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Do you guys ironically watch Youtubers, is it just a meme, or is this board actually infested with 15 year olds?

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You ever get bored and don't wanna play a game or shitpost?

Watch youtube.

The absolute state of nu/pol/

Yes, they unironically would rather listen to what some 20 year old girls take on world events then Patrick Buchanan or Charles Murray. You're on a political form with a bunch of people discussing "politics" who couldn't name you any of their elected representatives.


Hi Washington Post

I'm 27 and pewdipie is hngggg
I watch him everyday

hey pewds

I like Techmoan and Black Pidgeon Speaks.

Not trying to shill here. If you think I am, ignore my post.
I honestly think Youtube made me grow up a bit. I used to watch TV most days, and it was usually sports, cartoon network, natgeo, syfy, and adult swim. I hated my life. When I started getting interested in Youtube I ditched tv completely. I just watch history and music related stuff. maybe a meme-tier video every now and then. I don't even play video games as much anymore, maybe a few hours every week and that's only online with my friends when they want to. I'm 23 and I thought I'd be watching cartoons and playing games all day until I was 45. Aside from this I'm an electrician and I'm in a local soccer and rugby club in my area, so don't think I just watch internet videos all day either

literally never heard of them.How old are you? I'm seriously asking. Not trying to be condescending, I genuinely want to know. What happened to books and academic lectures/speeches?


YouTube is understandable when you consider the people doing it are trying to make money via views. That puts them in direct competition with channels like CNN and Fox Jews, which is alright in my book.

Having said that, most people on YouTube are fucking retarded.

yeah but that doesn't make sense for a bunch of virgins

Youtube is the future.
Why watch fake news, sports ball or jewish films when you can enjoy literally any kind of video made by regular people?

yes, I watch academics like Jordan Peterson, who actually understand what they are talking about. Not e-celeb manchildren and "based trannies"

Yeah, probably better that we act like adults and watch hollywood movies and the MSM.

You don't like pewds? How bluepilled are you?

Jordan Peterson is a liberal. You're judging people by their educational background instead of what they say?

>my only options are CNN and Pewdipie

go away gramps

Sup Forums masturbates to Lauren Southern videos and fantasizes about licking her feet

>listening to the other side is bad

I don't give a shit if he is a liberal. I judge people entirely by what they say and do.


Well lock me up and throw away the key

I recently 'discovered' techmoan and he's pretty cringey in certain aspects, such as his music taste. The videos are about things I really enjoy though.

>I judge people entirely by what they say and do.
It doesn't seem that way. You mentioned him being an "academic" like it matters.

because it fucking does

I only watch
>Stefan Molyneux
>Jordan Peterson

All redpilled.

Do you really have to ask? It's painfully obvious it's the latter. People here don't even know what KEK or Kekistan even are or truly mean.

>he doesn't watch cody's lab
sort yourself out

I'm 24 and only use youtube for music or instructional videos when I need to do something like work on my truck. I have zero interest in these "personalities" and am only exposed to them here.


literally whos

We run Youtube now faggot. We're the internet Cosa Nostra.

you passed the test, you can stay. and bonus points for not falling for the mechanic jew


Not in this education system it doesn't.

Ethan and Hila are literal jew centrists.
idubbbz is an aimless edgelord (not a completely bad thing).
Filthy frank is basically the same as idubbbz.
Styx is repugnant in appearance. He is the last person that I'd want to associate with if I saw him in real life.
Peterson is pretty cool
Molymeme is all right.
Nothing bad about vsauce.

Pewdiepie is a Child RAPIST! REEEE!

This board is infested with teenagers. It's the new Sup Forums

>some of the most well known YouTube creators on Sup Forums

I'm the same age as Felix, and yes.

>Ethan and Hila are literal jew centrists.
Not really... They are always BTFO SJWs. Fuck, look at Ethan's new meme of REEEEing in his podcast like the SJWs in the Hugh Mungus

They are Sup Forums-tier.

>I am too young to be here

it's a meme

Report all eceleb threads.



>Do you guys ironically watch Youtubers?

Are Varg and Apollonian Germ considered "youtubers"? If so, yes.

Also, fixed.

Who doesn't miss classic Sup Forums

So they BTFO communists. That doesn't prevent them from being average liberals. They're simply going after low hanging fruit. Sure, they're better than Buzzfeed, but they're still normie-tier when it comes to ideology. Nothing bad about that. I welcome their perspectives.

Your mom is a 15 year old

Ther is an antifa discord that sits around plotting ways to fuck over the right and disupt Sup Forums

They target 'influencers' so shitty ecelebs we dont care about anyway

The more you lurk the more you learn

YouTube is a pedophile ring.


OP probably watches the electric Jew. Only the finest propaganda will do.

There might be 15 years old but there are also adult men here who get attached to ecelebs because they lacked a fatherly or motherly figure to teach them who to get emotionally attached to, and how.

I watch




most political related channels are absolute shit, like how full of himself sargon is, its disgusting. And he is one of the "Better" ones. HarmfulOpinions was the only one ever good that talked about politics really.

opposed to what, netflix?

Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend! Enjoy your stay! I guarantee that you will find our board more accommodating than t_d!

>implying I wouldn't do that if she wasn't just some ig whore

My politics have never decided what my dick does.

Obvious CIA shill trying to get your video history for cross referencing. Don't fall for it.

I can name them all. also this The legacy media needs to discredit the rising new media stars, they need your eyes to have any hope of programming you. You have to be a nigger if you can't see that terms "e-celeb" are designed to keep us hooked to the approved information streams.

>most political related channels are absolute shit
>muh kekistani flag

Politics is too boring for you, 2004- born Jimmy?
You haven't really searched for good politcs channels, have you?

I'm not talking about Youtube in general. I'm talking about meme Youtubers who "BTFO commies" for shekels

ive been to Sup Forums since 2k6. fuck off scrub.

>Politics is too boring for you, 2004- born Jimmy?

no, just most youtubers are conceited losers. i talk about politics with certain people regularly.

>You haven't really searched for good politcs channels, have you?

I havent REALLY searched, but ive searched a little. give me one that is as good as harmfulopinions was (inb4 blackpidgeonspeaks)

You cannot be older than 16. I don't buy it for a fucking second.

I watch youtube, but only High quality content
>Cody's Lab
>Fascistball IV
>Murdoch Murdoch
>Tyrant Fashister

>implying we know who the fuck these faggots are

go read something

"If immigration isso great then why is my home (Sweden) such a crime ridden hellhole?"

What did pewdiepie mean by this?

Does all the java code I write that brings in the $$ count?

what about the books I read? do they count?

fuck off, loser.

>imma a le coder

no one cares. how much do you bench, faggot?

name the last book you read and the one you are currently reading

I'll give you some that are better:

Millennial Woes (ex-degenerate,but good content)
>ThuleanPerspective (some bullshit here and there, but pretty good in general)
>Morrakiu (and all of his backup channels)
>Apollonian Germ
>Scott Roberts (pretty much the most redpilled guy on youtube)
>Aaron Kasparov
>Australian Realist
>Libertarian Realist
>The Greastest Story Never Told
>The Alternative Hypothesis
>ReturnofPmtmr (he's a bit crazy, but his content is pretty good in general)
>Pale Hominid

I could go on forever.


This is the average Sup Forumsfag.

to be honest:


is literally a kike and has made videos about the shoah
>flithy frank


28 year old attorney here.

I watch Pewds because he's legitimately funny.

>listen to 20+ year old girl Talking about politics

any male who does this needs to be rounded up and shot
women should stay the fuck out of politics
there is a reason why why couldn't vote for so long.


>no one cares. how much do you bench, faggot?

i dont know, its been a while. a little more than my weight. I dont really care too much as this is irrelevant.

>name the last book you read and the one you are currently reading

I am currently reading Foundation, and before that I read Stranger in a Strange Land

now why should I defend myself to a fucking nobody?

Been on Sup Forums since 2007
Was on newgrounds in their heyday
Have been watching youtube garbage for years even now still
Youtube poop seemed like the funniest shit when I was 14 but now I realize it was nothing but literal shit
Reddit is and awlways was and will be cancer
Tumblr is for feminists and twigboy and faggots only
Every other social media is notice garbage and should be purged during WW3

Hello nu/pol/

those are actually new names to me.
ill check some out.

An e-celeb who's job is to "roast" other e-celebs.

>being physically fit is meaningless
>reads escapist fiction exclusively

flag checks out

I'm actually in pretty decent shape, not exactly a bodybuilder, but nothing to be ashamed of in any sense.

I mostly read how to improve at programming, which is entirely different. which is why I brought it up.

what skills do you have? none? shit talking people on Sup Forums?

>coding is a skill

I'm a carpenter and a weightlifter, do those count? I can also read past a 10th grade level

How do I unsubscribe from your blog?

Pewdiepie's latest video is fucking lit. Powerlevel leaking everywhere. It's all a (((joke))).

what if i told you my skill entirely overshadowed yours, and I could probably write something that would make you obsolete?

does that still not count as a skill?

what if it makes >$80k, does smacking a few nails into 2x4s do that for you?

weightlifting isnt any more of a skill than taking morning walks.

skills are things that are valuable and hard to come by, things that take a long time to do. Anyone can start weight lifting. Most people can become carpenters.

Few people can automate the jobs of project managers.

hes a "lolsorandum" kind of faggot but the stupid faggot just seems to hit my funny bone with his timing and editing.

surprisingly well-spoken and reasonable when he needs to be as well. i feel like a stupid 13 year old watching his shit but honestly thats what i need lately, i am stressed as shit between running a business, owning/maintaining a house, dealing with some stupid fucking family drama and being a father/husband.


So shills have now started to make threads about youtubers that are anti-sjw. Why? So we start to hate them or something?

>Do you guys ironically watch Youtubers
me?... no.
>is it just a meme
yes, and no (*pic related earns $10M p.a.)
>or is this board actually infested with 15 year olds?
clearly and irrefutably.

>weightlifting isnt any more of a skill than taking morning walks.
/fit/ here, this is incorrect.
>skills are things that are valuable and hard to come by, things that take a long time to do. Anyone can start weight lifting.
That's like saying coding isn't a skill because anyone can start coding. You might have a triple digit IQ but clearly it's mediocre at best.

>Most people can become carpenter

most people can become anything, dipshit

>what if it makes >$80k, does smacking a few nails into 2x4s do that for you?


>Anyone can start weight lifting

weightlifting != weight lifting

now post same pic with 1950s peoples staring at newspapers.

>That's like saying coding isn't a skill because anyone can start coding.

but this is entirely wrong. its much easier to pick up a semi heavy object than try to figure out the syntax and base structure of a single piece of code that will compile. If you are in the top 95% of weightlifters, that could be impressive, but simply being above the bottom 20% of paid programmers makes you pretty fucking talented.

>You might have a triple digit IQ but clearly it's mediocre at best.

Whats even the point of addressing this? You are wrong. I beat 83% of 8th graders on an 8th grade proficiency test when I was in 3rd grade. I can still remember a few of the questions, oddly enough.

I'm not sure whats so wrong with you that you feel the need to keep trying to take stabs at me. Its rather silly.

I only watch youtube for my 10/10 Swedish waifu


Well if you ain't i will.

Fuck no, are you crazy?
I can't handle a minute of Pewdiepie.
