9/11 was an inside job
The media really is fake/manipulated
Education has been hijacked and corrupted
Almost everything you are told about everything is a lie
Pornography is engineered in order to manipulate the behavior of the public
Fluoride is neurotoxic
Deep State Killed JFK
USA, EU still supports terrorism
Refugee crisis is to shift voting demographics of European peoples
Greek debt crisis was engineered by the EU to create a vassal state
FYROM is Soros puppet state
Ukraine civil war was started by EU/USA
Putin did nothing wrong
Trump did nothing wrong
Assad did nothing wrong
World elite wants socialist one world government with centralized resource control
2008 global financial crisis was started by Rothschild et al on purpose
Global warming is mostly a scam
Anti-white propaganda in USA is a thing
Bush knew there are no WMD's in Iraq
Zionist mafia really think goyim are inferior and must serve them
Internet/entertainment media designed to keep us dumb
Muh Russia is a DNC-crafted lie
DNC did Seth Rich
Sandy Hook actually probably didn't happen, gun control agitprop
Illuminati is real, globalist supermafia formed from the top echelon of elite banker mafias of all nations
Bilderburger Group is a subset of Illuminati
Global elite blackmail network of luciferians, satanists, pedos, cannibals, many celebrities, leaders and influential people are members
Google is massive supercookie and data analytical company assisting the globalist supermafia
MK ULTRA happened and subsequent programs are ongoing
HAARP was a test platform for electronic thought manipulation en masse

2D waifus aren't good for you

That September 23rd thing is a solid maybe.

Other urls found in this thread:

yea pretty much whats your point

>whats your point

Death to globalism.

and eternal liberty


>2D waifus aren't good for you

You got me until that, you crossed the line motherfucker


>9/11 was an inside job


Well it looks like you have everything figured out. You are obviously much smarter than almost everyone on planet earth so maybe we should make you the leader because there is no way you could be wrong about anything on that list
>Pic related

hey it's not like you effortposted all that shit because you lack arguments of any kind

jeez, relax

Tell me about morgellons, senpai.

is that the genotech chemtrail weapon or the autonomous radio-guided nanobots

I forget


It's the one where people start growing fibers out of their skin that has no relationship to earth materials and don't burn at 500C.

Hitler did nothing wrong. Come on faggot, how could you forget that?

Well if he presented an actual argument instead of making blanket accusations without offering any proof I might feel inclined to respond
I'll show you what I mean
> your mother is an actual whore
> your father would stick his penis in your butt hole every night
> you are part of the pedophile network around the world in you actually might be the boss of the whole thing

See what I mean?
> what we have is someone from Reddit who got here maybe a year ago and has overdosed on red pills
> now he is trying to show his power level not just here but probably irl creating all sorts of havoc in his personal life
> so he comes here as if he is the smartest man in the world because he is a newfag
> I would say that 70% of what he said is possibly accurate but the rest is such an oversimplification peppered with pure conspiratorial nonsense that even trying to have a discussion with him would be like trying to have a discussion with someone on heroin
> too many red pills too fast Will this orient a person to the point that they lose all perspective and will believe anything because they think the other side is 100% pure evil with no complications or nuance involved

CIA pretends it's nanotech robots made in black project labs

it's actually weird stuff they found in Antarctica


It's environmental though.

I had it in Madison, within a month of moving it went away. My fibers were always red (but I never wore red)

Google is the Clinton jew


>See what I mean?
you have sexual issues with your parents, yeah, I got that part

holy shit buddy

and you think your incest fantasies are as credible as JFK being killed by the CIA

like literally compare your own dadmomsex fanfiction to this list

wew that doesn't sound like a personal issue at all


>invade Soviet Union
>don't bring coats
That was a pretty fucking dumb move, especially with the detour he ordered despite his generals telling him he was being fucking dumb.

redpills you forgot:

>9/11 planes were nothing more than CGI on TV and shill fake witnesses spreading disinfo on the ground level

>Earth is flat and motionless, space travel is a hoax

>JFK assassination was a fake hoax, Zapruder film shows a mannequin, Kennedy came back to play the role of Jimmy Carter

>All mass shootings and western terror attacks are fake hoaxes

>Muh six gabshkhillion

>I like how you avoided the actual points I made
>you might feel more comfortable back on the Donald sense your ability to argue a point and present evidence is Reddit tier
>Reddit has ruined this place

that pic takes tactical bunnies to a whole new level

Op, do you really want to turn into this guy?
>gain some perspective or this is your future
>complete and total disconnection from reality

don't forget not getting the japs to help from the east

>complete and total disconnection from reality

People are doing that willingly, why ostracize those that at least question it?

>disconnected from reality

I know you are but what am I?

Well I admit i'm not 100% sure about JFK being a hoax. But I am 100% sure about all the other redpills I dropped. Just because you haven't taken them yet or they "sound crazy" doesn't mean they're not true.

>actual points I made



>see that's just as credible

>reddit reddit reddit
> so he comes here as if he is the smartest man in the world

look at that shit.

it looks like I'm comically misrepresenting you

> so he comes here as if he is the smartest man in the world

to the OP list.

if you had any actual points beyond that mess please articulate them
> too many red pills too fast Will this orient a person to the point that they lose all perspective and will believe anything because they think the other side is 100% pure evil with no complications or nuance involved

what the fuck has this got to do with anything?

the fuck could even BE wrong with you?

stuff like 'media is fake and bought out' and '911 was government' are so basic it hurts.

I'd legit reccomend suicide my man except you're not going anywhere fun

This is what you get when you understand that there is something wrong in this world but you are not intelligent enough to understand what it is.

No, we understand just fine.


Motherfucker I was actually in Brooklyn when the first plane hit the tower. It was pure fucking chaos. I went to the WTC in 1998 when my parents visited. Are you saying the towers never existed? If they did then where did they go? But I'm sure you think I'm a CIA shill or some shit.
>get out of the house
>focus on the Jews because in one way or they other they are behind almost every problem in America today
> listen less to coast to coast and listen more to William Luther pierce, David Irving, Michael Hoffman and throw some Jordan Peterson in to center yourself a little better

>un flag

>focus on the Jews because in one way or they other they are behind almost every problem in America today

I mean if you're not a shill, why not read something before deriding it?

>Illuminati is real, globalist supermafia formed from the top echelon of elite banker mafias of all nations
>Bilderburger Group is a subset of Illuminati

wow that sure sounds like Jews did everything, gas the kikes to me

you fuckwit

Yeah well. You young people lack gumption.
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
Put down the phone games, pick up a newspaper, and get out and vote.
You gotta exercise your rights or you can't complain.

>You gotta exercise your rights or you can't complain.

There is no evidence that 9/11 was an inside job. You don't like the media because all you want to hear are alternative facts. You right-wingers hate education because you don't want people to be woke. The sky is blue. Is that a lie? Pornography is for a quick nut. Fluoride is good for you. JFK was assassinated by a crazy right wing white terrorist. USA and EU support genocide, apartheid and slavery. Refugee crisis is caused by the EU and USA. Greek debt crisis is because of greedy capitalists. FYROM is an arbitrary state with meaningless borders. We should get rid of all borders. Ukraine war is Russian and American imperialism. Putin, Trump and Assad are not gods. Their shit stanks just as bad as the average joe. Without globalism you would be living in mud huts. Socialism is good. 2008 financial crisis was white men with too much testosterone. Rothschilds is just a right wing antisemitic tinfoil conspiracy. Global warming has been proven you fucking idiot. fuck white people. you are right about dubya and iraq war. there is no such thing as zionist mafia. media is designed for entertainment, dummy. russians hacked the election. seth rich never existed. sandy hook was done by a white male terrorist. illuminati is another right wing conspiracy and you have no idea what a satanist is all about so stfu. google is a wonderful search engine that you should be thankful for. mk ultra never happened. haarp is used to monitor weather. you're just mad you don't have a 4d waifu. september 23 thing is another stupid mass hysterical thing.

you dumb.

>Without globalism you would be living in mud huts.

Without debt.

This to me was evidence of mass neutrotoxin brainwashing or something equivalent.

If you see white you have to be mentally unstable to some degree, considering there is a white and black dress RIGHT BEHIND IT. It literally has no ground to be debated.

People thought it was so fun and hilarious and bizarre.

To me this whole ordeal was horrifying, it revealed the extent to which people's perceptions have been warped

>There is no evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

haha you stupid faggot even CNN was forced to cover the 28 pages on the 9/11 attack

you retarded

learn to be responsible and you won't be in debt moron.

Did I ever say the fucking towers never came down you moron?

All I said was there were no planes. It was fucking bombs that brought down the towers. Anyone who claims to have seen planes is a shill, a liar, or simply duped into imagining things. All the footage which purports to show the "planes" show nothing more than a cartoon.

And here's the archive

>theguardian com/us-news/2016/jul/15/911-report-saudi-arabia-28-pages-released
>cnn com/2016/07/15/politics/28-pages-released-full-text/index.html

>To me this whole ordeal was horrifying, it revealed the extent to which people's perceptions have been warped

That was the entire point of it. To see if a global media conglomeration could shift people off of their perception of reality entirely. Turns out they can, with more than half of the population.

My country will stop being in debt if I learn to be responsible?

>That September 23rd thing is a solid maybe.

The Earth is flat


I am still waiting for evidence from that list
> do you have any concrete evidence or even halfway credible circumstantial evidence?

That is one of the points I am making that you are on able to understand I guess so let me spell it out
> simply because you accuse someone or some entities of really evil stuff does it make it real
> offer some proof
> you people that are new to this site because of Reddit are ruining this place because you make the people that are trying to expose provable frauds look like a joke (remember Alex Jones on CNN when he was trying to protect our Second Amendment rights? Remember how he was discredited and turn into a joke when he was asked about 9/11. I doubt it because you were probably in junior high when that happened)

I will repeat you and people like you discredit us by wild and completely on substantiated accusations
>if you know all of these things to be true then it should be no problem to present the actual evidence
> you can't do that because there is none
> you will not recognize this fact because you are too high on confirmation bias

Stick to the basics
> The Democratic Party and much of the American government is corrupt
> The Jews control all of our media, our education and are actively trying to destroy American culture through immigration and media conditioning
> Black and brown people commit more crime and are not as intelligent because of genetics

Do you see, those things are provable. It is easy to look up and document. You need to lurk more because you and people like you have ruined this site and are continuing to ruin this site. You and people like you discredit the people on here and other places that have been trying to expose the truth for years.
If you can't prove it then find the proof or don't make the accusation

Bruh I became a super soldier thanks to MKultra

careful with what you read on the net.
Heaps of stuff gets twisted.
Not everyone has altruistic motives.
Much of your stuff is at least partially correct, but has been twisted.
The rabbit hole is deep, but don't take any wrong turns, you end up in the wrong place.

911. Not an inside job, just super crappy intelligence sharing. hence freedom act.
Further - Mossad had taps and heard chatter something big was happening, alerted a local HVI, so a high profile local didn't show up at the last minute. Couldn't share otherwise ops could be compromised. - So not Jews

The towers were structurally damaged.
in a city of fkn heaps of million, NYC couldnt allow the buildings to collapse sideways and cause more carnage. (see diagonal structural damage to large rectangle.)
Buildings got pulled for safety, only after core structure showed serious signs of damage.
(so not Jet fuel, but greater good mantra)

Just as a semi detailed example.

Your government doesn't hate you, sometimes however ugly truths are masked to preserve a quality existence.

Don't be like pic related.

I'll just leave this here

Where is the proof?
Looks like cartoons to me

>Your government doesn't hate you, sometimes however ugly truths are masked to preserve a quality existence.

Depends on the person, for some of us, our government truly does hate us (based on fear, as it always is)

Correct, but extra ironic coming from the only country to be cucked enough to actually feature the globe ON THEIR FLAG

>I will repeat you and people like you discredit us by wild and completely on substantiated accusations

are you really trying to combo "WAAAH THINK OF OUR PR!!!" with "9/11 wasn't a conspiracy"?

this entire post is a long whine about PROOFS but you ignore articles on the 28 pages and archives of the declassified text

you're a terrible shill with maximum effort for zero gain

pick one

>911. Not an inside job, just super crappy intelligence sharing

there was an air force exercise simulating a passenger plane hijack the literal hour of the attack

this confused the pilots into not responding in time for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY

wow huge coicidence, or else the criminal masterminds who trained to fly on civvie rent-a-planes cracked the highest tier of military intelligence

>Chapter 1, footnote 116 of the 9/11 Commission Report:

> "On 9/11, NORAD was scheduled to conduct a military exercise, Vigilant Guardian, which postulated a bomber attack from the former Soviet Union. We investigated whether military preparations for the large-scale exercise compromised the military's response to the real-world terrorist attack on 9/11. According to General Eberhart, "it took about 30 seconds" to make the adjustment to the real-world situation. Ralph Eberhart testimony, June 17, 2004. We found that the response was, if anything, expedited by the increased number of staff at the sectors and at NORAD because of the scheduled exercise. See Robert Marr interview (Jan. 23, 2004)."

trips of truth

what the fuck did I just read

You are worse than anyone on this board. I won't take the time to explain because I can't even tell if this is bait anymore but I will just mention that Lee Harvey all's Wald was a communist who moved to Russia there is documented evidence from newspapers and video news reports of him handing out procommunist literature on the streets of New Orleans. Before he shot JFK he also shot at a right wing judge in his home. The forensics match and it is a very simple thing to understand. If you do not know these things about Lee Harvey Oswald you are truly a retarded idiot.
>8/10 for making me respond

whats this movie? is it worth to watch?

once you're done digesting the OP, try the advanced redpills

not even memery, only truth

I agree with all but 911. However it was allowed to happen and ((they )) knew about it and allowed it to happen

You forgot
>everything you read on the internet is true

>>If you see white you have to be mentally unstable to some degree
such as?
I see white but many brainwashed people I know saw blue

There will be blood
>it is well worth the watch

>>JFK assassination was a fake hoax, Zapruder film shows a mannequin, Kennedy came back to play the role of Jimmy Carter
Others are true and well known but what is this?

>Internet/entertainment media designed to keep us dumb
Is thats why they keep Esports small? Because this actually benefits thinking processes?

fucking kek'd out loud to this lolbertarians are the best

yea that is a bretty gud movie

I admit i'm not 100% sure about this one, more so 50/50

It really makes much more sense as a classic psyop then a straight up assassination

Especially when you consider Kennedy was i most respects a good goy and pushed moon landing propaganda, etc '

I fucking hate the Jews.

shitposting at it's finest


10/10 bait

Can you explain why my post is bait?



Fuck globalists.

>Deep State Killed JFK

Faked, like Lincoln. Nobody died.

Makes sense, thanks.

And Communism.

>oh shit someone call the department of redundancy department

>faked, like Lincoln

I've already taken the Kennedy Hoaxpill but got a sauce or any more info for Lincoln?

Trump's election was an outside job.

an exercise is a great way of providing cover for protection.

remember, this was all prior to the Prism/5 eyes/Snowden leaks.
US and other nations were very hesitant to show their hand when it came to intelligence gathering (legality, morality, security)
so war game was brought on board.

Remember the freakouts when ISIS said "all you need is an iphone and a knife"
"Trucks of Terror"

Now imagine saying -
"Heads up America, i think we gonna get attacked by our own planes, but not sure which one, probably today, tomorrow or next week. Just a heads up!"
Business would grind to a halt, people would freak, literally terror in the streets.

And then it happened.
owing to lack of intelligence sharing, wires got crossed a little and it took a bit to realize that the wargame was going 'hot'

The guys manning the radar and comms don't have Ultra top secret clearance.
They didn't know the background.
Only when top brass spoke did it all 'click'

Hence only one of the planes was shot down.
Pennsylvania field. - Lots of quiet chats out there.
One in particular comes to mind, where a service man called his family in tears during the attack, and if i remember correctly said:
"Don't believe what they tell you about what happens next, we had to just shoot that other plane down. It was the hardest thing i've ever done in my life."

After they realized about plane 2 in NYC, it was waaay too late. couldn't shoot it down and risk damaging a further section of the city, public outcry with the visual of US MIL shooting a passenger plane down.

Its not a super clear cut report. Lots of classified data had to be withheld from the report, and parallel construction occurred. hence some things appear distorted; Because they are.

and to you.
With added ignorance.

>public outcry with the visual of US MIL shooting a passenger plane down.

The irony, is that there would have been no public outcry.

They bet on the wrong horses.

>Greek debt crisis was engineered by the EU to create a vassal state

Greece was already a vassal state

> World elite wants socialist one world government with centralized resource control

Technocratic world government not socialist world government, the rich and the elites will have their mega corporations and luxary while the pelbians will live in mega city one tier welfare and 90% unemployement

> Bilderburger Group is a subset of Illuminati

there is no such thing the original illuminati were a group of revolutionary republican fedora lolberts

Too true.

Agreed with you on all except the September 23 bullshit. These dates mean nothing. Sometimes they like to be cute and do false flags on these days, sometimes they don't. Its just random. The September thing sounds like its deliberately preparing us for some misleading bs too.

But then again, they wouldn't have access to every single civilian like they do now, if it hadn't happened the way that it did.

Hey, asshole, my niece's daughter died in... oh, wait sorry, wrong false flag.

They had that long before.
Data gathering is not a new phenomena,
TELEGRAMS used to be intercepted at the border.

Technology changes, methods stay the same.

Putting the right data together is the important bit.
Think of computer learning/AI doing the data analysis though.
Beats a bloke requesting files and drawing red lines on a corkboard.

Back then it was very digital collection, human analysis. Thats starting to change as tech catches up.

>They had that long before.

Not like they do now. But, same as ever, they're limited by what they're able to see (this can be easily misled by an individual who knows the game)