Dixie Thread


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I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that Yankee soldier
And kill that Yankee soldier
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that Yankee soldier


No Dixie thread is complete without Richard Levi Ethridge, my fourth great grandfather.

Oh damn, I remember you, mate. A real pleasure to hear you remember your heritage. Cheers to Richard Levi Ethridge!

Cheers, brother!

>russian federation flag
>american traitors yay!
>samefagging yay!

many such cases! sad!



rise again when?

Behead those who insult Ethridge

Been listening to this every single day for weeks.

Should have done it a century or so ago, Cletus. It's a little late now.

>you will never wake up on a cool misty southern fall morning on your plantation and drink mint julip all day on your deck

cant wait for yanks to get in here lol


texas born and raised

family in the deep south for 250+ years

Dixie boys and Russians have a lot in common, although maybe not as much as those from North Idaho do.

>ywn have this strength of community and tradition

south Louisiana reporting


If the South succeeds in the future would the niggers be our slaves again or would we kick them out/genocide them?



The South is mostly niggers

>proceeds to lose the war

The shittiest part of europe makes a thread about the shittiest part of rhe US. Fucking pottery.

Kill yourselves faggots.

There goes the faggot ruski starting the dixie thread. Gotta ask, are you a united statian abroad?

Central Texas reporting in.

Muh bluebonnets
Muh longhorns
Muh Shinerbock
Fuck Austin except for the bbq
Muh Lockhart bbq as well
Muh lost pines
Muh hill country
Fuck spics
Fuck yanks
Muh swimming holes



It's sad as fuck to see Southern Americans calling other Americans "yanks". It's like when you see some wigger calling another white person "white boy". Top delusion.

From a small town in E TX whose racial makeup is around 40% darkies, I sorta agree. It's not >50% niggers, it's just a disturbingly disproportional amount of niggers when you figure they're 13% of the entire US population.

Go away yank, don't you have some jewish and nigger cock to suck?

moms side is cajun / french . (337) here, you a boot child too?


The niggers are down South my fellow Yank. See

nah but quarter cajun. st martinville

Threadly reminder that Dixie was massively funded by the Rothschild family and a host of other kikes

Furthermore, had they won, today Dixie would be a South Africa tier country with whites having been driven to the north after slavery and segregation was ended




>Implying slavery would have ended.

nice, my gf was born in Catahoula. Not much to do over there though

yankees are worse than kikes

Where's the fourth panel showing where they lost the war?

How can we free Dixie from the modern cult/heresy of Christian Zionism? It barely existed before the 1980's, then it somehow got a stranglehold over the SBC and other church organizations. How best to bring this sad chapter in the south's religious history to a close?

Great, im back to my Confederacy phase.


Proof? Didn't they always work both sides anyway?

South Carolinian here. A toast to the men who fought and died for the South.
>I heard your teeth chatter from the cold outside
>Saw the bullets open up the wounds in your side
>I saw the young boys as they began to fall
>You had tears in your eyes 'cause you couldn't help at all
>But you fought all the way Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb
>You fought all the way Johnny Reb

>Be from Portland, OR
>Be blue eyed anglo
>Raised around socialist lesbian transexual interracials doing degenerate shit just for the sake of it
>My two best friends have lesbian moms and are fucked up people now because dykes shouldnt be raising boys
>Date two women, both are white and blonde with blue eyes
>They become brainwashed liberals who either want to have black tranny threesomes or not have sex at all because of "overpopulation" in the world despite obvious white genocide
>Go to college
>Date a beautiful green-eyed Texan and fuck it up because I would rather smoke dope with my dumb friends than get baptized and married and get a damn job
>Currently dating a chubby Mexican
>Find Sup Forums and realize my son will probably be a 5'6" manlet with brown eyes and shit skin
>Realize the folly in my ways
>Can't go to the south because everyone will smell the gluten-free bread on me and take one look at my skinny ass and lynch me and call me a carpetbagger
>Literally spend my days getting drunk, listening to bluegrass and crying jelly tears
>TFW all I want is to move south, find a church, find a job and a non-degenerate wife

I'm technically not a yankee, am I welcome as long as I abhor my home city?

I just want nice things.

Kek i already posted that, cheers.


Sorry! Here's another about the Irish Confederates during the siege of New Orleans.

Hey now, don't mock brown eyes if you want to move into the South. The great Confederate hero Robert E Lee himself was brown-eyed.

you are worst yankee. you are the yankee idiot you are the yankee smell. return to new england. to our pennsylvania cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,west virginia we will never forgeve you. hillbilly rascal FUck but fuck asshole yankee stink union kansas shmansas..battle of fredericksburg best day of my life. take a bath of dead yankee..ahahahahahBOSTON WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget john wilkes booth.fords theater we kill the king , dc return to your precious maryland….hahahahaha idiot yankee and catholic smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE CHOWDER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. south carolina+virginia+texas+georgia=kill union…you will war of northern aggression/ dale earnhardt alive in dixie, earnhardt racing cars in dixie . fast driver earnhardt dixie. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of dale earnhardt… you are ppoor stink yankee… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a crab shack

dale earnhardt alive numbr one #1 in dixie ….fuck the north ,..FUCKk ashol yankees no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. earnhardt aliv and real strong wizard kill all the yankee farm aminal with car magic now we the south rise again .kenya presidant barak obama fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and union wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. confederacy greattst countrey

Move to Medford.

LSU reporting in

I go visit the cannons that fired on sumter every morning before class to remind me of greatness.

What is your degree in?

>confederate guns
>remind me of greatness
>lost the war

>honorable leader acknowledging he has been bested, instead of getting thousands of young men killed in vein he surrenders in honor

pick another one pls


one of the most brilliant and devout man to ever step foot on the American Continent.

>be me
>grow up near Henrico County, Virginia
>Be Sons of Confederate Veteransfag
>used to attend reenactments all over the state when I lived there
>realize the Diary of Anne Frank was published on the exact same day the Seven Days Battles (mainly took place in and around Henrico County just outside Richmond) with began in 1862
>Robert E. Lee successfully repulsed McClellan's advance on Richmond and gave chase, but was stopped at Glendale and Malvern Hill and thus were unable to prevent the Army of Potomac from retreating back across the James River
>one of several missed opportunities for Lee to destroy the Union Army in open battle and win the war
>Union victory in the American Civil War marked the beginning of increasingly aggressive U.S. expansionism that ultimately culminated in the World Wars and the rise of the Superpowers
>rise of the Soviet Union, the Nazis, and the human tragedy that followed is in part the blowback of American meddling in the First World War
>if the Army of Northern Virginia had broken through at Malvern Hill and destroyed McClellan's forces while they were still trapped on the banks of the James, Lee would've been free to move against Washington and could've forced Lincoln to sue for peace
>realize the entire tragic chain of events over the course of 83 years that led to the World Wars, the rise of the Nazis, the Holocaust, and Anne Frank's death could've been prevented at least partially or in their entirety
>Anne could've been a happy housewife and mother, enjoying a peaceful life in Amsterdam, if only Lee's plans had been properly coordinated and executed in the last days of June, 1862

My God... We failed her.

Oh yeah and where's NBF at? Haven't seen him in a while.

Im from Uptown New Orleans. My childhood friend has a couple thousand acres of sugar cane and a couple field workers, still.

God Bless.

see Oh my look at that captcha. Seems fitting for a basketball american such as yourself

lmao he was killed by friendly fire like a typical retard

Went to school at Georgia Tech - had to pass the marker for the Confederate trench lines every day on the way to class - it was pretty sobering to say the least.

Daily reminder that the confed won the war, and the ancestors of the other fucking side got pissed, invented time travel, went back, killed stonewall, sent the wrong battle plans, pissed in rations, infected medical supplies and fucked it all up because they love being cunts.

sorry federal scum, some of us stand up for what we believe in. No matter how hard we may get knocked down.

Its agreed on both sides that he was ahead of his time tactically.

I was a better American than you ever hoped to be.

The fuck you even on about?

I dont know the story. Did he survive the war?

>rural part of America with little to no heavy industry
>still fuck up the Feds for FOUR YEARS

It is greatness anyway you look at it, everyone though the North was gonna curbstomp the south, yet the South ended up invading the North. Very appropriate song.


*defeats you and preserves the union*

time to go back to your cropper shanties stump jumpers

I'm guessing you've never gone hunting at night Yankee?

>both sides
there is only one side and he lost

>After four years of arduous service marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled >to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources.
>I need not tell the survivors of so many hard fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to the >result from no distrust of them.
>But feeling that valour and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that must have attended the >continuance of the contest, I have determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to >their countrymen.
>By the terms of the agreement, officers and men can return to their homes and remain until exchanged. You will take with you the >satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully performed, and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to >you his blessing and protection.
>With an unceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your Country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and >generous consideration for myself, I bid you an affectionate farewell.

He's a yank. He doesn't go outside unless it's to the interracial yoga club and vegan soy yogurt bar.

Okay but you still lost the war.

>dark eyes

Okay but they still lost the war.

I never rode into the advanced line of a neighboring formation like a pleb and died to be honest

Galveston reporting in.

You're both Yankees if you live in the USA, stop LARPing you sad cucks.

austin is about 1000 times gayer than anything in indiana faggot
>muh south is still based
go lick the nigger semen out of your mother quarter nigger


>Its four white horses to carry my coffin
its four white horses to walk by my side
Four white horses, black plumes and red roses
Birds singing sweetly as we move along

Beat the drums and play the pipes only
Play up the dead march as we go along
and bring me to Richmond and lay me down easy
I am a young Cavalier with God on my side

Its fucking haunting


>ywn die in a cavalry charge

Turn off your VPN faggot. Show us your cuck flag.

still sucks to lose though.

*ambushes your isolated cavalry detachment that moved ahead of the main force against orders*

Everytime I meet a Cheyenne, I make sure to thank them for killing that son of a bitch.

>Confederate sympathizers are forced to write songs about how badly the rebels got BTFO and killed


I'm not on a VPN, and nothing that I said in that post was untrue.


WTF I love Macedonia now.
How can one Yugoslav be so based when all the Yanks are butthurt about a war they won.

Yankee refers to Northerners you dumb faggot.

There is no such thing as a Southern Yankee and there never will be.

lmao talk about salty, southcucks literally will suck feathernigger cock for doing what they were incapable of

>muh southern cavalry
*literally loses to lakelanders*

why is there so many Slav Dixieboos
>including myself

I'm from Wisconsin. Ancestors from both parents were in the iron brigade. I dig states rights though. Can I join?

ayy i was born in Metairie

Forrest was a military genius 80 years ahead of his time. The Confederacy was overwhelmed by larger numbers and a larger industrial base, not because they were worse soldiers. Southerners fought a war in their own land, while greatly outnumbered,while nearly starving most of the time, and relying on captured supplies. We still almost won.

Probably because his country has actual experienced the actual danger of war in his lifetime.

When was the last time Northerners outside of those in the military experienced the terror and danger of battle? 1864.

>be Yank
>win a war
>be butthurt about it 150 years later
Why? We just like our culture. We don't have anything to prove, why do you feel like you do.