Just got the new book, what does Sup Forums think?
Milo's new book: Dangerous
>a conservative pole smoker
el classico
Milo Yiannopoulos
>Buying a book from a race mixing gay kike
isn't it that faggot virtue signaller? You're an idiot for giving him your money.
Literally who?
Closeted liberal mud shark
He is the personification of Sup Forums
god itself couldn't bake one from mud better.
He thinks that because he's an e-celeb he can write a book like he's God's gift to this earth.
pfft reading's for leftist elites!
He really dropped off the face of the planet after the MSM first painted him as a leader of the alt-right and then burned him with media they had all along.
Almost like it was planned.
Almost like you were an idiot if you fell for it.
Huuuur. Buy Burk
>unironically giving a gay, black loving jew money
holy shit, the_donald is that way >>>
Milo is a fucking kike racemixing faggot
And there's nothing """dangerous""" about him, he's just another edgy hat-tipping anti-SJW retard
Kys, faggot
attention whore papist jew fag loaded with melanated AIDS
There was a time when Sup Forums wasn't beneath answering a question like this, but that ship has sailed, op. You should go find some adults to ask.
Waiting for the audiobook.
Please put it on downpour not just the drm-encrusted Amazon, Milo
Is he gonna redpill us on AJDENTITY PAWLITICS?