Assuming you're already a libertarian, where are you?
Assuming you're already a libertarian, where are you?
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No, I'm not a cuck, thank you
If libertarians are cucks, at least they're not Bulgarians.
Anarcho-capitalist voluntaryism.
I'm a combination of Classical Liberalism and Neolibetarianism.
The idea that the government can protect basic liberties without a strong defense is pretty laughable. The government should have 4 main priorities: Enforcing the NAP, Enforcing Contracts, National Defense (This includes STRICT border control) and country to country diplomacy. Anything besides that is probably not necessary, and worse yet, may be damaging.
Now, when I say this, I am referring to people who think there needs to be a government. If you're in full ancap mode, that is fine too. I can understand wanting the abolition of government because it's natural for government to assume more power when corruption seeps in, but if we're talking what is preferable, a non-corrupted, small government that fulfills those 4 main roles is my choice.
Probably somewhere near libertarian fascism, I call it market fascism or propertarianism (restriction of human activity to participation in the market place through transfer of property)
neolibertarianism/classical liberalism.
>I can understand wanting the abolition of government because it's natural for government to assume more power when corruption seeps in
that goes for all governments, so the ancaps might as well just admit that a small government that steps on their slithers a little bit is better than some dictatorship.
Hoppean. It's the logical conclusion of property rights.
Torn between Hoppeanism and Neolibertarianism
>The society will be too enlightened, and only filled with anti-leech capitalists
>The society will be a high-trust, culturally conservative one
How the fuck are enlightenment, high-trust societies, and cultural conservatism a bad thing?
They aren't...
>Randian objectivism
>a mere political position
Whoa there bucko, you need to
Objectivism is the end goal for anarcho-capitalism.
>muh ypipo gibs!!
You truly are a pathetic breed. You use racial identity politics as a means to secure power. Or, at the very least, think you'll somehow be Mr. Gucci Gestapo. Fuck you, I hope you get your wish and die under the statism you advocate for.
I'm somewhere in between Minarchism and Classic Liberalism
"fpbp" is pretty much a reddit upboat desu.
Why the heck is Agorism considered "left?"
Ancap voluntarism is the ideal.
Agorism is a full action plan.
Paleo and Hoppe are for sustainability and preservation.
Cute meme. I'm as glad as anybody else that Gary didn't win.
>Splitting an already small idealogy into a dozen tiny sub groups
fuck off sage
Then why are Objectivists and Paleolibertarians against these things, if I am reading this chart correctly?
How is libertarianism "small". How is it the creator of this graph responsible for splitting them up when all the terms have existed for ages. How is it possible to be this retarded.
More like the other way around. It is a Marxist fallacy that external material and political conditions determine the contents of men's minds. In reality, it is ideas - in particular, fundamental philosophical ideas - which determine the course of history.
Politics is merely one subsection - the section that deals with the correct use of force - of ethics, itself only one branch of philosophy. Objectivism implies the NAP and thus anarcho-capitalism, but only after a long chain of philosophical reasoning, which begins in epistemology and metaphysics and leads through individual ethics to social ethics. The NAP has to be proved and justified, it isn't self-evident; only the bare facts of reality are self-evident. An besides, the NAP is far from all there is to correct ethics. The purpose of morality, according to Rand, is to serve as an objectively necessary guide to men's survival, fulfillment and happiness, not merely as a set of disembodied rules such as the 10 commandments or the NAP which are to be obeyed without thought.
Can someone explain the "throwing commies out of helicopters" meme?
The chillian leader Pinochet disposed of commies by chucking them out of choppers
You're not reading it correctly. That's what they advocate, not what they're against. On the very first page of Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal you read that "we advocate capitalism because it is the only system geared to the life of a rational being."
wtf i love agorism now?
I got classical liberal. But my colorblind ass can't tell if that's left-libertarian or right-libertarian. Someone wanna help a colorblind Sup Forumsack out?
Legends say Pinochet threw communists out of helicopters and created a capitalist utopia.
Communists must be physically removed from society if a Libertarian order is to be maintained.
thanks ^.^
Libertarianism is idiotic, the only way to have true liberty and free association is to pursue a society of superior technology in which the individual is fully self sufficient, free to roam the cosmos at their leisure and has no need to associate with others.
>want to be a classical liberal
>urge to remove commies too great
what the fuck is this shit.,
i looked at the img and said oh no in 2 sec
inb4 transliberal
Voluntaryism, but I fully embrace and support the Agorist plan
>libertarian fascism
>t. brainlet who doesn't understand the nature of free will, or libertarianism
What made you think libertarians advocate total self-sufficiency? We're all for unrestricted trade between individuals and the division of labor.
If nobody is using force against you and your property, then you have total liberty and freedom of association. 'Tragedy of the commons' style problems might still exist, but there's no reason why they can't be minimized until they have a negligible impact on life.
How come I'm the only Anarchist in this thread.
btw, could someone review my work:
> "Why we don't need Government to function as a society"
Thinking the same thing
fug, meant to reply to
Updated it a little.
reminder than ancom is garbage
>What made you think libertarians advocate total self-sufficiency?
They don't. That's my point, you're all retarded.
If you need to associate with others then you have a clear limit on your freedom of association.
Hoppa all the way baby.
Classical liberalism
I got classical liberal but I'm confuse
where does the role of strong nuclear families and small trusting communities come into play in this?
Often these things refer to -the individual- but not even today are we nothing but a bunch of individual free agents. We are in tight-nit relationships of husband-wife, parents-children, godparents, neighbors, and friends. These relationships are the foundation of successful communities that form civilizations.
clearly the role and size of government is simply to protect basic liberties as so far beyond the ability of families and small communities are unable to protect themselves.
You don't really need to associate with others in a libertarian society. However, it is recommended to associate with non-niggers because it generally increases the wealth of the two parts involved.
voluntarist who doesn't want all his neighbours to advocate destroying muh freedoms
so definitely not open borders
its not an accident Dutch and English puritans created the greatest country on earth
You literally don't know what freedom of association means, do you?
Political freedom in any context means only freedom from force imposed by others. It is not a violation of your right to life if you starve to death because you haven't produced enough food; it is a violation of that right if someone sends a 9mm through your skull. Similarly, freedom of association implies that nobody can force you not to associate with others if you (and they) wish to do so. The fact that not to associate with others would lead to death from starvation, unless you were a jungle survival expert, is irrelevant to the question of freedom. There is no such thing as freedom from reality - only freedom from the forcibly imposed will of other men.
At least I'm not a flagless LARPing shit
There are realistic physical limits on how much you can do without associating with others even if we're talking about freedom of movement alone, thus there is a hard limit on freedom of association. You will have to associate with someone or force yourself not to move around to avoid people. Space travel and complete self-sufficiency is the only way to solve this.
Your definition of freedom of association is pathetic and dumb, I do not agree with it. You may as well be calling a pebble 'the moon.'
>tfw between Moderate Libertarian and Classical Liberalism.
>tfw want to remove commies.
>tfw love capitalism to benefit the state.
Why can't my beliefs be summed up in one belief?
Let them be in their communes
I'm in the Classical Liberal section of Libertarianism I'd say. Very much pro true capitalism, free markets and a highly limited government existing only to protect the rights of its' citizens.
at a minimum you must accept you are an intellectual minority, assess popular philosophies adjacent to your views, and attempt to reconcile the differences.
I do, I've lost liberal friends and gain conservative friends over this election cycle. I don't see myself as a centralist but I believe in what my found fathers have came up with constitutionally and realize this country was made by capitalist and for capitalist. Those who were progressive at the time.
tfw still no egoist flag
feels pretty spooky desu
Yea and that limit is imposed by the other I'm associating with. That's what voluntary means
Chart is shit. However, I'm a classical liberal. But not for the reasons the chart gives.