Coalburning Jewess edition
What happened?
>Mystery caramel person posts picture of him pointing a gun at a police officer
>Sup Forums responds by mass contacting the police
>Police are aware
Old thread
Coalburning Jewess edition
What happened?
>Mystery caramel person posts picture of him pointing a gun at a police officer
>Sup Forums responds by mass contacting the police
>Police are aware
Old thread
Other urls found in this thread:
This young adult is obviously incapable of any wrong doings, and I'm upset at the suggestion otherwise.
His candor and demeanor are directly disproportional to any concepts or accusations of culpability.
He was en route to a local religious service as he is devoutly spiritual in nature and complies with all of the tenets of his religions practices.
He was enrolled in a local occupational education course and was developing skills to assist him in the workforce.
We should probably allocate more financial resources and federal grant monies and invest them in some sort of extra curricular activities that would benefit young adults such as this.
It's not even him on OP pic, eh?
The pic is clearly real. Do not fall for the shills and niggers in this thread claiming otherwise
Google wouldn't even go in.
It's a different chick from the comments section on his post
Darian is a male nigger name.
Lansing, MI confirmed
Her account has millions of selfies of herself tho. She looks Jewish in my opinion
>dindu nuffings
>systemic racism
>on his way to da synagogue
>he at university
>need mo' money fo' dem programs
yep kike confirmed
you are correct, i guess it is also a female name...
If that's the Darian Ryan from Ionia, MI I use to fugg, she's Lebanese-Italian.
>Charlie Oscar Victor Foxtrot Echo Foxtrot Echo
you funny fuck
Look at what I found on his FB comments.
>Aron Xavier Y'all niggas always talkin bout y'all will pull up on anybody but won't pull up in Waverly park rn cappin ass niggas
they'll do nothing because of his David's stars on his profile.
Someone translate please
She looks very Ashkenazi and has enough knowledge about the religion to dispel any doubts
Someone post a link to his kike book..
I want to join in on the fun before he makes his account private!
Not the same grill I used to fugg.
Who wants to bet the niggers are shitting their pants.....
They don't fear blacks, they fear "das racsis whitey". yung.litto.litto
Something like: you're always bragging about yourselves but you're afraid to come to Waverly Park right now because I am there and I am armed.
sorry if my ebonics isn't perfect, I've been living as far as possible from them for a while now
Nice.....let's do this.
I don't think most of these hoodrat niggers realize how fucked they would be if a white guy with an AR-15 who had been to the range a few times started shooting up their street.
>True Religion Apparel Inc.
Checked. And here's the archive
>Cocoa butter.
Nigger confirmed.
Harford community college recently had a school shooting.
And there he is pointing a gun at a cop inside of the school.
He said his address was this
>3950 Hartford Rd. Waverly Park Apartments
>Y'all niggas always talkin bout y'all will pull up on anybody but won't pull up in Waverly park rn cappin ass niggas
What was exactly being said in the latter quote, I think he's saying shit talkers are too scared to come into Waverly Park apartments because he'll shoot them.
one day user... one day...
This manly looking black woman just casually bullying an innocent ultra Orthodox Jew just going about his daily business on ghetto Facebook
Whats with all the focus on this Jewish girl? I thought we were after the thug that was pointing the gun at the cop.
you really don't let anything pass
also checked
>You all seem to make fanciful claims about your prowess and confrontational abilities, yet seem to shy away from actually demonstrating those abilities in a region close to my location. I therefore question your original claim.
That WILL start the next civil war.
>mfw the only thing stopping an user from going to waste this piece of shit is not wanting to go to prison
Nobody is afraid of this faggot. The police are literally the only reason he's alive.
yeah that's pretty much the translation
It's already night here, and gf wanna fugg, so
Based on pictures from fb of him and his friends (posted in previous thread) i want user to look at streets roughly in this area.
one thing leads to others, let the herd look all over the place.
lol, they got to the nigger area and just said "fuck it, niggers don't use this shit anyways"
These people would be crying for the police as soon as something happens. Lansing niggers are very wannabe Detroit thugs, and even Detroit thugs back down when confronted with force.
>You antisemitic Schwarze will be hearing from my lawyer!
SHIA 2.0
Perfect translation.
Nice work, we'll take over from here.
Good night user. Good thing Sup Forums doesn't sleep, we have anons all around the world 24/7
Twice now on his FB, Waverly Park apartments have been referenced as their residence.
In the future it may be a good idea to call Google racist because their maps don't go through ghettos.
Looks more like the work of diversionary shills knowing Sup Forums can't resist fugging with a Jewish slut.
Could just be that it's technically a private drive.
I just found it funny.
I think it is very likely to be the right adress, but better confirm Russiabro's work before we unleash hell on that address
Just trying to keep people safe.
Implying people waited. Lol
We Sup Forumsice now?
>tfw one step closer to rightwing death squads
well then, post results pls, share the lulz
Well done dude
>Good thing Sup Forums doesn't sleep, we have anons all around the world 24/7
We're the Empire on which the sun never sets.
>I don't think most of these hoodrat niggers realize how fucked they would be if a white guy with an AR-15 who had been to the range a few times started shooting up their street.
Let alone a truck full of white guys with AR-15s and range-time.
What's his school?
Is there any reason why we aren't sending them emails with screencaps of his profile and him pointing a gun at a cop INSIDE the school?
a lot of google maps do go through ghettos Sup Forums used to have threads where we'd explore them
Oh no, under my orthodox Jew account and on her page I wrote a scathing criticism of the Jewess' decision to date a goy and she linked that savage black lady into the convo. I'm about to get roasted harder than 1939
My sister's house in West Bloomfield is technically a private drive neighborhood. Cops don't patrol it unless requested in by a resident for a crime.
Google Maps don't have street view there.
I just spent an hour looking through fagbook page hoping to find this room.
No luck yet but I will keep digging.
Finding this room is key to prosecution.
Looks like he has another faceberg profile:
on the other hand, black apartment compexes are the scariest places on earth
Fucking forgot my pic.
check the school where his homie was from, the one that died. the probably went to the same school.
Why do WE need to find the room? If you send the school a picture of someone with what appears to be a gun pointed at a cop inside their school, they'll recognize the room themselves.
They would obviously know their building better than we do, and for all we know there are no pictures of this room on their website.
the safety off?
>hiding her hooknose with a snapchat filter
you just have to outjew them, use your training
Some nigger is threatening to fight me :(
I mean Why would he be wearing a community college shirt from maryland in his most recent photo unless he is enrolled there?
what, are they gonna come to the uk and beat up up?
Trick it into showing up somewhere lol
I'll see if I can organise a fight somewhere. Ultra Orthodox Jew VS Negro, who will win?
But does this makes sense? Harford is in Maryland, the thug is in Michigan. That's no really close-by and I doubt he went there.
goodwill shirt
Did you narrate that what white people hear" rap battle YouT"ube vid?
You can see it better on this one:
It says Harford Basketball. I'm looking through pictures from Harford Athletics. We have to consider that it's just a donated shirt he got from some thrift shop.
kek that was my very first thought
>Coalburning Jewess
Shit fuck they exist!
bong user i will help you out
i think i found a motive as to why the subject is wearing that particular shirt.
Don't worry I'll fight for the glory of the Jewish woman
You're the guy from the video!
it's the new fad user
Jon Horford is an NBA player from Lansing, MI and U of M.
Also guys, you can use the Harford community college website to view their facilities from the inside, in slide-shows. I am currently sifting through to attempt to identify the particular room in the image.
Shirt is a dead end. It's from Al Horford basketball camp.
are you niggers retarded or shills?
who the fuck cares about this nigger, we want justice for seth rich
Check this out:
All of his closest friends, are all minors and have fire arms.....
Holy shit.... Sup Forums.....we've hit the jackpot.
We can take them all down.
Send gun picture to local news