How will she fare in the 2018 midterms? She's running for a congress in MA
How will she fare in the 2018 midterms? She's running for a congress in MA
it doesn't matter, he will discover that he has prostate cancer within the next few months and take himself out of the race
Hot Topic manager running for Congress now?
Have dead, crazy eyes ever been a turn-off for voters?
Forgot to add: Wu always looks like he's on something. Unless Massachusetts has a significant tweaker voting bloc, it really isn't a good look at all.
I'm for her running.
first of all, she wont win.
secondly, she'll be supported by sjws. that means they'll be emptying their wallets and purses trying to fund her.
third, i'll have more to laugh at. this will garner opposition to her and her causes, weakening what ever stance she has for the future.
Who is left that cares about anything he has to say?
Of fucking course.
Y'all faggots better be saging.
Who's seat?
vote for her you faggots, imagine libshits having to deal with this freak
The Dems are already the party of psychotic faggots. Having John Flynt run in a Dem primary just makes it official.
I hope she wins. (S)he will drag down the democratic party with identity politics and MUH OPPRESSION and MUH TRANNY RIGHTS
Holy fuck, is that Wu?
The absolute state of ladyboys these days...
>also fuck this captcha nonsense, eight windows just to make a post? We need to bring back Snacks.
dont doubt this cucked state
i want out so bad
If anything she will bolster the rights win. The sjw snowflakes will vote for her but the reasonable left and center will see the crazy and either abstain or vote indy.
Well, hillary isnt president so yeah id say its a red flag to even minimal thinkers
>>also fuck this captcha nonsense, eight windows just to make a post? We need to bring back Snacks.
Its all good goy, we are helping google with their AI for self driving cars by doing the captcha, once your brain chip is installed and properly regulating your mood youll see that having zero freedom of movement and google making all your decisions is really all for the best. Im so sleepy, are you feeling sleepy? My eyes are so heavy...
>running for a congress in MA
This creature lives in my state? Wtf
People who don't know about GamerGate (most normies) have no clue who that is. It'd be like if Anita ran for Congress, nobody would know who the fuck she is.
Find him and suck his cock
>Hahahaha her campaign is a joke, she'll never win!
>H-How well who cares if she won, it's not like she'll ever win again... It's a fluke...
>O-okay well she's been in Congress for 10 years now, it's just a joke though... Hahaha...?
>Uh, wait, no way she'll run for president.... Right?
>There's no way she'll get the delegates she needs! No way!
>O-okay well she got the delegates, but she'll never win the election!
>W-wait... She actually won...? W-well she'll be impeached within a month... No, two months...
>Okay sue never got impeached, but there's absolutely no way she'll be reelected! No way!
>U-uh well she won again.... But it's just a joke, this time she'll be impeached for sure...?
Where have we heard this before, Sup Forums?
That fucking stare terrifies me
It is the liberals final form
Your comparing the momentum of Trump's presidential campaign to this creepy looking guy? Bravo.
She'll get blown out, maybe literally. She's not the establishment candidate for the Democrats, she'll receive little or no support.
t. Massfag