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Why should I? My human mind was just unable to comprehend the plans of the almighty god king Jupiter incarnate.

Only if he closes the European borders.

Apologize for what? He's still an open borders faggot.

If this board becomes pro-Macron simply because he finally manages to say a couple of things that make sense I will literally delete my Sup Forums account.


Only a radical centrist can understand his plans but I'll try to explain it in a simple way since I am one, too smart for this world. Macaroni is slowly telling people about the truth so they will realize the danger of open borders thinking it was themselves who realized it. After this Macaroni has the people behind him and can close the borders, send the illegal refugees out of his country and focus on his people.

A very cautious sorry. I want to see more.

>Radical Centrists were alt-right nazis all along

who knew that the rise of true centrism can be so powerful, damn....

He's still got a lot to prove.

only if he keeps it up ... and goes further.

My language comprehension skills are not good. What is being said in this image?

That boat full of economic migrant MEN needs to get turned the fuck around.

a pro-West woman

>hates niggers and immigrants
>imperial ambitions
>probably secretly hates capitalism
>still pro-eu (i.e. great spaces)
my god how could I not see? Macron was nazbol all along.......

What did he do?

Told niggers to stop having babies and that France will never be multicultural.

>"National Bolshevism is often anti-capitalist in tone, and sympathetic towards certain forms of socialism"

Macaron is extremely PRO capitalist


No, (You) apologize.
Fuck that son of a bitch.

Every once in a while Obama or Merkel would act tough for a second and try to toss the right a little throwaway headline. If he closes the borders, I will listen to whatever he's saying. Not apologizing about anything until.

Sorry mate, you know it was justified though

For those not in the know



>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoff
>Meme magic is real

Who are these fags?

Are they related to the Cat Lady in NYC?