Really innervates your cerebellum
Really innervates your cerebellum
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Doesn't make any sense
what's wrong with her hands
>what's wrong with her hands
is the nigger calling him a fag?
"White privilege" is what a sheboon screams when she has to be tackled to the ground and arrested because she assaulted a bystander because she was frustrated her press-on nails were the wrong color.
i dont get it
Yes I agree, white priviledge doesn't make any sense
He want's to build civilizations and she wants to take drugs?
I don't understand.. did some racist bees sting the negress?
White privilege is not having comically overlarge hands
i think i'm retarded cause i don't get it
fucking portuguese genes
Empire state, Eiffel tower, fag, islamic moon & star, moon, clown feet, huge hands, come on autists, it's not that hard !
i believe what its trying to say is he has massive feet so he can walk up the eiffal tower and all these tall buildings and shit and she has massive swollen hands and wants to smoke but cant because of her mass gorilla hands. it's still pretty fucking retarded.
oh totally makes sense now
no seriously help me
Niggers only care about smoking and vices but not culture?
Whao I hate wh*the people now
The white man both thinks AND speaks, and has big feet from exploring the world. The black woman just talks big and has big hands from chimping out on people.
So white people wear clown shoes and think about the 6 gorillion who died in the empire state building while claiming to have built the Eiffel Tower meanwhile this black woman knows he is a fag (in the the hiphop sense not the homophobic sense you racist shitlord) and calls him out on it because her people were the original french because they could carry the iron and shit with their big hands
Also new orleans is french and black so fuck you Africans were the first in America too
I think I get it. The big feet hinder the white mans ability to travel and do incredible things while the niggers mongo ape hands hinder her from doing even basic stuff like smoking a cigarette.
I think the guys trying to say that while there are ways in which whites are held back niggers have it far worse and can't do even the most basic shit without severe hindrance.
is it saying whites cant understand aliens from the 3 mooned planet?
The guy has massive feet so he can't walk up the eiffel tower and he thinks its as bad as the fact that negress has massive hands and can't do something as simple as smoking cigarette.
He also think she's overreacting and the fact that she cant smoke cigarettes is actually equaly bad as the fact that he cant walk up the empire state builiding which is higher than the eiffel tower
She called him a posh (too hat) fag (cigarette) after he explaines affinity for France over the good old US of A.
Demonstrating elitist whites are less American than a black woman with hands severely stung by BEEEEES.
White men don't worry about anything and have no problems, they just get by. They literally get everything GIVEN to them.
Black females have to work extra hard, see her thought bubble? That represents education. She has worries beyond her next travel destination.
The white man has big feet because hes a clown. The entire world sees white men as nothing more then clowns.
Whenever I see a "white" "person" I always say my favorite line: "Make me laugh cumskin"
See the black womens big hands? That means she is a hard worker, and nothing is given to her for free. No. She has to take it by force and break glass ceilings.
She rolls fags for a living while he travels around the world.
He's telling her the size of his cock
She replies with the required payment
Fucking virgins
Pierced your sisters buns.
It means (OP) is a fag looking for (You)s