They will never stop pushing diversity until there are no white people in anything
They will never stop pushing diversity until there are no white people in anything
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Why are young white men dropping out of society? Who will pay our gibs now?"
the actor who played spiderman is jewish btw
Why is diversity synonymous with no white people allowed anywhere ever?
Idris Elba should be the next Spider-Man
Spiderman should be Asian or Jew,
I mean how many lab geeks are out there that are white anymore? Most of them aren't even in STEM programs and rather hang out with niggers.
i wanna be spiderman
Why are whiteboys so assmad about more minorities in the media, as of today, most media centers around whites this is fact.
It seems like whites altogether are really jealous of minorities being requested more and more and getting more exposure, almost as if you were jealous of the advancement of minorities in several areas of society.
Do yourself a favor and stop being a piece of shit racist and admit that you're a subhuman who can't withstand competition
Never entertain any of these retards ideas. They'll never stop! Even after an autistic msulim transgender female amputee plays Spiderman.
Stop listening to NPR
>can't withstand competition
quotas aren't competition, you stupid spic.
>until there are no white people in anything
thats their plan.
Good. White people need to be called out more
You bigot, that excludes the jewish community! You'll cause anudda shoah!
Seems like you want the biggest competition to be taken out.
Ash yes... Hiring people on the basis of their skin color, an irrelevant thing that requires no skill, instead of merit.
Am I spotting some poc privilege here? Or did we just discovered who the real racists are?
Eyy why dere be no oscars where all ma niggas get awards?
SMDH these whitebois kno we the best actors
Cracka ass racist bitches keepin da black man down
I really like that writer. she also posted this on youtube.
fuck, is she smart.
I want these signs up literally everywhere.
Telling a woman who not to fuck is basically giving those people the easiest pussy imaginable
N*words need to just shut the fuck up and enjoy their quality of life because its much worse where they came from.
N*words are the majority on the radio stations in N*word countries though so they don't need to be in America.
To be honest I was surprised they did Peter Parker instead of Miles Morales in the first place.
>why is a Spandex-clad twink "white"
really fists one's faggot fissure...
Because they want to get rid of us. Have you been living under a rock?
Maybe because he was white in the comic book that thing the whole fucking movie is based on. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Why is Luke Cage still black?
More like us whites are so successful they are actively trying to convince us other races should have a shot out our glory too without having to compete.
Pretty fucking pathetic and I would not be proud of that if I was black or any other race. I'd look at as in insult which it clearly is.
> Researched Johnathan Goldstein the producer of Spider man Homecoming
I eventually get linked to;
I mean, sure there are a lot of Goldsteins but the narrative is consistent.
White people lack introspection, Nom saying?. They'll literally believe anything besides that they're the problem, nom saying? They believe that whiteness is synonymous to rightness. Rather then thinking they got to this point through trial and error due to their ancestors doing ALL the work for them. Their heads are so far up their asses they literally think race is real rather than biological factors taking place. There is a reason why they say Pride is the most sinful of sins, nom saying? Pride literally dehumanizes those in the outgroup, Nom saying? It's reaching a tipping point though, nom saying? White Christians are starting to realize that God isn't on their side, because God doesn't take sides, nom saying?
>who can't withstand competition
undercutting wages because you're a poor spic isn't competition
Maybe when the last white storytime character is turned black, then whites can purge everyone from their society that isn't white in a vicious and uncontrollable wave of fury