Not that it come to anyones surprise, but Swedens 19 year old singer, Zara Larsson, is dating a 17 year old black guy
In this video she says she hates men, but in reality she just hates white men
Not that it come to anyones surprise, but Swedens 19 year old singer, Zara Larsson, is dating a 17 year old black guy
In this video she says she hates men, but in reality she just hates white men
Other urls found in this thread:
She said on swedish-norwegian talk show Skalan that men "Can't accept women are the providers" so ofc. It's a nigger
agreed, i love when white and black mix, it truly is a beautiful sight
What a beautiful couple, they are truly a representation of modern Sweden. Racist Denmark is just jealous because they doesn't have a famous couple like this
Sweden always win, especially against Danes. Fuck Denmark and Norway, Sweden is the only relevant country in Scandinavia
>when you forget which cross flag belongs to who
Hahahaha her white ex-boyfriend cheated on her.... so she dates a nigger. Typical edgy rebound relationship.
White women are the same world over.
alpha widowed!
(that boy is octaroon?)
Swedes are niggers. Its no race mixing.
Why aren't you out there dating her user?
Jewish press is celebrating this more than anyone, surprise surprise eh.
Is he white? Looks like a quadroon.
I was thinking the same. Maybe a bad pic?
>getting cheated on by a cuck
hope the guy realizes he is just a rebound and she is using him to get back at her ex
Apparently some african admixture somewhere. He cheated on her with one of these two(pic related)
And they swedish broads look good, shit. Tranny alert.
>proceeds to date violent nignog
Feminism really is an intellectual cancer.
I think he straight up cuckquean'd her with these two
>ywn have two blondes known as a pair come at your dick with the intent of cuckolding your girlfriend who is a pop star princess and one of their friends (whom she would never suspect)
Also her parents are for sure cucks
>"Both my parents are very educated when it comes to social issues and beingwokeabout what's going on in the world, and they've been very supportive of me having a voice"
fucking nigger lovers
How does it feel knowing your a fucking slut of the jew. Your not even a whore. A Whore gets paid.
You; You are just a fucking little slut.
of the jews.
Looks like he dodged a bullet by cheating on her. One who dates a nigger is bound to cheat on you anyways if you're not a nigger.
Lol jesus christ good catch
>there's no shills they said
when she gets murdered it might redpill a few swedish girls on dating non white guys so i don't see this as a bad thing desu.
hopefully now that they can choose their flags the sweedes can catch a break.
What kind of a negative cesspool does her mind inhabit? Also lol nigger head-swaying back and forth.
Hope you are shitposting Sven
The thing is, although everyone blames women because a lot of the fault is on them, nobody realizes that men are also to blame. Most men will cheat on a girl if they had the chance and most guys aren't mature. Not talking about people on Sup Forums since despite memes i think Sup Forumsfags do have a sense of valor, just guys in your daily life.
is it just as gross if the guy is a half coon
Literally who?
Good God they're ugly
what if he is only 10% coon is that still gross?
Who even is this?
Is it another liberal Stockholm e-celeb?
Ayy lmao. Look at all these jelly faggots. You white cuck bois can't compete with us. Your women crave us. Stay mad.
yeah and this
there's a girl i like but she's sucked off a half nigger and i'm not sure if i should still like her or not
it was like ten years ago when she was 15 so does nigger loving ever expire
Literally nobody is surprised.
The funny part is that all the people celebrating this are tokenizing the guy into some kind of blow against white people. That's the part I don't get. Why do the ooga booga's not realize the white women are using them as props?
Oh well. Dumb feminist does what dumb feminist does. Stay tuned for the next "unpredictable" turn of events as she decides she's actually lesbian. And then actually trans. And then.. well who knows maybe dog fucking is the next step.
Honestly, what you're into is largely genetic. So it never expires imo.
dating black is the new clickbait.
She should have gone for a really ugly nigger like kylie jenner did, that's what gets views, this guy is actually good looking so the animalistic aspect is reduced hence less clickbait potential.
another thing is i would be fine with banging a half black girl but it still grosses me out knowing a girl would do the same thing
Come on, that is not real
>Why do the ooga booga's not realize
>implying niggers think
White wonen love blacks and poos because they are the only race still thirsty enough to fall for their "I'm a princess" meme and will become willing cuckslaves to them.
That's why the female media promotes this. They feel "empowered" by being around lesser races that are naturally inclined to become slaves. Femtard women hate whites and asians because they can smell the shit on them and won't put up with it.
was she in a relationship with the guy?
did she brag bout sucking the D?
sucking D is something all girls do when they are in a relationship, is part of healthy sex life.
I would have no problem with it.
but if she bragged bout it, or any other aspect of her sex life with the guy, I would not get involved with her romantically
Nice try
no, she never brought it up until i specifically asked her about it
she wasn't in a relationship with him, but it seems like the only time she's done anything outside of a relationship like that, she seems pretty ashamed about it
Under Islam the abeeds would be in chains, this is why you need us white man.
Totally gonna happen when this guy cheats on her too, be prepared for full blown Katy Perry JUST haircut in this girls future
she said she was drunk too so maybe it's alcohol-inspired nigger loving
If you can't get over it then I'd recommend finding another girl. What's the point in dating someone who grosses you out?
>that nigger sass (neck back, eyes down, lips together)
hate that shit
it only grosses me out if i think about it, if it was more recent or a full blooded one i might be more grossed out, it's within a zone where i could possibly ignore it but idk if i should
not sure if arab "blonde" or tranny
If she only brought it up when you asked and wasnt overtly proud or anything, then honestly its not worth stressing over
up to you m8, I would have nothing to do with a girl that had sex outside of a committed relationship.
If you aren't sure then don't date her imo.
If my son lost a nigger I wouldn't beat him that hard.
She's getting prepared for "blanda upp" part 2
That's a Jew.
what's wrong with their faces?
>dating a 17 year old black guy
Where and what is that guy? In the picture is only a nigger.
Could it be that niggers and poos are a kind of fetish to these women in majority white nations on account of them being a sort of rarity
Rarity? They are literally everywhere.