Midwestern Reich

Why not start the Fourth Reich in the Midwest?

>majority germanic heritage
>family values
>90%+ white states
>high IQ
>tallest in the Union

IA, MN, SD, ND, NE, KS, MO, WI, IL, IN, OH, PA, and MI all allowed. (Manitoba, Sasketchewan, and Alberta also allowed)

>Injuns can't afford cars, buses are a human right

>Illinois can't feed all those damn niggers

>Wisconsin to ban communist Agitators

>Zuckerberg canvases for those sweet, sweet Iowa votes

>Somalis afraid of people coming into their communities and killing them

>10,000 Muslims gather to celebrate this years successful terrorism season

>Head spic busted for embezzlement in MI

Other urls found in this thread:


I would prefer a Pennsreich, but I would be willing to negotiate a union Westward instead.

All a bunch of shithole states. Take em. We don't care.

MI here. I'm down, but the southeast is infested.
West Laurentia when?

Nazis were war criminals who killed millions of innocent Jewish people, you and every other racist nazi piece of shit can FUCK RIGHT OFF

Mom! I told you to stop posting in my threads!

Chicago North Shore checking in. It's too damn humid and hot lately. I need to move to the UP.

SD here. No, fuck off, niggers.

fuck off jew

Nebraskan here.... i support this.... let the NWT do their thing... we have all the agriculture, all the guns, all the builders of all kinds of things.... we could generate more income by cutting ((them)) out



>can't attract more than 50 people for a protest
>lets take over a state!

Which ones would the midwest side with if shit went down?

Also Iowa is the cultural and intellectual capital of the coming midwestern Reich.

MN here, my town is filled with nigs from Chicago, and Detroit.

We need Pennsylvania for a passage to the sea.

Des Moines is too infested to be the capital though

Here's a plan
>we redpill the rural white people
>we get the whites that had to encounter the horrors of chimpcongo and Detroit on our side
>declare independence from the JEWSA
>drop some MOABS on Chicago, Detroit, Gary and all nog infested cities
>deport all non whites
>if they refuse we drown them all in the lakes
>drown all kikes in the lakes
>we will be able to print and mint our own money
>once we get Industry going we'll ban all Chinese made shit
>buy our oil from Iran (help kick the petrodollar and Israel in the ass)
>pay entrepreneurs to bring back industry to the sector
>print money to pay for infrastructure repair
>bring back Detroit from the grave and make it into the auto capital of the world
>since we can print our money, taxes won't be needed
>ban all Jew owned corporations
>we remove everything Jewish(rap music, degeneracy, consumerism)
>we destroy anything that came out of a Jews mind
>rebuild the MOAB cities into comfy white paradises
>make the white community closer like Nazi Germany
>take out all liberal anti white propaganda
>remove standardized testing and homework
>replace all unqualified or shitty teachers
>teach children their roots and to be proud of their race,
>teach them life skills like how to farm, build, live on their own
>focus on the students strengths and weaknesses
>remove all gun regulations
>deregulate bureaucracy
>bring drinking age down to 18 or 16
>remove all regulations that violate the liberties of citizens (e.g collecting drinking water ban)
>must be 18 and have an IQ of over 100 to vote and have critical thinking skills
>government must always protect the white citizens at all times
>must be 5'10 or taller to join
>must be fast and strong
>no faggots
>no women
>must be able to stay awake for hours on end
>once we achieve world superpower status we will nuke Israel and Saudi Arabia
>alliance ourselves with jew free countries
Any other suggestions?

A fucking ear!
We should just use the Michigan flag except take out the peninsula part. It's got a fucking moose on it. Moose are really cool and respected by all. Moose are my brothers.

We can use the other Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence, or the Mississippi and Missouri

wat. You already have the Mississippi. And OH already gets you a port on Lake Erie.

>what are the great lakes
>what are freight rails
>what is the Mississippi river
>what is the Erie canal

Southeast except major cities.

lel.... its perfect

Those are like the least midwestern animal I can imagine dude

Idaho is Mormon Anglo territory, though.

What happens here :^)

ND Nord checking in. Look at what filth the Fargo Forum is publishing today:


>fireworks should be banned because it scares dindus.

Ames then. Not a lot of shitskins there. Just a bunch of college asians.

What few niggers it has are easily found and fed to nearby hog lots.

We would be better as the Reich of the Great Lakes. The Dakotas can go fuck themselves. Besides with control over the largest source of fresh water in the world we'd be set as fuck.

Yeah because having the Bakken oil fields wouldn't make you "set as fuck" at all.

Fuck off anyway we're full.

>tfw anglo
Can I still stay in the midwestern Reich? I love this place and would be willing to die for this Reich.

Ozarks also get you great water.

But they could bank on coal and natgas country instead if they wanted. The Germans could turn back to Hilerian coal gassification and if push came to shove there's always the corn-based ethanol option.

Guys stop fighting this is what the (((union))) wants

Anglos will be put into concentration camps until we can secure victory. We can't repeat past mistakes.

Kenosha will obviously be destroyed using radiological weapons

hunting expeditions :)

I am cool with Michigan flag :^)

Also it says "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you."

Any Hoosiers on? 812 reporting in.

Are they fair “game?”

Yeah sure. Just don't be a dick. I have some Anglo ancestry myself
Oswald Mosley didn't want war with Germany

they are considered a non game invasive species therefore will have no season or limit nor will their be any limitations on the method of take

hell yes, poland of america reporting in

MN is hopeless. Way too many fucking somalis, niggers, spics, and other assorted shitskins. PLUS plenty of fucking leftist yuppie scum of both genders. No matter how red the rest of the state goes, the fucking multikulti hellholes that are the cities overpowers them every time.
Plus our gibs are too good so """refugees""" keep being imported (though luckily that is temporarily stopped, thank you Trump), and niggers are coming from Chicago in droves.

Just fucking end us.

Not likely. Inferior squareheaded continentals will never rate their own country on our Sacred American Clay. You are nothing but Irishmen who can work drunk.

Too savage to govern yourselves, you declare "democracy" a failure, when in fact it is your degenerate Teuton blood that inevitably drags your attempts at society into savagery. In short, fuck off back to Merkelland.

Iowa will be the head of this new Reich.
>starting to awake
>recently legalized fireworks
>passed many pro-gun laws, including suppresors
> hear people in Council Bluffs calling the (((minorites))) freeloading brownskins and even nigger lovers to cucks
>rivers on both sides to keep water-scared shitskins away
>Des Moines Capital is aesthetic around the governing district
>t. Iowan
Basically Sup Forums the state with most towns being miles from each other and secluded.

https: //www.thetoptens .com/most-racists-states-us/ iowa-459689.asp

>tfw shitposters also
http: //reason .com/blog/2014/12/10/ university-of-iowa-pulls-anti-racism-dis


>The point
Is obviously not your mother's tongue. Fuck off we're full.

we will have to cleanse the omaha/lincoln area

Where should the capitol be? I'm thinking not Chicago.


river people are extremely weird so a lot of missouri, iowa, illinois, and minnesota are out

It has already been established as Iowa. Most likely Des Moines.

you know this will ever work right

>Midwestern Reich

lol what about the nigger enclaves in chicago and milwaukee and detroit and the emerging muslim caliphate in michigan?

Africa tier

>Let me tell you which parts of the country are white

Wall them off and siege. Some of them can simply be bulldozed into an already-polluted waterway.

kek my small ass county in nm is british

>4th reich.
No thanks. I'm holding out for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to arm up and create the Lutheran State in the Midwest and Great Plains.

Why not just a blue flag with a moose?

Like pic related but better.

bum ,support !

Milwaukee niggers are the worst. Can't drive for shit, love killing other niggers but can't shoot for shit so they kill little kids and old men by accident

Quick rundown on Missouri synod pls, are they based? I grew up ELCA but they are fucking cucked beyond belief. One of their organizations is even responsible for importing Somalis here.


Man you are going to love it here

That looks hideous

Yellow on white isn't a good idea

I'm from Dearborn and it's only the east side of the city that's majority brown. That's still too much but it's only one half of one city. The niggers have at least Flint and Detroit under their control.

Corn... seriously

wow pol is cucked.

I was just roleplaying as an autist when I was talking about the moose. It's not the most important thing to be on the flag.


Bro are you for real?

West PA here. I'm in, but good luck convincing the 80% nignog Philly.

>smartest state in the entire union
>chalk full of culture, too many things to even name in a single post

Bro just accept your new leaders.

The fourth reich is the EU, run by Furhrer Merkel. Her guys the ANTIFA are taking care of all descent.

>>must be 5'10 or taller to join
who will ride the vehicles?

Because of FIBs

If we do this it might make sense to split in to PA and West PA for practical cultural reasons.

Ok fine. We'll just put the people under that height in the Manlet division.

You mustn't forget Ohio brother Kentucky.

>PA allowed

Yes! Please save us!

That or desk jobs/mechanics?

>high IQ
Yeah, nah - people are literally dumb as fuck in the midwest -particularly whites.

Rural wi here. If hit hits the fan, and the ticking time bombs that are milwaukee and madison explode and spread their shit outward, it would be very interesting to see how they adapt to the woods. Its a whole different country

Illinois checking in here. Sadly..


Here is our flag. The blue represents the wide pure blue skies of the midwest, and the waters of the lakes. The yellow represents the Germanic people who live here, and the 12 stars represent the 12 states of the Midwest Reich

>(((eu))) flag

Oh wow! People talking about North Dakota! That's me! Oh jeez!

How about we give you weapons to conquer Jew York and Jew England?

Western and maybe part of upstate Jew York are possible outer regions of a Pennsreich. You might be able to include them in a Midwestern Reich if you were careful since they are strangely Midwestern in character. But I think that might be pushing it too far.

And New England wouldn't take kindly to an attempt to conquer, and might more naturally take control over those areas anyway.

what about this

would be easier in the pacific northwest. way too many infested large cities to deal with, no strong borders.

We need a national anthem as well.

Any white secessionist movement will attract the attention of the alphabet agencies and you will be Waco'd
You aren't allowed to advocate for you races interest if you are white in the """"free"""" USA

Anything outside of JYC will be easy to take, but Massholes and beyond Vermont will be difficult.

Allow me to suggest we make a version using the Indiana flag. Also you fags need to keep the 5 rules of flag design.

Either we die as free white men or we live as enslaved mongrels.