Front page of CNN right now

front page of CNN right now, top story. literally trying to paint a woman who extorted and threatened an old woman (richard spencers mom) as a victim. and people are probably buying it, WTF?

Other urls found in this thread:

Checked. Why didn't you archive?:

this charade has serious echoes of the anita sarkeesian, zoe quinn and brianna wu thing

how in the hell? are you on Sup Forums 24/7?

I can't believe a website of Internet trolls is getting this much in the head of them. Holy shit.

Also, gotta love the sympathy rhetoric coming out of their propaganda machine. "Mom"

>mfw no one gives her sympathy shekels because literally everyone hates CNN right now

When will (((they))) learn to not feed the trolls?

Newfag doesn't understand why you post archive links

>disgruntled and sexually frustrated son spends Monday afternoon shitposting about the anti-white agenda

Said no news organization ever... Where are my sympathy shekels? No one asks this.


and they're literally basing the entire story and the premise of wrongdoing on a fucking supposed "dox" (though it wasn't really a "dox" as she wasn't a fucking internet commenter or figure, she was a woman engaged in literal bribery and extortion of an old woman). do they know what the fuck just happened to their network a few days ago? i mean wtf. this is like genius level mindfuckery, or flat out taunting of their critics, or insults to their own viewers, can't figure out which.

and they must be doing it intentionally, because the real interpretation of the story is that this woman very clearly threatened and extorted spencers mom, who is older and more frail / helpless

You get no sympathy points, you're a troll that lives in his mom's basement\lair with no future.

>"PSsst kid there is a free X-box inside this oven."

mein sides

I dunno. After looking at it I just think she's a money grubbing extortionist

As in that's what they would say about you.

It's a bot.

i wasn't here in 2007 so i know im a newfag for sure! i must be part of /nu-pol/!

That's the play they're making, user. They've already got articles claiming we are "using the gamergate playbook".

They're trying a guilt by association play to bury the wrongdoings of their chosen "victims of the hour".

>violation of Montana's anti-intimidation statue.


how do you violate a montana statute without being in the state? do the laws of every state apply in all states now?

I wasn't a nazi before but now I feel the desire to burn jews with a bright flame

That's how propaganda works at its finest. Take a story you can spin into a sympathetic narrative to your side and people will gush over it. Funny thing is, most people know it is bullshit. Some of my relatives don't like Trump, but they hate CNN and the false narratives they peddle. At least fox would have some unbiased news segments when Obama was elected, you don't see that at CNN. It's Trump this and Trump that 24/7.

norbot is always right and did nithing wrong!

I totally believe CNN now

newfag get out

It depends on the crime and the extraditing state, but if you are convicted of a felony in one state any other state will extradite you to that state. The real question is whether or not Montana has jurisdiction in the case.

>Be a real shame if something were to happen to your property mama Spencer. How 'bout you publicly disavow your son and we'll sell your home at a fair market rate? Oh yes, you're selling, that's non-negotiable, we don't like your kind around here.

It's hard enough to sympathise with real estate agents in the first place, I don't see they expect this to work past assuming people won't actually read the article.

I don't get the story

She threatens Spencer's mother in person, trying to get protests to happen, then gets attacked back online?

bump for that vid

how could they have jurisdiction, assuming anglin was never in the state when he wrote his articles, and doesn't have a server there

>CNN, at the nadir of its credibility, is openly shilling for Sherry Spencer's tormentor in her case against Andrew Anglin
I can only see this ending well.

you are so stupid

Doing God's work, R2

The smuggest victim I have seen in some time.

I almost get the feeling that they know this story is stupid, but they're trying to prove that everyone who trolls online is a Nazi by showing one minor case related to an "Alt Right" leader no one actually likes.

On the other hand, the torment of Mrs. Spender is not terrorism or harassment because it's socially acceptable to attack anyone suspected of or associated with "Nazi's"

I couldn't tell you for sure whether they will have a problem with jurisdiction or not. Most likely any cases with precedent would involve someone calling or sending mail to someone across state lines.
Let's blow up this whole blog with complaints and CNN

archived vids don't play
OP dun gud.

yes, this happened a while ago. yes she literally threatened and extorted richard spencers elderly mom (who by the way, does not share any of his views and has literally disavowed her own son over them) and when she got called out for it the media tried to paint her as a victim. but IMO it is a shame because probably people won't rush to spencer or anglins defense because they are literal white supremacists / racists. they are 100% in the right here, the media is 100% bullshit and in the wrong, but IMO they likely won't get called out for this one because infowars and stefan molyneux and the rest of those youtube people prob think it's too dicey to be caught defending someone who literally wants a white ethnostate

i mean an organization like breitbart (which is actually run by jews) probably isn't even going to want to rush to these peoples defense, even if they are right, just to avoid the guilt by association

shit, sorry, i screwed up, i was supposed to tag you in this post too

what are you doing?

The very best part of that video is the end where that bitch is talking about
>we've been lynched for no reason and shot by police who lied about it for decades when we dindu nuffin and now there's video evidence we was right!
No, bitch. It's throwing that narrative out the window when literally every single case has turned out to be justified. It's proving the nigger is just like the Jew in that they just love to do wrong and then play the victim when the consequences come. I was liberal a few years ago and now I am sitting here thinking to myself, "Well, maybe those lynch mobs were pretty efficient..." Just not in rape cases because women lie about rape like niggers lie about doin' nuffin.

Yet another opportunity to spread the meme:
>CNN is fake news

Where do you see that? It's not like CNN allows comments.

pretty sure they'll be getting a nice rebound from this story

a good number of people will read the medium post to see what happened

bein' a stupid homo, let me be

in the article

There are no girls on the internet thus there are no moms on the internet unless they confirm with tits. These idiots need to get hip to the goddamn rules.

Who is this milf?

ok, carry on

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

it was one of the supposed "death threats" that this woman received from "evil alt-right nazis"

i hope you are right dude but the thing is this story already happened once, when it first before, before the lawsuit, and the MSM pulled the same BS and NOBODY stood up to defend spencer of his mom. i mean NOBODY

I really can't handle this shit I'm gonna have a heart attack at how angry I am at this and if she wins I'm probably going to have an aneurysm and a heart attack at the same time. Fuck this. I need to get off Sup Forums ASAP.

good bitch needs to learn karma

Ahahahaha CNN actually quoted that? Hahaha omfg

>CNN reached out to Anglin, who told us he now lives in Lagos, Nigeria, where he says his rights to say what he wants are not limited. He declined to comment to us on the Gersh case.
top kek

hmm, I suppose nobody defending her is a bad sign, but I'm sure a ton of people have been redpilled by the story

>literally who
who the fuck is tanya

this is the sort of story even staunch conservatives and republicans turn their back on, which is bullshit and a tactical mistake for them because it's part of the reason why they lose. by not defending these people they let the overton window be pushed far more to the left. EVERYONE on the left knows it too. that's why they always play that "will you disavow this person / these actions" game

you mean cuckservatives?

yeah, we know. they are becoming increasingly irrelevant

not for nothing, but let them have their clicks and views. it doesn't matter if they make money or not, let them think this sort of shit sells and makes them successful. let them think this is the sort of shit that's profitable. let them think this is what people want. meanwhile, this is really the sort of dishonest BS that is burying them. this my friend is how you play 4D chess. you get the enemy to work against itself without knowing it

>reddit shit

No it isn't. He has a script that tells him every time someone posts a link on Sup Forums. Then he enters the thread and archives it.

He's ACTUALLY that autistic.

Jews are the real dindus

sun tzu says "Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake". it doesn't matter in the grand scheme if CNN makes a few shekels, but if they believe this is the sort of dishonest content that sells, when in fact it just makes people despise them and distrust them, then by all means let them believe it. let them have even MORE views to these stories that get posted here. let them have even MORE reinforcement of their belief that dishonesty will make them money specifically so that they will produce more content in this vein. that's the best way to beat them in the end.


Bully someone's mother because their son is trying to save the west from Jewish subversion? You might face some backlash

the reason CNN is burying itself right now is because they are like a child. they received "positive reinforcement" in the form of higher ratings by bashing on trump. but in the process, they've become "entertainment" and lost all journalistic credibility they once had. even staunch liberals now generally accept that CNN is not a good or credible source of info. let them have all the ratings they want, i say. as long as they are delegitimized. and then, once this trump-russia hysteria has finally worn off, they will be no more!

She dindu nuffin, she good wimen.

yeah, she extorted the other woman whilst trying to HELP!!

why won't these nasty anti-semite nazi bigots see that she is the real victim?

nice digits

Shill thread, we get it, cnn is garbage. Move on

She offered to sell Spencers moms home since people were coming to protest her.

Thats Charlies mom on 2 1/2 men with a ton of kikery tier.


CNN will die soon

Fuck off shill, saged.

>A neonazi trollstorm
They can't even pick one anymore


>Gersh says she advised Spencer to disavow the views of her son, including that the United States is a country for white people. She says she offered to sell Spencer's property as of a way of defusing tensions in town. Gersh suggested Spencer donate money to a human rights group.
>She says she offered to sell Spencer's property as of a way of defusing tensions

I can't stop laughing, this is literally the most Jewish thing I've read in my fucking life.

Watch the video, it is hilarious
They go through some of the phone calls
>>we have the oven ready
>>fuck you jew cunt
and some beautiful memes, then the kike starts crying asking to stop

It's kind of fucked up to just rag on somebody like that, especially if they really scared her and her kids that badly. It is kind of ironic that she tried to warn Mrs Spencer about being harassed only to be harassed herself. I doubt she is as innocent as CNN insinuates though, the truth probably lies somewhere between what each side claims happened. She didn't really deserve all the harassment though, I hope she and her family recover and move past it quickly.

There's literally NO REASON they're going to such lengths to defend this no-name cunt, other than the fact that she's a jew.
Prove me wrong, you can't

Remember the steps boys

The CNN video follow the manual point by point

>She didn't really deserve all the harassment though

She tried to pressure a woman into selling her fucking house because of some words on twitter.

This is hilarious, I love this timeline. Kikes are now being actively persecuted in online lynch mobs for doing the same shady business practices they have been getting away with since the founding of this nation.

The one part was my favourite:

>she found herself fighting a battle she thought had already been won

They can't believe that they are no longer getting away with it.

Is this what it felt like to live in Munich circa 1933?

you are a saint on this board


>smart enough to write a script to monitor every thread on Sup Forums and catch any link posted within seconds
>not smart enough to write a script to post an archive link to the thread

come on now. Norgebot, are you a bot?

Also look who is behind the defence of the poor defenseless Tanya (((Gersh))), ((( an organization to fight hate, and his president Richard (((Cohen)))
Looks like someone hit the (((rat nest)))

Also check this out, they have a map to track down hate organizations called the "hate map"

havnt we already estimated the total number of viewers and readers of this trash is like 800k with 500k being airports and bars? so like 300k people willing consume this media.

300,000 in a country of 300,000,000+, its fucking nothing stop posting CNN articles on here faggots

posting a CNN article here gives them more 10 times more views then they would get just from their own media platforms, so stop it, fucking plebs

Don't mess with our norbot fucking leaf

> "These are not trolls. They are terrorists," Gersh says. "They are very harmful, they are very malicious and they are dangerous."
> "I never imagined that I would have to teach my children that they might be hated because they are Jewish," she says.



leave nordbro alone you pathetic ceature.

are you kek manifest