I honestly think it's over guys...
I'm black pilled again
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I don't see a way to turn this around. Besides a war I guess.
Reminder to sage and report any off-topic threads.
This is what an extinction level event looks like in the animal kingdom.
No, it's along time before extinction comes, but the threat is there.
How can this not end in all out conflict and how will niggers possibly hope to win that?
We can just EBT if they start getting uppity
Let's just enjoy the nice life of white people while we still can.
War is the only way. White nations are being flooded to take away political power in our governments soon the white vote will mean nothing. Once non whites run shit they will either flat out target whites with taxes or violence. Once whites are actively targeted not the passive aggressive shit you see in the media I mean full south Africa hunting white people then we will rise. Whites have been pacified for 2 or 3 generations with a good standard of living once people start suffering they will get angry. Its just a matter of time....
White people have always been outnumbered but never outgunned......
Let all kinds of niggers take over Europe, stronghold America, within one generarion, the white cucks will live like Boers in South Africa. Then they will regret, no way turn it around
Fuck this, fuck this guy, if a white person called for the death of all blacks and whites starting moving into majority black countries at an alarming rate there would be an uproar with leftist media. Fuck white genocide we must fight back for our people!
As usual, niggers have no long term planning. No whites= no welfare. They can't even farm properly.
its allright. once the niggers take over the infastructure will collapse due to them being unable to maintain it, then a mass starving event will drive them extinct
I always laugh when I see the graph with the population boom in Africa. That's all because of white countries aid money if whites become a minority bye bye money and the population will drop quicker than a nigger at the gallows.
These fucking niggers actually believe the world will magically be a utopia after we're gone.
I really wish I could see the absolute chaos that will actually happen.
I mean shit, put a few thousand of them together and watch as they start shooting each other. It's insane that these guys who always find reason to have "beef" with each other over some "hoes" think they could create a good society.
Just wait for the inevitable Economic Collapse in which they'll be no recovery for.
Prepare now so you don't suffer later.
Matter of time and the war will come blah blah blah. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing ever does happen. We're going to get the shit end of the stick until we're all dead and then society will devolve and maybe be taken over by jews and asians.
Don't worry guys the war is coming right?!?! Every white country will suddenly adopt fascism!!
You underestimate our resolve. As we speak, Israel is being infiltrated by fake jews. Putin has a hand in it. Nazis are creating 'jewish' communities and 'converting' 3rd worlders to judaism and sending them to israel.
Just because you cant defend yourself doesn't mean others cant.
according to this map
arabs, east asians, eskimos, slavs, sub saharan africans, indians, native americans, latinos, polynesian natives and spaniards are all part of the same racial group
t. black pill shill
die slowly for me
no whites = africa reverts to cannibalism
Give it 10 years max there will be a European civil war. We're seeing a rise in right wing terror (zak davis, thomas mair, finsbury park) because our authorities have failed us. Muslims will do one attack too many and they'll be a serious backlash and we'll have IRA style militias, Attacks will become more and more frequent to the point they're daily and the authorities will no longer be able to cope, From there on the armed and police forces will take sides and they'll be a massive civil war between the west and Islam and its enablers
Of course i'm blackpilled. We're being ruled by a shite leaders, our countries are being flooded, women are being raped and NOTHING is stopping this. Jesus christ we're living in a world where the thought of 2 genders is absurd.
fuck israel
>IRA style militias
What are we going to do? Drive by butter knifing?
Slide threads are on the rise and I want to remind oldfags and teach newfags how to recognize the difference between worthwhile threads and slide threads in order to optimize the Sup Forums experience, avoid demoralization, and get the most out of this place for the least time invested.
Categories of threads and their descriptions:
>Something demoralizing happened.
Could be about minorities moving to white areas. Demographic change. A white woman or white women acting against white culture. The list is practically endless. When you read the thread title, just ask yourself: “Is this topic
blatantly demoralizing to white, nationalist interests?”If yes, interact at your own risk. It’s an intentional time sink designed to weaken your resolve and drain you emotionally.
>implying being within the confines of the law is what an IRA militia would be concerned about
They'd steal guns or manufacture them or machete attacks, crossbow attacks or truck attacks not to mention bombs worst comes to worst they could get some cunt in the eye with a butter knife
Get Putin to supply weapons
>lol if you're black pilled you're a shill
Yeah, because we have any reason to hope for the future.
People like always operate on the assumption that any of the culturally and spiritually defeated natives of Europe will ever attempt such things. There's far too much at risk for them to even post honestly online, and it only takes a while of lying to begin to believe it, which is why 98% of people "don't see race" and would rat on anyone who said anything against this.
Worst part is once its gone people will never be able to know how truly great things were at one time. I feel like there is a similar story with the library of alexandria. It was literally the storeroom of knowledge for the ancient world and many long lost histories died there.
It's gone to us as well. We can only imagine, or guess, or pretend, to live as our people used to live. The last century drew a massive line under the native cultures of the various cultures of the European peoples for various reasons. The point is that it is gone now, and that slow formation of centuries is over, because culture is fragile and once it has been dropped it can be observed, but never picked up again.
>culturally and spiritually defeated
What the fuck are you talking about?
It still wasnt even too bad about 20 years ago before the internet took hold.
No people that still have some strength at a moral, cultural, or spiritual level would allow even half of what we have allowed to happen to us. A healthy culture and people don't allow invaders to turn their daughters into prostitutes, then defend those that did the crime.
>b-b-b-but that's just the government, the media, and the police
So? The people if they had any strength would have ignored all this, grabbed their torches and pitchforks and gone to get revenge.
We are already mentally the minority that we will soon be in reality.
It's worse than Alexandria. Those were books. The future population, in this scenario, would lack the biological capacity to understand what we did and why.
Why do niggers act like places like Mexico love them or they are on the same "team?"
We need to start creating allies. The police, military, even Asian countries. (Tell Asia theyll be next!) The more we can get behind our plight the better. And everyone needs to be prepping for an economic collapse. If that happens soon it can be solved without war.
Planet of the apesssss
Anyone here who is legitimately demoralized by this kind of shit needs to gtfo.
One of the few accelerationist positions you should be subscribing to is POC calling for the extermination of white people openly. It's a fucking godsend for white nationalism. Nothing will redpill whites quicker than this.
You're operating on the assumption that many whites don't welcome their own destruction.
They are, in the United States. If you look at the Democrat "coalition," it's mainly blacks + Latinos. They vote overwhelmingly for the same candidates. Latinos in America overwhelmingly support black politicians like Obama over white ones like Romney by a massive margin of 2/3rds or even more.
*pulls out glock*
>Niggers, goodbye.
One white person is worth 100 shit skins so it evens itself out.
All our of our great buldings will become unrecognizable rubble and the hordes will return to primitive life.
Fucking this, for every redpilled person there's like 10 cucked other ones
These shit skinned fucks can make any sort of hateful comments towards whites and everyone will laugh about it. Say one thing about a nigger and the kikes are all over it for "news" purposes.
lol this is where it starts, a way to actually do something, war.
It's never over until every last one of us dies.
It's all well and good posting these, but where is this strength now?
This is good because it makes obvious they want whites gone.
Good redpilling material.
Where it was every time this question was asked throughout the ages.
>Protip: not in you
>13 weaponized space stations in orbit
>no disclosure = no sharing
>alien and nazi space craft
>whole world wants us to "leave"
Do you even white flight from earth?
The true redpill is to abolish the 2nd amendment and let the government go ham on the demographic problem.
But Sup Forums is too short-sighted to realize this.
oh shut up, they are doing our job for us
Whites welcome the destruction of other whites. When the threat is directed at them their survival instincts will kick in. Rich whites and blue state liberals only welcome unmitigated mass immigration because they're not the ones living amongst 3rd worlders.
I'll fight along whites if and when theirs a chimp out against whites.
We outbreed you, it's as simple as that. A black man has no qualms for leaving his family to go start another in just a few months. Whites take better care of their children, giving them better attention and education allowing them to become higher in the ladder of society than the negro. But being on top however does not necessarily mean you are in the best position long term, according to nature we are simply superior because my people have no foresight nor thoughts of what their actions will entail, they simply "Do we want nigga". The only way you could ever survive as a species would be full scale genocide, to purge the negro from the earth with a vice and retribution that Hitler never could have dreamed of. But you are too good for that, too "evolved" not willing to break the rules not even for a moment for even the security of your own people. Nature is a cruel mistress and I for one will miss the contribution of the white man, but your time is coming to end and you refuse to do anything to stop it.
They'll come with much, much greater numbers.
It's going to be quite fun, like a good zombie survival game.
They're fucked once whitey is gone.
I'm honestly convinced that a Jewish/ White elite is planning on creating a mix-race lower caste and reestablish a feudal system.
>niggers think whites being a minority is good
>tfw they don't realize how much worse it will be for them specifically when spics are in the lead
Don't worry gringos. We'll finish the job.
>Seeing a horde of brainless monsters eating your children alive while you desperately pump rifle fire into the group
This wasn't about zombies, by the way. People might not realise it yet, but the future is going to be horrific in ways you can't even imagine. Great waves of niggers slaughtering whites and consuming their flesh after crop yields die out. We've already seen this kind of thing in Africa, but on a smaller scale. Hell will seem like a pleasant future after this.
stop larping cracka
>LARPing like a faggot
This is why niggers are inferior.
Anyone who's black pilled needs to read more samizdat publications from the Soviet Union. It's actually shockingly scary how much it makes sense in our own countries.
>in the long term
stopped reading right there as i imagined countless gunfire perforating your thesis.
>XD whitey wont do nuffin
>just die whitey
if it weren't for jews being white we'd be in trouble
>Things have almost reached rock bottom. A universal spiritual death has already touched us all, and physical death will soon flare up and consume us both and our children—but as before we still smile in a cowardly way and mumble without tounges tied. But what can we do to stop it? We haven't the strength?
>We have been so hopelessly dehumanized that for today's modest ration of food we are willing to abandon all our principles, our souls, and all the efforts of our predecessors and all opportunities for our descendants—but just don't disturb our fragile existence. We lack staunchness, pride and enthusiasm. We don't even fear universal nuclear death, and we don't fear a third world war. We have already taken refuge in the crevices. We just fear acts of civil courage.
>We fear only to lag behind the herd and to take a step alone-and suddenly find ourselves without white bread, without heating gas and without a Moscow registration.
>We have been indoctrinated in political courses, and in just the same way was fostered the idea to live comfortably, and all will be well for the rest of our lives. You can't escape your environment and social conditions. Everyday life defines consciousness. What does it have to do with us? We can't do anything about it?
Jesus what a gay looking nigger
They say they're going to do that in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Everyone Sup Forumsack should read it.
>We outbreed you, it's as simple as that.
That's a dangerous statement, my larping friend. Once more people realize your mentality truly has no difference from locusts, you might be treated as such. Remember what happened to locusts and keep it on the down low for a while longer. You're going to show your cards too soon.
His name is Reginald McGee, no shit
The funny thing is that it will happen in Europe long before it ever gets to the US.
It's like you have no idea why they're importing more brown people everywhere. They ran out of slaves, y'all kill each other too fast. Duh.
Buzzfeed wrote an article about this gay kangz
He also lives in Atlanta, which has a large number of fags
I am no Uncle Tom or a race traitor, I'm merely a man fascinated by man's need to be so much more,to be better than all other species around him, he would kill himself before digging into his base instincts of survival all to stand by his morales. This is why humans will go extinct, all of us eventually, as we are too smart for our own good.
Go ahead talk more.
It's only the beginning of the great race war.
Btw the Chinese and Arabs would happily
exterminate the blacks as well.
White people and Chinese are civilised until they decide not be.
Hitler Mao Stalin Pol Pot the British empire killed 100s of millions.
Alexander the Great crucifying thousands and thousands of afghans and PersiaAn.
Intelligence and adaptability are more important than breeding.
In the future black woman will be forced to be surrogates in prisons for white babies as they wont needed for anything else
They will be labotomised and strapped down
>Havel uses the example of a green grocer who displays in his shop the sign Workers of the world, unite!. Since failure to display the sign could be seen as disloyalty, he displays it and the sign becomes not a symbol of his enthusiasm for the regime, but a symbol of both his submission to it and humiliation by it.
>An individual living within such a system must live a lie, to hide that which he truly believes and desires, and to do that which he must do to be left in peace and to survive.
>"...they must live within a lie. They need not accept the lie. It is enough for them to have accepted their life with it and in it. For by this very fact, individuals confirm the system, fulfill the system, make the system, are the system."
How many such signs do you see displayed daily?
Good, I hope one of those tweets gets up to 100k shares. The fact that non-whites are feeling comfortable enough in white society to openly conspire and admit to desiring our extinction should already be an alarm bell to the white public. The more these shitskins that out themselves the better, because it will wake some stupid white people up to the dangers of a multiethnic society.
>go extinct
speak for yourself troglodyte
I'm not the antagonist here, I just see everything for what it is and have the ability to speak my mind freely because I have darker skin pigmentation.
You won't adapt, you can't. Your own government is against your well being and only interested in ours to not seem bigoted or racist. Europe is a lost cause.
thanks for the tip chaim
Read it and let it sink in, you fascist pieces of dog shit. There are about 60,000 people who would be all too happy to see you pigs disappear from the face of the planet, and that's just who happened to see this Tweet.
How many people do you think browse Sup Forums and take your ideas seriously? Maybe take a moment to reconsider the next time you think about making a "Day of the Rope" post fantasizing about killing all nonwhites/jews/homosexuals/anyone who isn't like you, because if something like that ever did happen it would be the other way around. It would be you virgin anime-obsessed fucks against the wall, looking through teary eyes at the barrel of my AK.
We whites have been through hell and back. We have the spirit, we have the will and we have the drive. We're self sufficient survivors, I'm sure we will somehow pull thru this white genocide. Have some faith bud. Find an 18 year old girl, make her fall madly in love with you and make your way of thinking her way of thinking. Then have 5 kids.
Women don't fall "madly in love" with men, just what those men can provide, and she doesn't need you to get it from you, she can just get the state to force you into it.
Besides, women don't want children with the kind of men that post here, though she will pretend that's true in order to deceive.
You must be one stupid fuck to truly believe this. The white man has conquered the world, and every time nonwhites have tried to destroy him they have been put down. Do not consider his moment of laxity for a death of his strength. How long do you think you can push before he finally snaps? He has before, and when he did he turned two cities to nothing but fire and ash. When the white man chimps out, trust me, you won't do shit.
Let's congregate somewhere half decent and form a ethnostate