Jesus truly has touched my heart, He has shown me how utterly wretched I was and still am, I am not worthy in any way of even reading a word that Jesus has spoken.
The fact that God has given me His word in the bible, and sent his Word incarnate to die on the cross is beyond amazing.
I want everyone to feel what I have felt, and to know God, as much and more than I do.
God is infinitely good and worthy of our love, the fact that He even listens to our prayers is amazing.
ITT we discuss Christ and the faith. Please ask any and all questions you have, but let's try to not get angry or argumentative; which is always likely with these types of discussions.
I can honestly say I love you user, and I want what's best for you. We love because God loved us first, and I want you to strive to draw closer to God; because this is the only way of happiness in this life and the next.
They say we all have a "God sized hole", that everyone is trying to fill with something or other... This is true. And as the name suggests, it is God that is missing in our souls.
It doesn't matter how much money, fame, pleasure, or power you attain; without God you are miserable. Our souls cry out for deliverance. So, make it happen user.
>see my next post for some ways to discover Jesus Christ, as some people don't know how or where to start.