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Stephen King is FAKE NEWS

>Some shitty overrated author said it, so it must be true
Thanks Stephen King. I'll keep note of that when I rewatch The Shining and realize that the only reason it was remotely good was because of Kubrick.

Only Steve King I follow


Ok, here's the idea: A family in Maine has a psychic son and it's actually aliens!


oh shit King droppin them 100s out here

damn he woke af


Did you also know that the cake is a lie?

>I reject your reality and substitute my own!

> t. DRUMPF!!!!!



no no

CNN is fake news

President is the REAL DEAL

Wow, really makes you think.

Trumpanzees on suicide watch

Drumpf is NOT my president

His books are shit. The reviews are fake.

I'm tryna chill but my man keep dropping truth bombs

boom.headshot. pol will never recover.

always tweet this back to him.

>how mirror real eyes not real???
Literally nigger tier for fucks sake tell me it's fake.

Everything is fake
Democracy is just a charade

Oh shit this makes sense.

>Stephen writes fiction
>creates alternative universes in twitter

so says the man with significant brain damage who is intellectually hardly even a shadow of his former self

How can the president be real if your eyes aren't real?

Isn't it Trump that initially memed this into form?

Methinks he's done too much coke and meth.

That bitch makes his wife look under his bed at night, no shit. He is an eloquent hack.

has science gone too far?

>Gotta stop the itching!

When dis nibba gon' realize liberalism is like Randall Flagg?

The fuck wrong with this dude?

He wants to catch her cheating on him

>Fiction writer writes fiction



>The President is Fake

Is this some sort of "how do you know you're not dreaming!?" type scenario?

It's hip to dislike Trump. Republicans did the same thing with Obama.

Then why make her do it?
He literraly does it, because he is scared.

I had a pair similar to those a couple years back. They are comfy.

It's so childish

>nuh uh the President isn't real

While you could say the same thing about Trump, New York Times/CNN etc has had to retract many stories because guess what, they were fucking fake

>Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.


>The fuck wrong with this dude?
king is trying to be relevant just one more time before he dies from alcoholism.

I have lost all respect for Stephen King since the election started. That election really made you re-value a lot of celebrities

daily reminder that stephen king raped and murdered a girl in 1990

>TFW i never liked his books and could barely get through the first Dark Tower book

ah yes because I'm goin to listen to a cucked celeb who is dependent upon the Jew to make a living?

He's scared of the bull

How many underage orgies were written into Harry Potter?

lol fucking nerd sayign drump!!
trickle down!!

do you spew every fagg moron media word they make up like a tape recorder?

call me when this faggot writes ONE decent ending

Your writing skills are fake.

move now u fag!

>the opinion of a sick fuck



Trips of Truth witnessed

It really hurts me that Stephen King is so stupid.
I started reading him in elementary school. I'm nearly 30 now.
I looked past his racism, his narrow minded insistence that all rural areas are full of violent rednecks, even his self obsessed need to include himself in every story.
I can't look past this.
I realize he wouldn't care, and none of you care, it just sucks. He was my favorite author. I'd rather he die than be this much of a faggot.

Dump Drumpf

probably has more to do with his stimulant problem than him being an alcoholic.

Stephen King is a pedophile and played a key part in the assassination of John Lennon.

>The President is fake
>Trump slowly fades away
>Directed by M. Night Shamalyan


It was Stephen King and JD Salinger in the pool hall with the typewriter

t. Stephen "pedo novelist" King

His books are wildly, extremely mediocre

>Breaks his pledge
>Writes books with fictional stories for a living
>Calls others fake

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.”
― Stephen King

>He was my favorite author

know those feels would of been much better if that van had killed him.

Nicholson was great in that too honestly

>i get paid to literally invent stories
>my opinions are valid


God I fucking hate how much of a leftist Cuck he is. He is my favorite author and without a doubt the most influential writer of our times though.

hey where is the socialist country where free house, sex, food?

that has better ppp gpd/cpaita than usa?


nah he was good aother in beginning before all the ghost writiing shit of 90s

Still writing fiction, I see.

I know that feeling and I'm 32. Always enjoyed reading his shitty books. Now he went full retard like almost everyone, why are they doing this to us :DDD

>even his self obsessed need to include himself in every story
Confirmed King reader.

Not far enough.

it's a bit of a meme because shoes work just fine but your body was designed to move without shoes. essentially if you wear no shoes enough you'll get to developing the muscles to support your ankle and move on the balls of your feet. the shitty part of having no shoes though of course is the horribleness of stepping on sharp, pointy thing, slick things, gross things, and so on. so if you wear those weird toe things it's like going about naturally with no shoes, but you protect your feet. t. runner guy who ran his best times in those toe things

>those pitiful calves

Socialist Scandinavian countries have better quality of life than the united burgers of america full of obesity, degeneracy, and stupidity, driven by uncontrolled capitalism. And pic related

I've read them all and you're wrong. He's absolutely god-tier when it comes to portraying "Joe Sixpack" especially when it comes to extraordinary circumstances. Can't write an ending to save his life, but to say he's mediocre is dishonest.
I was kind of thinking along the same lines. Maybe he could finish the Dark Tower series then die shortly afterwards of a heart attack in the absolute best timeline.

not even close
norway sit on oil and they not equal
all owe trillions to usa in defense
and medical tek usa gives below real free market costs

I'm so glad he's my representative. Really warms my heart.

>King participated in a panel discussion on MSNBC on July 18, 2016. A panelist from Esquire magazine suggested that the 2016 convention could be the last in which "old white people would command the Republican Party's attention," to which King responded, "This whole 'old white people' business does get a little tired, Charlie. I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you are talking about? Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?"

He exists to make liberals angry as shit.


I don't give a fuck, those things are great to run in. Especially if it's wet out.

> it wasn't real socialism if it didn't work

reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy made me think

engineering can never go too far

as soon as sexbot women perfected

women extermianted

famous author, master of the written word, and that's the best he came up with?

real fascism hasn't been tried

And Stephen King is a hack writer.

I give Jack Nicholson more credit in making that movie good than Kubrick desu

I have an idea for a book. A businessman is elected president and he sends out right wing death squads to kill those who criticize him on Twitter. Then Hillary Clinton and John Podesta summon the devil to bring them back as zombies. Then the President and his death squads fight zombies in D.C. Clinton and Podesta fail to read the Devil's contract, which states that they will be reincarnated over and over as child sex abuse victims.
Anyone know a publisher?

Anyone else think Stephen King and Stephen Hawking look eerily similar?
Like sometimes Stephen King likes to pretend hes a retarded astrophysicist as one of his alternate personas.



Capitalism has never been tried


Stephen King looks like an autistic Electrical Engineer that listens to progressive rock like King Crimson and smokes weed in his old car with musty shag carpet.

Wrong wrong wrong.
Nicholson plays crazy well. I'll give him that. But the whole point of the Shining was that the house turns a slightly off but relatively normal and hopeful man into a fucking demon.
Granted, Kubrick skipped that part because he's a moron and wanted "demonic child abuser" from start to finish but Nicholson could have saved the movie if he'd just been a good actor instead of a one-trick pony.