Syria General /sg/ - we honor the fallen edition

Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>S Syria Jul10
>Raqqa Jul 10
>E Ghouta Jul 8
>Mosul Jul 8
>Hama/Homs Jul 6
>Palmyra Jul 5
>Daraa Jun 14
>DeZ Jun 10

Developments Jul 10
E Damascus (Suweida): SAA starts Operation Big Dawn 2nd phase, liberates 11+ villages from US backed rebels
>Palmyra: SAA has Al-Hayl complex under fire control, captures gas station and advances
>E Ghouta: SAA captures main defense line of HTS in Ayn Tarma
>DeZ: RuAF, SyAF target IS bases in towns near DeZ
>SAA, Hez amass troops for final Qalamoun offensive
>Raqqa: SDF capture historic citadel (Haron al-Rashid), some Arab units of FSA withdrew from battle
>N Syria: Turkish military bombs Kurds in Tal Rifaat city
>Car bomb strikes HTS checkpoint in S. Idlib
>British courts rule arms sale to Saudi Arabia is lawful
>Cholera spreads as war and poverty batter Yemen
>Mosul: Iraqi forces close to full liberation, IS still holds in a small area


Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/)

al mawt li israel


I went to the options and clicked on the battle map for Afghanistan. This is what it looked like

I had no idea it was this bad. This is almost as bad as Syria right now

I made a list of Turkish footballers one day ago

Which one of them can pass as local in your country?

I can not stop laughing at that picture

Annexion of morocco by Algeria when ?

those are all mountains my dude it's not going to be pretty

Remember the fallen.

I fixed MENA

Press F for Farfour.

;_; fucking kike agent

ITT: We now remember Roahcbong's spergouts.


Bloody hell, this is not going away is it?

his sacrefice will not be forgoten

Rip Maghrebi (Pbuh) he was the best spongebob poster to ever exist.

Nth for 5.56, 5.45 and SAAnime

I remember the first thing he started shilling for was to vote yes on the Turkish referendum


>/sg/ unironically supports Mugabe
The absolute state of this general.

Not bad.


>Algierocco and not the maghreb unio

What phase is this?

Assud deserved it.

factually wrong
>Khattabi nayional hero
He faught for independence of rif and there is no basis to say he was planning to fight for liberation of Morocco
>exiled to Egypt
he was exiled to island of reunion
spent 21 years then be manages tp escape from the french to egypt when they were moving him to France
>no ill-treatment of zafzafi
leaks state he has been heavily abused which os to no surprise knowing the moroccan system

biased stuff
>separatist connotation
the Rif republic flag has evolved to become a symbol of the rif people carrying ot has nothing to do with separation.The gov themselves retracted seperatists claims and Benkiranke crticizes it

Conclusion: weebroco is a makzhanfag uneducated on the Rif

Holy shit

Morrocoans and algerians are pretty much the same things tunisia and libya have their own cultures

fucking Assud man

t. i still have no clue on maghreb

>Syrian Army’s oil fields in southern Raqqa come under fire from ISIS
How are these vehicles not liberated from the sky yet?

Don't worry your leaders will bring in more soldiers, this time it'll work for sure, just give it time, lol

I know it's the seal of solomon you dip, star of david == seal of solomon as a drawing

>and there is no basis to say he was planning to fight for liberation of Morocco
He presided the comittee of liberation for the Maghreb in Egypt, senpai. The only reason he fought for independence was because the rest of the maghreb was already pretty much pacified in terms of territory, leaving only terrorist/insurgency attacks in the kingdom. The rif was the only region left because the Spanish were incompetent, unlike the French, at subduing the region early on.

>leaks state he has been heavily abused which os to no surprise knowing the moroccan system
>D'après ses avocats, le leader du Hirak est apparu "déterminé"et "en bonne condition physique".

>the Rif republic flag has evolved to become a symbol of the rif people carrying ot has nothing to do with separation.
The flag, as well as the anthem of the rif, weren't used much by Khattabi himself. They were only formalities in order to formalize the Rif Republic's potential entry into the League of Nations. There is no reason to see it as any "symbol of the rif people", especially when it existed for 6 years when the land's history long before the republic and after was Morocco. It wasn't a particularly happy time either: I don't see it as anything but wishful WE WUZ-thinking, as if Riffians are unique people, or separatist claims.

I'm not a Maghrebi or a MENA specialist stop being so violent

>implying the america are the good guys

never was violent
you just keep talking out of your ass without taking time to make a quick confirmation research
and i'm just calling you out on it

New pocket when?

I miss phase posting and green bus posting.

>phase 29 has come and gone long ago

They won't stay.

Lmao it's a screenshot from EU4 I didn't know it meant this much to maghrebis

>The absolute state of this general.
only fanatics support this nignog

They don't call this country "the graveyard of empires" for no reason

the mission objective was ending taliban rule and killing Osama b Laden. I don't know when nation building became an objective desu. Fuck em, let them scramble, they housed AQ and refused to hand them over

i was refering to

i-it'll be different this time
wait till we drop more MOABs and yell at Russia and China

inb4 they try an offensive to break the kotel and fail

>the mission objective was ending taliban rule and killing Osama b Laden
The mission objective was opening the door to central asia in order to disrupt Chinese plans
Of secondary importance was taking control of the opium trade that forms a vital portion of the US intelligence services black budgets



>Still has no clue on maghreb
I've never talked to you before Yeah someone told me that morrocoans and algerians are the same ethnically and linguistically

How is the topography of the area? I wan't Kotel nao!!

so either I'm right and the CIA are idiots or you are right and the CIA are idiots

Kotel not happening

Will you visit Syria after the war to see the gainz with your own eyes?

>Spain about to implode
Will Morocco reclaim their ancient lands and reform Northern North Africa?

Moroccans and Algerians are basically the same people. Tunisians are more Mashreq-influenced but they definitely still lean towards Maghreb. Libya is a mix of arab and berber influence but it doesn't really have a high population compared to the rest, so the impact is less noticeable. It plays the role of a link between Maghreb and the Levant.
Core berber maghreb is Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. Maghreb as a geopolitical and cultural entity extends to Mauritania to the south and Libya to the east, although the former is a bit of an oddball and doesn't really matter in any way. (as in, literally nobody hears of Mauritania or anything that happens there.)

at a given point maybe the SAA doesn't want to kill everyone it can. a lot of the enemy men are going to, hopefully, become civilians some day. maybe.

ohh wait for the next phases of the grand aleppo battle assad and his servants are done after that victory is ours

Individuals can make smart decisions, organisations do not make the best/smartest decision. They will make decisions to ensure their own survival based on probability and the opinion of several people. There might be single smart individuals but if the gross of people there is stupid then the final decision will be stupid

>Liberation Egypt
This was after he was BTFO by thr French and Spanish alliance and spent 20 years on the island of reunion. When he introduced his own currency established a government and ran the rif republic even seneing ambassador to europe he laid out no plan to liberate Morocco nor any indication he had such a plan in mind

D'après ses avocats, le leader du Hirak est apparu "déterminé"et "en bonne condition physique".
As far as i know the source of this claim is old going back to june and later sources from lawyers affirm torture eatch video

>The flag, as well as the anthem of the rif, weren't used much by Khattabi himself
red herring. we are talking about its present use

>there is no reason to see it as any "symbol of the rif people
The people of rif has made it their symbol who what you personally choose to see is irrelevant

> I don't see it as anything but
translation: im going to ignore what the people.of rof themself say about their usage of the flag instead ima go with makhzen interpretation lulz

Al-Andalus at any point we can senpai
Anyway what's happening in Spain?

Those desert rats were smugglers and bandits before the war. Better if they die.

>Anyway what's happening in Spain?
haven't checked in a while but afaik they have something like 30% unemployment and their footy is starting to look so and so, maybe the world learned. bullfighting will probably be illegal in the whole country soon if it isn't already and Catalonia intends to vote on seceding from the unioin (yuge)

Besides, the reason i'm saying there won't be a kotel, is because those niggers only care about money and money is useless when you're dead.
There's nothing left for them to defend there other than rocks and sand.

toothpaste still around?
>m8 knows some people in utrecht because he's a gypsi
>go there on holiday for museums, dudeweedlmao and psychedelics because I'm a filthy degenerate
>exploring the city during the day, always noticing some guy in the distance singing something like YABADABDABDIDABDAB and greeting everyone
>evening, chilling with my m8s and the gyppos and some dutch guy in a park
>the guy from earlier comes along
>starts performing some weird show
>consists of an infinite amount of variations of this song:
>suddenly switches to religious stuff, starts singing nasheeds, performing dances, inviting us to pray with him etc
>makes us stand in a circle, we play along
>positions us to form a heart
>points it out and says "look what a big heart I got", repeats it over and over again until it turns into an angry "LOOK WHAT A BIG FUCKING HEART I GOT"
>calls us "warriors of the light" and "allah's soldiers" because god is in everything but especially in us and we need to fulfill his will
>performance goes on for some time
>some ratty looking slav comes along, they seem to know each other
>starts prepping a crack pipe
>our imam (his name was Hussein) introduces us to his slav friend: "if you need anything, he's got the best shit"
>we collectively get ready to leave
>slav jumps up and runs into the shrubbery
>Hussein hastily says goodbye and follows him
>we leave, check if anythings missing
>just all our lighters and some change, could be worse
>point out what a weird encounter that was
>dutch guy goes: "oh yes, we know him around here. he liked you, else he'd have taken you to his boat, robbed you and thrown you into the canal. he usually does that with tourists"

>Anyway what's happening in Spain?
Catalonia is trying to hold an independence referendum. Spain is refusing to let them do it. Catalonian gov't announced if they're not allowed to do it, they'll default on their debt

If that occurs, Spain crashes. Spain may crash anyways, They've already issued €34.2 billion of bonds during the first six months of 2017, compared to the €30.7 billion issued during the whole year 2016.

>30% unemployment
and that's probably a low ball/fudged numbers too

al andalus when ?

Catalonia are basically big special snowflakes.
They don't deserve independence. They're not even self suficient to declare independence.
They're fucking retards.

Yeah what's up with mauritania? Do they have anything useful or are they just a giant sandbox?

What was his last post?

>catalonia declares independence
>5 years later colapses on itself
>begs spain to take them back
Cant wait for it

Of course, separatist is strictly forbidden by spanish law an is an act of treason.
The moment Catalonians get their "independence" is the day they'll see tanks rolling down their streets and planes bombing their precious city.

>later sources from lawyers affirm torture eatch video
You're literally sending me a video from June 3rd. The lawyer claim is from yesterday.

>This was after he was BTFO by thr French and Spanish alliance and spent 20 years on the island of reunion.
Well yeah, do you see me denying he got wrecked at the end? Still, his resistance was admirable.

>When he introduced his own currency established a government and ran the rif republic even seneing ambassador to europe he laid out no plan to liberate Morocco nor any indication he had such a plan in mind
Literally nobody used the rif money. Spanish pesetas were the actual currency used in the republic. Anyway, how the fuck could he plan to "liberate Morocco" when he had struggle holding his own fucking mountains?

>we are talking about its present use
I'm saying that it historically had no cultural symbolism in the region except by the very few MUH PANBERBERISM faggots that exist in Kabylia until the protests happened... the vast majority of these flags were made during May and June in Netherlands

>The people of rif has made it their symbol
Who are "the people of the rif"? At the very most 100k retarded protesters out of 3 million people living in the region? I come from the rif, senpai. Nobody cared about the republic and most of my family there doesn't give two fucks about the hirak. Don't go talking about "the people of the rif" as if they're a single entity.

>im going to ignore what the people.of rof themself say about their usage of the flag instead ima go with makhzen interpretation lulz
Translation: I don't care about what a few faggots say about some flag from a doomed from the start "republic" that lasted for 6 years which just served to fuel the LARPing ambitions of some people who seek to ignore the history of their country and start their own brand of ethno-nationalism instead

According to
Algeria's military can go toe to toe with spain, so it's basicaly free if spain enters a civil war

I knew a catalan girl who wanted independence. her two things were

1. they're trying to erase our culture. out schools can't teach in catalan anymore, it has to be in official spanish.

2. we're way richer than the rest of spain, meaning they mooch off of us while refusing us our culture

Pretty much, they're a financial disaster, and they're still better than most of Spain

hopefully soon

Maybe they are tired of paying taxes to support your morroccan asses

Two Guns

One aimed at #ISIS

One aimed at #Nusra

Welcome to #Salamiyeh - #Ithriya

>hurr durr
>hurr durr
>hurr durr
>hurr durr

where are the pictures of the french whore?

>Do they have anything useful or are they just a giant sandbox?
The country consists of Nouakchott (capital, tiny and overcrowded on the edge of the desert where a million people live) and a bunch of villages built around mines. The rest is just open desert everywhere. Their coast is shitty and rocky so they don't even have nice beaches. The people are pretty poor, it's mixed between arabs and subsaharians, they have sharia law, and it's the only country where slavery is completely widespread (between 4 and 20% of the population may be slaves).

Everyone pretty much just ignores Mauritania. Good thing there's a wall between us and them. Also mines. Tons of mines.

>they're trying to erase our culture. out schools can't teach in catalan anymore, it has to be in official spanish
booohoooo spanish just tried to standardize speech and writing, just like France did in the 18th century. The dictatorship might have gone a bit over their heads with it, but now they're completely free to speak their language, if they learn their country's language.

>we're way richer than the rest of spain, meaning they mooch off of us while refusing us our culture
They're rich because of tourism in the city of Barcelona and nothing more. The rest of the region is a big rust belt.

this desu senpai

By the way, the capture of Ukayrishah and probable continuation could be an effort to stop ISIS from shelling Raqqa.
Ukayrishah is 12km from the center of Raqqa.

>Spanish candidate : Franco is dead now what do you want ?
>Spaniard : Just fuck my shit up senpai

Have you thanked Obama yet?

And why you think they are making so much money off tourism? It's because their culture is better, because people actually want to visit there, instead of the rest of African Iberia

It's because they created a big catalonian disney land in the form of a city, more or less. Read about it.

Your trolling attempts must also improve, DaQuan.


If/When ISIS gets "defeated" in the Middle East, the biggest concern/question is which Terror Group(s) is going to fill the power vacuums in that Region. ISIS in the grand scale was/is just a test run to see if a Islamic Terror Networks can take large parts of Land after/during Country Destabilization's.

(KB Archives: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/)

ISIS is a Global Network at this point. with Europe being the next big area for them. They have operations in both North & South America, and expansion plans in Asia.

>civil servant then 700 000
>civil servants now 3 000 000
captcha mexico crisis

-those are lies. In catalonia is mandatory the teaching in catalan, only 2 hours in spanish at week. If you open a shop in catalonia you must put every single thing in catalonian, spanish not mandatory.
-Basques, Navarre and Cantabrian are richer, because of the tax benefits of a special law. Catalonia is increasingly poor because they have a pro-independence government that supports mass immigration, those immigrants are also independentists. Also in Barcelona they have a communist mayor who instead of taking action against the crime of immigrants, she gives them benefits and rents them flats to live there.

Have you ever even been to Disneyland? I have, several times
Don't talk about what you don't know about

Extermination of Catalonia when?
Beheading of your faggot king when?
Falangist government when?

I have been to two disneylands and Barcelona. Your point is?

Catalonia has a very high muzzie rate, actually

wait a second
mosul was 'liberated' today when I was working?

Spanish Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo when?

Just turn the med into a minefield.

Our prime minister is an autist cuckservative, he don't want to do anything against the putschists because he's scared of the international reaction. You know, the Catalonian coup makers will become the victims, they will say that the Spanish government is franquist, fascist, authoritarian, oppressor, etc.
So it looks like he's waiting until they declare "independence" and them the police will arrest them all.