I googled islamic terrorism statistics and according to google, islam is not a problem in Europe

I googled islamic terrorism statistics and according to google, islam is not a problem in Europe.
I doubt a single person on Sup Forums has ANYTHING that proves that islam is a problem. You're just racists.

>according to Google

Nice link.

2/10, very weak bait but nice try.

>according to google

you realize places like sweden dont report that right?

>people are told syrians refugees bring a good education with them, especially women
>turns out they are the least educated refugees of them all

nice link.

Yes but sandnigger crime is a serious problem in Europe that is overlooked for terrorism. Sandniggers have nigger level crime in Europe.

Only 3% of Syrians have a 5 year+ education

>that pic
Hottest character of the year desu

>according to google

>unless they literally blow themselves up they're fine
Why are you anti-womyn?

take nothing on Sup Forums seriously, let alone anything Sup Forums says

>boring statistics related


>according to google
Nice "source"

You could just ask for this picture, you know.

>according to google

Please pay a visit to Luton UK and all will become clear my little child .

3/10 bait. You should at least make a deliberately bad argument for others to waste their time pulling apart. That would bring it up to 4/10.

>just got kicked out of a server by a muslim defending Swedish cuck because he can't accept the fact that his country is full of brainwashed self-loathing cucks


b-but the statistics of legal Syrian
migrants that passed all immigration checks for the U.S. from 2009-2015 and have nothing to do with the refugee crisis cited out of context in super large font over the new 2017 rapefugee website of the UN along with some U.S. doctor promised me something different !!!!!!