Racist Macron says african women are having too many babies
no one cares blackzilian
was he /ourguy/ all along?
Media is trying to bury it
I'm starting to think he is really /ourguy/.
He sure as fuck is creating happenings.
No. In case you hadn't noticed Macron and Gates and Abe over in Japan are all trying to push the "we need to help the developing world not have so many fucking kids" meme now. They saw Trump win and they see Europeans aren't going to accept the "import 50 million niggers" plan so they need to move to plan B which should have been plan A which is to get retarded third worlders to stop having 10 kids while starving to death.
>In case you hadn't noticed Macron and Gates and Abe over in Japan
Sold, fuck you and praise imperial japan
His remarks in context are way less inflammatory than that. Fake news/clickbait.
It's 100% true, and at least 50% our fault. Africans might be retarded animalistic breeding machines, but we're the ones constantly throwing food and medicines at them. We support these worthless niggers while they pump out more worthless niggers for us to support.
Where do we stop? When is it too much? These creatures exist solely to reproduce and consume resources while providing zero benefit to anybody. They claim whitey is to blame for their uselessness, but really all whitey tried to do was bring them into some form of civilization.
Niggers are a sickening parasite.
>saved to god emperor Macron folder
I mean, black people aren't french people, and so on...
>facts trigger liberals
what else is new?
>are all trying to push the "we need to help the developing world not have so many fucking kids"
So what's the problem?
must be jewish
God or Satan is behind him. I'm sure of it, too many signs but it would be too long to explain.
because he didn't walk on enough eggshells and sugarcoat it enough
>All of those cancerous tweets by virtue-signalling liberals
What, do they want MORE fucking Africans in the world? There's already too many of them.
They're starting to realize they've created a monster, and people are going to swing hard right in the coming decades if they don't regulate their discourse. Of course by then muds will outnumber us, and the democratic option will be impossible.
>tfw you realize Le Pen was just a Russian shill and Macron was /ourguy/ pretending to be a SJW just to get easy votes
He's trying to sure up his base to get some extra political capital and better performance in the next election. Nothing more.
Not so much. Just self-preservation.
They just are realizing that by following the current trends, somebody will jump at their throats, be it angry muslims or angry right wing safety squads.
The old "create a problem and with it a solution" entry in the cookbook.
Can someone post post the Chinese cartoon when you see a bunch of African kids dying of starvation and once the Chinese start feeding them, they invariably start to duplicate like rabbits in rut?
he literally just got elected a couple months ago
>hates poors
>says his thoughts are too complex
>thinks he's Jupiter
>now says nigger women have too much babies
I start to feel like all his 'bouhou, muh colonialism was a crime against humanity, French culture doesn't exist' was just a facade, to seduce leftards and (sand)niggers.
Could it be that Bill Gates is simply white and doesn't want Europe filled with nonwhites?
>you will live to see napoleon reborn rise to the throne again
i love this timeline!
>Macron says african women are having too many babies
It should be obvious to everybody at this point, I don't get why all the fuss about it
It's not like they will stop
wtf I love macaroni now
Normie awakening.
>move to plan B which should have been plan A which is to get retarded third worlders to stop having 10 kids while starving to death.
´Can't see anything wrong with this
someone please call Africa and tell their women to stop pumping out kanglets like her vagina is a clown car plizz
All the comments on that site seems to be /ourguys/ so they probably are.
Death squads are always an option. Europe has burned for less.
Once you are elected it's all about image for the next election. Here in America the first term is getting approval and the next term is getting shit done cause you're out anyway.
How is this a slide thread you Antifag?
I love the Japs. Nationalistic as fuck, and staying the hell out of western countries.
that doesnt pass the logic test
Based globalist?
>Africans, blacks...whatever you want to call them, where ever they tell you they're from or where they're going, they're... animals. We need to put them in pens and keep their numbers down. It's time to stop this grand social experiment that we call "multiculturalism". The white race needs to take a step into the future, and if I need to be their guide by God and the Virgin Mary, I, with all of France behind me, will be that man.
What did Manny "Based Ebola" Macron mean by this?
Can someone translate the words and captions? I'm curious.
nah they just make articles like this every now and then to trick retards like you.
they do the same with merkel.
He did say "I used to be in that circle so I know how they work and how to fight them" *wink wink*.
I did not believe him, for obvious reasons.
Legalize hunting niggers in Africa
To hell with this faggot. They're subsidizing the breeding of 3rd worlders while letting them into their country.
The future you chose.
He's right but he's still a subhuman globalist.
It's funny because I've only heard white people say some variation of
"OMG there are too many people! I'm glad ***I'M*** not having kids!"
about 27,000 times in my life
>He sure as fuck is creating happenings.
Emmanuel is the name of the messiah ; Macron is the anagram of Monarch. He is born a 21 december ( winter solstice ). He's elected and is 40 years old in 2017, a century after Fatima, the Bolchevic revolution and the Balfour Declaration among others things. He has no child, he became president from nowhere... There is something big coming from him.
Oh shit thats a neat blue division pic you got there
don't feed the wild life!
Don't forget he won with 66,6%
Unfortunately he's still bluepilled on almost everything else.
I mean this isn't even controversial, it's a basic truth.
Though it's funny to see him angering the Left, it just shows how far left the dominant ideology has gone. You can't publicly say 90% of the things that were common sense fifty years ago.
Exactly, but there are so much things about him... It would be too long to list them all.
>essential challenges of Africa…one of the eight countries
That said it's even been a UN development goal to reduce the unsustainable birth rates of Africa for a long while now. What complete idiots.
It's like looking at the T-1000 reforming...
>'We don't have much time'
Macron would be one lame antichrist
truly makes one ponder perhaps
How can they stop though if they can't get or aren't Lloeed contraception and they have no choice if their husbands fuck them or not?
Africa is like Ireland in the old days
Also though if macron is refilling himself on blacks could he be an unlikely ally to white South Africans ?
Can we tweet him and trump about it
>that subtle dub
he'd be a shit tier antichrist tho
why wouldn't they be allowed contraception? niggers don't care. Because of this the spiral might also be a better tool than pills or condoms.
another thing would be abortion clinics. These are commonplace in the west and they could also open in africa.