>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
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>Uneducated rednecks don't see the value of education
More news at 11
Colleges today are infecting people with autism on levels never before thought possible.
maybe if so many college professors didn't indoctrinate young people into an opposing political ideology, they wouldn't be so mad.
Colleges don't have a monopoly on knowledge.
>education = intelligence!
>ignoring the fact that information is free global and open now days
>implying learning a Marxist education is good
>be this deep in damage control
Selling overpriced degrees in specialties that have little chance at success and driving kids billions of dollars into debt (collectively) IS NOT HELPING.
No no colleges are bad but safespace pol is good though!
Please explain one career that cannot be learned via Apprenticeship and that the ONLY way to learn said career is via a college education.
Hard mode: You cannot assume (as you always will) that no one will hire without a degree.
But they are bad
Education isn't in itself bad but our universities are terrible leftist indoctrination centers
Republicans have to keep their sheeple retarded so they keep voting Republican.
>degree in memeiology
>1000000 dollars in debt
>shitty job paying maybe 80k if lucky
Nice meme college is
(((College))) is fucking cancer, trade schools will be the future of education in this nation
its not colleges that are bad, its the current culture in the colleges.
it is bad if they seek to brainwash students into an ideology rather than teaching them how to think and be critical of all things. They generally teach them to be critical of the old ways (white conservatism) rather than all ways
it is. it creates a bunch of dunning kruger idiots who think they are the hot shit while lacking every humility.
in my opinion the best trick of the jews so far. the illusion of smartness makes people very sheeplike
Wait aren't they?
In their current state, much like the current state of journalism, yes, yes it is.
Colleges have become more bad than good, yes.
It's dumb to think institutions can never, EVER be bad.
do you own a computer? have you heard of youtube? its not just concervatives, even liberals think colleges are out of control
>see thousands of videos showing how insane colleges have become
It's crippling young people with debt, and most of them just end up in food service afterwards.
conservatives have always been anti-intellectual. They want to keep the people good and stupid so they're easy to control. I mean just look at the "no child left behind" act. It literally took funding away from schools that were doing poorly, in other words it did exactly the opposite of what the bill's title implies.
Just shut up you faggot leaf
Obviously. Communism is bad for the US. It's been bad or absolutely every nation that tired it, so that's not even worth arguing.
And colleges are communist indoctrination camps.
I bet your educated ass is begging for $15hr too. Go learn a skill or suffer with your debt and woman studies degree.
The future of the human race depends entirely on the quality of our intersectional feminism majors.
>30 years old
>high school diploma
>"school is kike shit"
okay nigger
>need to get ridiculous student loans
>spend time constantly being indoctrinated by cultural marxists
>a woman/PoC/LGBTWTFBBQ will take your place anyway because muh diversity
Marxists have taken over and turned what should be an open forum of higher thought, into an echo chamber of Marxism.
don't be rude
Enjoy being governed by the uneducated.
>meanwhile at harvard
"We condemn in unequivocal terms these racist claims as unfit for Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard University as a whole. Granting permission for such a dissertation to be published debases all of our degrees and hurts the University’s reputation … Even if such claims had merit, the Kennedy School cannot ethically stand by this dissertation whose end result can only be furthering discrimination under the guise of academic discourse."
Medicine like the other guy said, as well as law and engineering.
Well considering the sort of nonsense you get taught in college courses that aren't STEM (and even that they managed to get their grubby little hands into by now), they are absolutely right. The actual problem however is that everybody gets told they could and shouls go to college, instead of learning a trade.
I have a stem ma from top10 uni, abduhl. but your exact reaction shows what I described in full swing.
scary how all lessons of western philosophy are forgotten just like that.
yeah, my first comment in hindsight was really just semantics
Right now they are. And I'm college educated.
>liberal arts and political science
It's because a large number of proffessors are globalist SJWs who are operating under Frankfurt School directives to brainwash the youth; and many are actual Marxists. They literally advocate white genocide, and some of them are leftist terrorists like Bikelock.
The solution is community colleges and trade schools which tend to be more nationalist. Fuck the proffesariat.
It's true since academia hadn't given another Einstein or Newton. Fuck Jews for ruining humanity.
Watching you faggots collapse under the debt of your own Marxist studies degree while you're still making my coffee at 40 is all the validation I need.
It depends. Colleges and universities once would educated young people and make them great thinkers or at the very least capable of living life in the world unlike the whiny trigger babies that seem to trundle out of the schools nowadays.
Sort yourself out, bucko. Education is about the individual crafting his or her best mental qualities- youtube.com
All those can be learned through apprenticeships and have been throughout human history up until about the mid 20th century
Honestly the GOP should split. I realize it will never happen but I think it would be better.
The poor, redneck uneducated religious retards should have their own party.
The portion of the Republican party made up of educated well off people is the part that is worth saving
Its fake.
With a few exceptions, colleges are no longer intellectual institutions. They're training camps for political activists.
Law, most sciences, some (not most) engineering, things that require an advanced knowledge of physics
90% of jobs don't require that level of education though
I'm sitting in a college classroom right now and I couldn't agree more. They're indoctrination chambers.
They are. It's where most Americans lose connection with their past and become agents of cultural Marxism.
>Liberal colleges that teach nothing but identity politics
>hey little 18 year old come here and get a useless degree and it will only cost you $100,000 upfront (shh don't worry you'll learn what interest means when you're old enough)
>you'll get to listen to propaganda from certified "Professors" who failed in their field of study in the real world, so they came back here to teach you!
>And when you're done, you'll have lots of minimum wage job opportunities like Best Buy or if you're lucky an unpaid internship writing marketing tweets for some company.
>And when you're working for minimum wage, remember what we taught you: This is the Conservatives fault, not ours.
Almost like a lot of Republicans grew up during a time where they watched colleges becoming a means of organizing treasonous activities and brain washing children to accept Marxism.
Online colleges are the way forward. It cuts-out a lot of the leftist/SJW peer pressure; and you can often just read texts instead of listening to some kike professor's spin on everything.
The globalist/leftist establishment will soon come to hate online colleges for the same reason that they hate independent journalism. Screencap this.
I went to college and took like 5 classes pertinent to my major and like 15 mandatory liberal arts electives
So yeah it's kinda bullshit, go to trade school kids.
In college I learned "fuck off faggot."
The humanities, law schools, social sciences, economics are a zoo.
STEM departments also becoming a zoo, as the commies in university admin forcing post modern neo marxism (SJW) on every living being they can out their dirty hands on.
Literally the only college professor I ever had that talked politics other than to a very limited degree my ethics professor who's most controversial opinion was that you should listen to every side of an argument and try to be a good person was a statistics professor that constantly went on and on about how liberals don't understand economics.
Certain fields naturally attract certain kinds of people and as a consequence professors for those fields tend to match the disposition of people in the field in general.
BUT SO DO THE STUDENTS! A theater professor isn't going to turn a student liberal any more than they're going to turn them gay. If anything outliers are going to be convinced of a particular ideology by their peer groups. You are your friends.
>Law enforcement
If you don't blindly believe and follow these you're an uneducated redneck racist bigot.
Educated =/= Intelligence
A degenerate white liberal with a masters degree in gender studies is educated, but he's not smarter than a plumber or mechanic
Take your pills, leaf
>plumber or mechanic
Yeah no. Liberal jobs like writing and art require actual intelligence and critical thinking
I'm not sure how it works in The West (I bet it similar), but there's overinflation of education.
You need fucking masters degree to work at McDonalds.
Colleges aren't neccessarily bad per se, but amount of people that graduate from them compared to other fields is worrysome. This also creates problem of lessening standards of colleges.
I've seen people more qualified for jobs that instead of going to university went straight to the job. 5 years expirience performing job is way more valuable than any degree.
That's because the next generation doesn't need to be educated before working at a factory.
Considering the vast majority are churning out ultra liberal sjw retards with degrees in gender studies which have no real world value, yes, they are bad.
>according to liberals, this requires intelligence
They didn't have the plethora of drugs, pharmaceuticals and procedures that we have developed and still are today. We've come further in medical advancement in the last 200 years then we have in the entire of human history. Hence why it's necessary to have a college education for medicine.
Memeology would set you up for government service in the USA which would allow you to get forgiveness on that loan.
And 80k is a decent starting salary in the USA converting AUD to USD.
Take your pills
I dunno man.
>puts people in debt
>doesn't educate people
>communist indoctrination
t. 2 bachelor's degrees earned on full scholarship
We fear what we cannot understand
That's why right wingers have such an irrational hatred for modern art, they are too retarded to wrap their skulls around concepts more complicated than what they see on Fox news.
You Dems sure spend a lot of time whining about Fox News and assuming everyone you don't like is a network fan.
Why do you fear the Fox News Network?
>Buzzfeed blogs = intelligence and critical thinking.
>writing and art require
Yeah no. Engeneering jobs require actual intelligence and analytical thinking.
They used to be good.
Keyphrase: used to
>liberals will defend this
>TFW true dough hates the poorly educated
Wow that's not very progressive Justin
>Engeneering jobs require actual intelligence
Engineering is at least a white collar job unlike mechanics and plumbers, so I have more respect for them.
That said I don't see much value in being a human calculator, which is pretty much what these math-related graduates are. Engineers will be outmoded by computers which can design perfect structures and do huge calculations in microseconds.
However, computers can never replace writers and artists because you can't program creativity. That is why they are superior jobs.
>What was the question in the poll?
>Who was sampled?
>What was the selection process?
>How was the survey conducted?
Details you baiting faggot, what are the details?
>Republicans think that overpriced leftist indoctrination centers that give you useless meme degrees are bad for the nation
WEW LAD, this is big stuff!
Colleges are supposed to be in the business of preserving culture, not destroying it. They deserve to lose federal funding until they return to teaching actual fucking subjects instead of neo-marxist hogwash.
>children having fun is bad
Right wing retard logic
Please tell me what a College education gets you nowadays besides 4 more years to act as a manchild?
kek you are just showing your ignorance. every time you "create" something it is based in creativity. indeed creativity makes solving hard problems so much simpler. if you think that there is a big difference in an artist, musician, engineer or a mathematician then you are an idiot.
You are literally retarded. Who are you quoting? You are projecting your own beleifs on there. Dont get me wrong. Colleges as they are now, do not edicate, and there ought to be reform, but in no way did that democlap imply or insinuate intelligence is the same as education.
>Colleges are bad
Yes. That's true.
What's the controversy?
Take your adderall, wahoo
You have to look more closely
>#2 abandoned hipsterism and is staying active
>there is literally nothing wrong with #5
>#6 is saving a shitton on product and got some sun
>#8 is pulling the shit off that sarong
>#9 is getting a jump on the post hipster punk movement and is likely a creative visionary
>#11 gave up drinking and bitches and acquired currency and a sweet beard
>#12 and #13 are also saving money on product
>Enter college to get abused. "America is evil!" "White folks are evil!" "Men are evil!"
>Spend hundreds of thousands, get degree in being annoying.
>Spend rest of life in debt.
Huffpo bitches about how Mr. and Mrs. America have caught onto the scam.
Constantly pandering to the lowest common denominator only hurts us all.