Wtf has western culture done to the modern female to make them all such depressed, horrible people?
Modern Females
Total dehumanisation.
me, me! ME!!!
Basically, having a baby, takes all the attention and dick away from you. As well as money. You have to understand, these are the wealthiest, most spoiled people on the face of a planet, throughout all of history.
Look at this video
>Dressed like a whore
>Young white girl handed everything to her her whole life
>Decide to literally commit a crime
>People arrest you
>A crowd builds trying to free you, screaming at the arresting citizens
>Literally hurt yourself squirming, resisting arrest
>People feed your false victim complex by claiming their the ones hurting you
This is white girl privilege, this, is what destroys empires
We let them speak and pretended to listen.
this is why you need to have as many babies as you can. with multiple women if need be
>fuck fulfilling the only goal worthy of having in your life, a-am I right... ladies...
>preach sister
>in secret their face when
also, sparkling garbage, and whore who was brianwashed into believing westerners contribute to overpopulation
Thats a buzzword women use to rationalize them being cunts, they dont give a shit about overpopulation when Chad impregnates them and abandons them afterwards.
The harsh reality is that not everyone is maternal. And not every man makes a good father either. It's better that we don't force everyone to breed, because it's the offspring who pays the price if he parents aren't good at their task.
It's just how those people are and you can't fix them.
If overpopulation is a thing why do we need so many immigrants to support low birth rates of native citizens?
I actually worked at Winco for a while and that was a pretty normal thing for loss prevention and lead clerks to do. I even saw them body slam a fool and an ambulance had to come, crowded the shit out of the parking lot. Don't quite know what law is in place that protects them so they can do that because I'm pretty sure other stores tell all their employees to never pursuit a thief.
Social media has boosted self-importance and political correctness has forbid people to call someone out on being wrong because then they're literally Hitler infringing upon their way of life (never mind that they are kind of doing the same). Also, they've been taught that all traditional ways of life are wrong and being progressive is good so they do the exact opposite of what they perceive as forced upon them by society.
Or something about being raised under the impression that they are special and once they reach adulthood and notice they are pretty much part of a mass, they subvert expectations in hopes they can salvage their status as "special".
>Sparkling garbage
How apt.
>fuck fulfilling the only goal worthy of having in your life
If the only goal worth having in your life is reproducing, then you are nothing more than a dog, and if people thought like that we wouldn't have any kind of human achievements.
>taking women seriously
Please commit suicide you are the cancer destroying the west by enabling these subhumans.
These baby hating sociopaths would rather horde cats, and eat all day. Thankfully, they will die and leave no legacy.
>Hitler managed to make the closest to what Sup Forums dreams of without restricting women of anything
>Sup Forums thinks they must be stomped to death like a bunch of filthy muslims
You're in luck then. At this rate that will happen anyways.
the only goal for women
Isn't this a good thing? Surely we only want women that actually WANT to have kids, to have kids? What would you rather have? A generation of unloved children, who only exist because their mothers felt pressured by society into having them?
Calm the fuck down. Spinsters have ALWAYS existed. It's not exactly a modern phenomenon.
Those young women complaining about children?
Yeah. When they hit 40, they are going to start BAWLING their asses off, wishing they'd had children when they were young and fertile. They will be deeply unhappy and deeply unfulfilled, no matter how "successful" they are in their "careers".
Feminism is the worst thing to happen to the world. Not hyperbole. Fact.
Shut up eternal anglo, you niggers have done enough damage to the world.
Society reaches a maximum point of evolution and then starts to degenerate, much like empires fall after they reach their prime. My theory is it's all because of boredom. People just get bored of their comfy lives, find no respite in commodities and silent peaceful neighborhoods, and start creating problems where there were previously none.
So while Asians, Latinos and Africans compulsively pop out one trillion offspring because they are unevolved and act more animal-ish, Whites, having reached the pinnacle of social evolution and grandness, not only have no children but start to hate the very concept of birth and care-giving -- thus sealing the end of their culture with no descendants to pass it on to the next generation.
Civilization eventually destroys itself.
>Isn't this a good thing?
it's not a good thing because it's basically like 75% in the ghetto being convinced they don't want to get a job
some of them are really sociopaths but probably more are just misguided and petty
>If the only goal worth having in your life is reproducing, then you are nothing more than a dog
you need to be 18 years or older in order to post
Because it is replacement.
Its boring because of the core values we hold. Comfort, pleasure and gluttony are all we care about. Maybe we would be venturing into the final frontier if we actually had a reason rather than muh profits. Instead we are all sitting around jerking off to anime caring about ourselves and only ourselves. Of course everyone is bored and depressed.
And theoretically if everyone stopped reproducing we wouldnt live to continue any of those achievements
>is a slut
>doing things that a slut would do
>checking all of the slut checkboxes
>"I dont think that's slutty"
>"dont say slutty women do that"
Civilization is doomed.
Sadly its not women, its men. Men are the system builders, the police, the builders. Make no fucking mistake, women are still not laying the bricks, the mortar or building the infrastructure of society, its still all men.
Thunder cunts are gonna do what they do because they can, if you could fuck who ever you wanted to take their money for existing you would. Men need to stop being simps and hold the cunts accountable, but noooo, most are just beta faggot white knights
Seriously, what's the difference between you and some random animal if the only objective in life is doing what your genetic programming tells you to?
You said nothing with that.
>if we actually had a reason rather than muh profits
what is that? what is your plan?
>People just get bored of their comfy lives, find no respite in commodities and silent peaceful neighborhoods, and start creating problems where there were previously none.
Sweden in a nutshell. Confused, future historians will study and analyse, why a (mostly) peaceful, historically agricultural people, with ZERO history of invading, or colonising black and brown lands, willingly and gleefully allowed their social utopia to be invaded and eventually destroyed by hostile barbarians.
I never understand the overpopulated world part, Africa and Asia are surely overpopulated, but America defintely isn't.
I fucking guarantee if that baby was brown they'd be swooning like morons.
Shame your parents didn't think that way
>Spinsters have ALWAYS existed. It's not exactly a modern phenomenon
True, but Sup Forums and feminists and numerous other sources/entities are now trying to shame young men into manning up for them. That's the difference. Before, those women would have been condemned and shamed from society. Now, you have numerous entities shilling for them and young (white) men are seen as horrible for not being with them. Western society is degenerate. So is Sup Forums though.
Good redpill for those men who think females care about human beings. This proves that they're just evil creatures.
Nah, they just lack sympathy towards babies. It's safe to say these are not coal burners.
>"you are the same as an asian or african"
this is the reasoning
and most people who hate the overpopulation meme don't even realize they're doing hard work covering third worlders
Duckface is so 2012
response bias
most of them have no personal relation to mix race babies, so most of the white girls wouldn't respond
the incidence rates are also so through the roof it's a new phenomena now. Being a spinster is now almost more normal than not.
God multiplied Eve's suffering in childbirth. But she hadn't yet conceived. This means every generation of kids is regretted more and more by females
Gave birth I should say
oh my bad what are they doing now?
if I were the LP guy I would have been hard as a rock the entire time.
thug hand signs?
Sounds like that bodybuilder who screams at the camera in his vlogs top kek
fuckin nailed it
Because of German males, german females like all white females are human shit that destroy order and society when let of their leash.
Wage labor, debt, encouraged hedonism, false expectations.
women succumb to the jew, being easily turned is one of their properties. You don't own your women anymore
Western culture gave them rights.
>the modern female
White sharia is the solution user
i agree, it's called western tradition
Notice how the beta growls and yells but doesn't actually do anything.
Fucking lol.
Oh boo hoo its not our fault they are subhuman cunts.
no. but it's your fault they want to open borders.
White women are worthless fucking whores that don't deserve to live on this planet
This is why anyone who isn't a cuck would go for an asian or hispanic traditional woman, even traps are much better than entitled vapid roastie whores. White women are fucking disgusting disease-carrying irredeemable garbage.
why does everybody feel the need to comment on everything?
>be biologically endowed with one vital job
>live in a time when that job is easier than its ever been (lowest rate of deaths during childbirth in history, lowest rate of infant mortality in history, etc)
>refuse to do that job because you'd rather get drunk and ride the cock carousel
>some poor beta will still eventually put a ring on your finger and provide for you even though you've made it clear you won't give him a child
why do we keep these people around?
Fuck off you faggot white knight cuck.
White women are fucking trash, not even Asians get cucked this hard by their women.
Pic related: Its you
sorry for suggesting this bro, I don't think that converted all too well :/
[Birth Control causes Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder.] It's a big reason why Leftist/Feminist Women are how they are.
(Did threads talking about this:
Women are also more vulnerable to Social Engineering(such as Feminism) then Men due to them conforming/adapting to Social Norms. Historically it's always been shown that when Female "Empowerment" & Sexual Freedom goes out of control the Society/Civilization Implodes.
Feminists need to be Eliminated to restore Order. The West & Earth(much like Planets before it) will be destroyed if they do not, but that choice has always came down to the Men.
fuck off you bitter little kid
you were cucked out of your women and now you pretend you didn't even want them in the first place?
The only thing that could save these western whores at this point is to be butchered in the streets until they learn what true oppression is then maybe they'll go back to shutting their legs and listening to her man again. Fuck these nation-destroying worthless AIDS carrying fuckholes.
And look, it's all white women. Every single one saying they hate children is a white girl. These women were given the fucking world, everything they could've wanted. You can laugh at these idiot browns and blacks that post "wypipo don't eat spices baka" or a Beyoncé GIF, but they're not as masochistic as white women to reject their own biology in favor of cheap dopamine rushes.
They fought and screeched and protested for the exact same legal rights as men and they got them, then they fought and screeched and protested for the ability to do and say and wear and believe ANYTHING they wanted WITHOUT CRITICISM. You and I are technically free to buy alcohol and get wasted every night, but we have friends and family and coworkers that will intervene, that will pressure us to stop, that will make it clear they want us to STOP. Women have worked to DESTROY those social pressures that were applied to them when they went out and got fucked like a whore every night, a family member that says "No more of this behavior, you'll never be happy if you live like this" is branded a MISOGYNIST and the woman that gets pounded every night is "liberated", as if it's brave!
So now, with every legal freedom imaginable, and freedom FROM social pressure and consuequences, what do women do?
They stop breeding, they act like whores (and this ability is enhanced by products created BY MALES like Tinder), they upload slutty pictures of themselves online for validation from people they don't know and will never meet, they take SSRIs like candy, they stay up half the night refreshing social media apps to see if others are talking about their selfies, they ingest a gram of coffee in the morning just to get through the day because they were up all night (in the form of the latest fashionable, overpriced coffee paid for by some halfwit male in their life), they take hormone altering birth control pills (and insist YOU pay for them), and despite all this, they're more miserable than ever.
The psychological effect that Jews have had on them is taking its final form.
Why are females such a concern on this board? 95% of you are chubby socially awkward outcasts. Females don't play a part in your lives. I think it's soothing for you to talk about their problems because it reduces your cognitive dissonance.
You are all fat, and I could beat you in a fight.
Its our fault they voted for immigrants.
Are you retarded?
We should not be catering to these stupid animals like they are being free do responsibility oh no they will be blamed always for their stupidity.
>Dem trips
Are gingers humans?
Go clean your seeping roasthole you disgusting vapid cunt
Is this pasta? If not, quality post. Although I would add that it applies to more than just white women. All western women regardless of race (minus those few raised in households that promote traditional values) have been affected.
Modern women have made modern men into the other woman.
Stop thinking that women have changed, because it's in their nature to test men
>Its our fault they voted for immigrants.
of course, do you think you're not one bit at fault when your kids smear the store with ice cream?
>We should not be catering to these stupid animals like they are being free do responsibility oh no they will be blamed always for their stupidity.
you shouldn't
>yfw they kill themselves before turning 35
>This is why anyone who isn't a cuck would go for an asian or hispanic traditional woman
Give it up, most white boys aren't interested in non-white women. Minority women are not oppressed in western society because cute white boys don't ask them out.
Kids are not women.
Isn't the last woman saying she wants to tie her tubes holding a child? Wtf?
Except now with divorce alimony rape there's no fucking incentive to deal with their petty childish shittests. Fuck these useless fucking cunts, let them rot. I'll take a submissive femboi trap who is just grateful for the chance to worship your cock over these disgusting sub-100 IQ roastie pieces of shit who are not even capable of carrying a conversation beyond what pozzed netflix bullshit they watched that day. White women are finished.
But women are, generally speaking, kids. In terms of emotional maturity, anyway.
This was caused by beta males who took the soulmate meme too seriously. Women are nothing more than beings used to make new humans they rae not your lovers, your soulmates heck they would laugh as an alpha male kills you slowly in front of them then fucks her.
Are you retarded?
Decades of indoctrination telling western females that having a child = lack of freedom, endless responsibility with no reward and general misery
Weirdest thing is that I've seen girls do a 180 about this stuff. A girl I dated once went from "OH MY GOD DO YOU REALIZE WHAT HAVING A CHILD WOULD DO TO MY BODY?" to "I want at least 3 to 4 kids" after visiting with me and my huge-ass irish family. Maybe they realize that shit people make shit kids?
it looks this way, but she's actually hugging a midget