Do you think this will be a thing once China and Russia become the only superpowers? It would solve China's bride problem and they would probably use them as food as well.
White Women farms
Other urls found in this thread:
I've got the second webm
it has a poo tho
Why would we farm the most pampered human being on the planet? Are you insane? It would be a complete waste of resources.
Where is this from? Just a random video?
>Everyone gets a 10/10 girlfriend
>No need for fighting over women anymore
>No more loneliness problems among men
Fucking stupid Dominican.
genius sperm banks are all you need. stock a bank with he most beautiful and smartest and healthiest white people..
>yfw chink vanity breeds their own race out of existence
it's from Sup Forums
>you will never ever have life on complete and utter ultra easy mode being a 10/10 white girl
I think trannies are disgusting and do not legitimize them, but if a wizard gave me a potion that would make me wake up a 10/10 white woman I would drink that shit so fast
We have white women farms already. They're called "white families."
And you don't get white women without white men. And you don't get either without white children.
>At a beach store
>lul degenerate
Well, I see someone doesn't get out a lot. Are you bothered by the young men wearing only swimming shorts?
Sounds like a great idea desu. We should preserve the blonde gene and have a harem of thicc blonde chicks.
>white girl
>10/10 gf
why? you don't have to be a white woman to get some BBC loving. Just be a faggot like Milo
At this point, why even bother wearing anything? What's even the point of "covering" the literal holes, if everything else is out and shaking?
Should farm dogs instead just saying not for eating ofc
>humans farms that exist to breed sex slaves
Science will advance to the point where we won't need white men to breed them. We'll be able to grow batches of blondes, redheads, brunettes with busty tits, medium tits, tiny perky tits, of all heights and eye colors and temperaments. It will be like ordering a pizza online, all you'll need to do is choose what bits and pieces and details you'd like and your white woman will be custom grown for you.
The future is bright, friends.
Because whites typically follow the law you fucking nigger
I'm not gay, sometimes I fap to degenerate shit on /gif/ but irl I would be revolted and ashamed. I just want a wizard to make me a hot bitch so I can get free shit and never have to do anything but be pretty.
Because it's hot. If you were a ripped Chad would you walk around without a shirt?
Where are the musies when you need them?
shes at the beach you fucking tard, god you people are so god damn sense
>without white men
Sweet Jesus
>White Women farms
in concert with BABY FACTORIES / LAB, this could prove an interesting proposition...
meanwhile, this would free up real men to can get on with evolving the 'Dark Ages' pall the vagina jew has cast over our species...
Yeah as sense as you
You do not seriously see the problem with cloning a bunch of white girls?
>thicc blonde
>a.k.a. fat heifers
Read my post again. I only said that white men won't be needed to breed them, not that they won't be needed in general. White men could even go about having their own families with "wild" white women while owning a half dozen or so lab-grown white women for their harem. Lab-growns wouldn't be granted the same rights or education or anything like what regular people are, they would exist solely to serve and fuck. Basically sex dolls that are actually alive. You could name yours and make her wear whatever clothes you want, or even no clothes at all (taking your naked lab-grown white woman out with you in public would be just like taking your naked dog out on a walk, nobody would bat an eye).
high risk of some genetic disease proliferating.
You owuldnt want to clone just one particular white girl though. You'd want a set, and then you'd want to each one for abnormalities.
I'm kinda disgusted
Chinese man here. If I'm a good worker for the Maoist red army, do I get a free qt blonde, pale skin gf?
me making a typo doesn't excuse your retardation, she's at the beach. cry more you muslim fuckhead.
Nice meme. China is a country that has no future. They make the useless crap that we want and for cheap because human rights and dignity don't exist in China.
Russia is even more cucked with them losing global influence every year. They make rash and poorly thought out decisions which almost always lead to economic sanctions being placed on them and more economic uncertainty. Putin is not only trying to keep together his corrupt shithole of a country but also trying to counter the global American influence.
White women farms will not be necessary. All you really need to do is fix income inequality which allows corporations to reap billions in profits while their workers struggle to get by. Globalism is too profitable to go away. We should instead turn our eyes towards taxing businesses that offshore profits to tax havens and investing more into citizens in order to give people more control over their lives.
The chinese will fuse with africans and create a master race with the body of the blacks and the brain of the mao.
Yes, I'm sure it will
this gives me an understanding of Sharia law
you've read way too many guro hentai
>i still like the idea desu
> wanting to be born as a 10/10 girl
> not wanting to be born a 10/10 tall aryan chad
Rather be born a man than a woman any day.
Start the kickstarter, I'll donate $20 now if i get one of the first clones. Idc even if she is a retard, as long as she is a 10/10 babe.
>Savage suggests more savagry
You could sell your own people first. You've got more experience doing that already - Thousands of years worth. I'm sure if you asked nicely, they could provide transportation since niggers are apparently too stupid to know how to build a fucking boat over the course of several centuries. You'd think with all that down time doing nothing, imaginations would wander into more constructive territory. I guess niggers are excluded from "genius" and "invention". No wonder all you do is gripe over your jealousy of the white man's accomplishments and demand he gib you everything for free. Niggers are so useless! Niggers are the laziest of all the animals.
Candid Califas claimed that the blonde guy was his brother and the bean was his boyfriend.
Califags must enjoy beign packmules for their sisters that get bean'd
I hate the lust nonwhite men have for white women
Nonwhite men slobber over white women like they are nothing more than curvaceous fuck dolls to satisfy their desires
Why don't nonwhite men have those urges for nonwhite women?
go back to td, reddit cringelord
>through selective breeding in factories perfect japs like these will be a common product
maybe the noose can wait a bit longer
same girl
>Niggers are so useless! Niggers are the laziest of all the animals.
of course they are
>That amount of hair tossing
She knows she's being watched and she likes it. What a whore.
I have a series of webms with black men molesting black girls in "groper packs"
they do love thiccc black butts
>tfw im into shoes
not proud of it, user
So they'll be really efficient at killing themselves?
Being born a 10/10 tall aryan chad means you have to work for money.
Being born a 10/10 girl means you have to do nothing for money.
no, the mix will get asian testosterone and african IQ lol
Why yes, your venerable uncle ming will reward you *rubs hands together*
Oh and dont forget to burn your Tang poetry books
Her prom date was a blonde guy, that I know for sure.
Yeah black guys don't obsess over white girls like asians/indians/polys/spics do
Unlike most of Sup Forums, black people are the nonwhite race I hate the least because they don't worship whites and slobber over white girls like other nonwhites do
>modelling is work
Ehhh...OP maybe you should take few days off from shitposting? Just a suggestion.
This was debunked by the experts of TheCandidforums already.
Not in this current year. 10/10 Girls still slug through school and work until they can settle down.
Women should thank feminism for turning them into wagecucks. Can't wait until progressiveness makes prostitution legal so women can be wagecucks and actual cucks at the same time.
This is an interesting suggestion. Once you're able to order your own custom grown white woman, why not branch out to other races too? Why shouldn't a man with the means be able to order a custom grown woman of any race, height, build, hair color, eye color, and personality he likes? Why shouldn't he be able to own a harem containing custom grown women that appeal to his every last desire?
Or it's the body of Chinks and the brains of Nigs LMAO
Alright kangaroo come to cities like Chicago, Memphis, Baltimore and then keep talking your shit.
>slug through school
Stop putting them in porno
Russia? They top only the anti awards like the amount of abortions, hiv infected people, opiate and alcohol addicts, lowest quality of life, most suicides and shortest possible predicted life time. You can't be a super power with a baggage like this.
Yeah I don't think women would be doing it if they didn't like it
She's Basque according to her instagram.
Basques are NOT White, we're Middle Eastern farmers living in Europe.
The problem isn't women, it's beta cucks who film them and put them on a pedestal that's tearing down society. We need to remove nice guys and betas to have a proper right wing society.
Debunked what? It's from her IG.
>We need to remove nice guys and betas
then all girls will turn lesbian and end up becoming radical feminists, is this what you want?
RESPECT women please
It's not the same girl
I'd rather trust a bunch of creepers who spend thousands on equipment to creep on girls than some Sup Forums nobody.
Meanwhile IRL, in a galaxy far far away from OP's IR fantasies here's the girl with her BF
>The problem isn't women, it's beta cucks who film them and put them on a pedestal that's tearing down society. We need to remove nice guys and betas to have a proper right wing society.
Beta's build society you moron. They are not the problem. Women being given the vote and a welfare state that also prosecutes men for marrying and having kids with women while also denying men their kids is the problem.
>Candid Califas
Looks like they we're wrong:
well post them
OP pathetic trolling thread turns into a white girl appreciation
Why are American girls way more beautiful than NZ girls
That girl's IG is a gold mine. Here's one look into the female psyche once again. All her IG is pictures of her .
I propose the opposite
Kill all white women. They are the source of all racial angst. Forget they ever existed and we can all live in peace
The Chinese are making your people poor by taking away your land and resources to make their poor rich. Chinese don't hire Africans for the skilled jobs in Africa at their mines. They hire their own kind and import them. They return to China with wealth when they had nothing. Africans are completely oblivious to this. They think a billion dollars now is worth more than the trillion dollar industry they could of had.
>eurotrashes can't even tell apart white women
This is why the muslims are conquering your asses.
it's from /gif/ you nigger
Sup Forums posted the link to where you can download the full video
(You) are somewhat right