What would it take for you to give to charity?
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A gun pointing to my head.
Tax evasion or some form of scam that would benefit me or I knew the shekels would end up in weapons trade. Or a bunch of non-reproduced SJW:s being shipped to a certain death/rape location with live feed for the patreons.
I would also donate 10 bux for any cause to see OP get cucked
Knowing that the immigrants would stay where they belong.
Why do you think giving to charity is something unusual?
I give to charities all the time but I pick those who provide skills over services
soup kitchen no
job training for homeless yes
>What would it take to give your hard earned money to niggers without them robbing you?
Fixed that for you op.
It's my money, I worked for it. You don't get to have any of it just because you asked nicely.
I don't give my hard earned money to a bunch of lazy fucks
How about veterans?
You mean the "people" who fight for greater Israel? Fuck no.
I didn't have the slightest clue as to an answer for you but even an idiot like myself can find a good retort to a smart ass like you. Google it chief
I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, I'm trying to find if there's literally no cause that you would give charitably to
If not, you call yourself a Christian
I'm surprised that everyone on Sup Forums don't have monthly donations to family planning charities in Africa
you can't call yourself*
Making more money than I really need. Last year's charity budget was $8k. Not much but some institutions get mad happy about getting a thou or two out nowhere compared to collecting another $5.
A tax cut
What causes should I give charitably to?
If you happen to have some, go ahead and donate for me will ya.
Whatever you want, something you think has value and meaning
OP here. I've been thinking of starting a charity for a while now. In Britain though, to make Britain great again.
I would need to assume honest people do not receive enough help. The opposite is the case - undeserving cunts get too much help, already