Trump's tweet about Comey this morning may have been based on "misleading" Fox news FAKE NEWS report
Who's going to jail now, Drumpftards?
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reminder to sage
It will be forgotten tomorrow.
The fact is there are memos that were given to the media that Judicial Watch is suing for.
That's the real scandal.
There are tabloid that have a higher trustworthy rating than WaPo, yet you cite wapo as a source
Drip drip drip
WaPo is worse than CNN.
Real news only reports facts
The FACT is that Fox news is misleading people and the real news has to inform you of that with the factual evidence
You seem like a generally awkward individual.
Skippy got assblasted after Trump's tweet so now we're seeing shit like this.
if having wrong information was a jailable offense wapo and cnn would have disappeared a long time ago
This just goes to show how far the Compost goes to spin their narrative to the retarded liberals who eat this shit up.
Trump's tweet is based on a Fox News story that reported on a story by the Hill which explain that not only did some of Comey's memos contain classified information, but the memos were not his property and rather the property of the government.
There was nothing misleading about the Fox News report.
Besides, the Compost bombshell of the day is that Jane Sanders looks more and more likely like she's going to get charged by the FBI.
Trumps balls will never be as big as JFKs were
but guys fox isn't fake news ri-right?
>still reading wapo
wake me up when channel 10 in phoenix covers it
>political opponent
ya, this is exactly why he was fired.
>Fox news FAKE NEWS
kinda like a 'diddling godtard'...
>kept classified government documents on your home computer
>gave government documents to the press without authorization
ya, he's going to prison.
this thread is clickbait, make sure you go to the archive if you plan to visit the site.
My source "Milf fucks a german shepard" provided me the files in a parking garage.
>bombshell of the day is that Jane Sanders looks more and more likely like she's going to get charged by the FBI.
will she have to speak in court. I'm not familiar with the case.
>Fox News
Fox is one of the only uncucked MSM news sources out there. Trump trusts them, I trust them too.
Trump spreading fake news!? I'M SHOCKED! SHOCKED!
The very memos Judicial Watch was told don't exist?
Trump is using an unsecured smart phone to tweet. If he's not going to jail, then neither is come or Hillary
Comey's lawyer just BTFO Trump once and for all and threatened him with libel
>Post YFW you'll never see Cheeto Christ mention James Comey in a tweet again
Spoken like a true sheep.
TLDR Comey can't write a memo about Trump's delusions. He will die in jail
>'madam president'
your salt tastes good, faggot kike
Thank you Norbro.
>link to washington post
everyone, say g!
>may have
>sources say
>according to sources
>washington post
lol this lawyer is so butthurt
How is leaking confidential conversations to the press not illegal?
that doesn't even make sense, we already know what Comey did was illegal, its just that its almost never been used on a high ranking official. there are three laws he could be charged under, its unlikely that the DOJ would even consider doing that, but its not out of the realm of possibility.
its not libelous to speculate or even assert something is true when it is.
Traitors deserve to be treated like it's the "good old days".