Welcome to Sup Forums Parliament, where the discerning gentleman can play politics with other Sup Forumsacks; harnessing chaos for a brighter tomorrow.
How to Participate:
>Choose a party, create your own, or stand as an Independent
>Choose a name, tag your party, and create a secure tripcode: Sup Forums.org/faq#sectrip
>Your name field should look something like: Name [Party Tag] ##passwordofyourchoosing
>Congratulations! You're ready to go!
tl;dr Rules:
>Tripcodes using any variation of the most popular passwords are not recommended
> After a bill has been proposed there is a minimum of 30 minutes of discussion before voting begins
> All votes should happen in-thread and quote the initial proposal
>Simple legislation requires simple majority; constitutional amendments, and impeachment require super majority
>Try to check in on Sundays for roll call
For New Fags:
>Join any time with a trip code making you an MP
>Fail Roll Call you lose spot but can join again
>Any party can be created or joined unless the party disavows you
Resources: polparliament.wikia.com
Current Rules: Commie Is Censored From actively seeking destruction of Parliament