won't he's a basic bitch cuckservative with just a dash of neocon
Was Macros surprisingly a better choice than LaPen?
wtf I love macaroni now
There is a saying by those who deal a lot with wildlife: "A fed bear is a dead bear." It's because, bears start thinking of humans as a source of food when people feed them, and that leads to more bear-human interaction, which can be dangerous for humans.
The same applies to the sub-saharan africans that are moving into Europe. They now associate Europeans with a source of food. In the future, people will just nod in agreement when you say "A fed nigger is a dead nigger."
The bodies will be stacked over this shit.
We'll take your money, we'll take your clothes, we'll rape your women, in dindu wars
Bill Nye: fine people for having too many kids to prevent overpopulation, birth control and abortion for everyone!
Lefties: yaaaas queen
Macron: African women having seven, eight children each is a problem
Love the cognitive dissonance.
You don't train as a classical pianist (his favorite composers are Liszt and Schumann) without gaining a sincere, deeper-than-politics love of white culture. I have some hope.
>actualy brainwashing war is starting
gravel n pipes
I wanted Le Pen to win but how can anyone on the left be suprised by this? Yes he claimed that the huge wave of immigrants trying to come to the EU is inevitable but also said that it should be stopped by setting up preventive measures in Africa to prevent it.
Did any of the lefties who voted for him even listen to anything he said? How fucking dumb are these people?
>You don't train as a classical pianist (his favorite composers are Liszt and Schumann) without gaining a sincere, deeper-than-politics love of white culture. I have some hope.
wtf, I love Macaroni now.
Did you seriously forget YOUR last election?
uhmmm Trump is literally a nazi
Macron said that the problems in Africa are civilizational, and that women having 7-8 children is a huge problem. Leftists then accused him of being racist (his statement supposedly implies that European civilization is superior to African, which it is), and of being misogynistic, because they think he blames women and doesn't just point out the fact that having 8 children per women is unsustainable.
>correcting a typo and personally attacking someone for it
This is what poor people who think they're smart do
>Making a big deal about a correction
>reddit spacing
Fuck off you embarrassing spastic.
Macron finally realized that niggers are retarded
No I wouldn't. Just like I don't give money to aboriginals or any cunt asking me for money to get a train ticket home.
I'll say "I've got time, I'll come with you to the train station"
If they say that they don't want me to, I know they are lying and tell them to fuck off.
Interesting to see the consequences of swinging balls in a land where it is a mortal sin. Could Macron have only done what he needed to, to get where he needed to be?
I eagerly await the RICEing of Africa.
We literally NEED Africans fucking around the clock.
The demand for starving children has never been this high.
wtf i love Macron now!
literally a civnatsoc
temporarily our guy
If you listen to his remarks in their entirety, he isn't saying anything redpilled at all. He basically just says that simply throwing money at Africa won't improve anything, and it has to be coupled with educational and political reforms. Idiot leftists who can only process soundbites take one or two sentences out of context with a knee-jerk accusation of "Muh racism!"
Of course, if you point out what he actually said, they just come back with, "Oh, so it's the white man's burden argument, eh? Muh racism!"