wtf is wrong with this "culture?" Eating dogs is nigger-tier outside of an apocalyptic scenario. Having a whole festival dedicated to it is transcendentally niggerish.
wtf is wrong with this "culture?" Eating dogs is nigger-tier outside of an apocalyptic scenario. Having a whole festival dedicated to it is transcendentally niggerish.
they go peepee in our coke too
Thats sick not even fucking it first I mean come on.
Dogs are meat just like cow and pig, chinks dont have your mental illness that makes you think your canid slaves are child substitutes.
real shit, chinese are so borg-like and low empathy that don't even have a word for love. they do, but no one says it to each other.
the youth has been westernized by disney so they actually use the english instead and in rare cases do actually use the chinese for it, but instead of the words they're too insectoid and autistic to say "i love you" so they use the number 520 which sounds kinda like it in ching chong.
The house next door to me: 3 viet refugee families live in one SFH.
They cook everything with fermented fish sauce, that stinks from 200 feet distance. They cook it outside, we all can enjoy it. It smells literally like shit. When they moved in next door to me, I became a committed Trump supporter. Build the wall, deport all third world migrants!
fuck the vegan agenda
we get it, you were abused as a kid and now see it acceptable to take out your inner struggles on things that are weaker than you to make yourself feel better.
thats also called having a mental disorder. go fuck off and talk to someone about your issues. or I guess just keep edging it up on the internet because "kek like minds thrive on the internet!"
dumb nigger.
spbp and checked
Fuck the chankoros!
get your shit together, eating dog isn't wrong its the torture and brutal killing methods they use that is nigger tier
Insects are better than chinks
you gotta admit that it looks pretty tasty
Asians have very low empathy levels.
they are basically robots that have no emotion.
so if they get it in their head that dogs taste best when they are boiled alive then they just go with it.
same with how they treat POW's. they make guantanamo bay look like a daycamp for toddlers.
they are savage nigger tier creatures that need to be exterminated.
Soulless subhuman spotted, I can't wait to wipe your people out
Pigs are smarter than dogs. Eating pigs is elder nigger tier.
chinks have baboon tier empathy.
taste of agony and pain.
"And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness: now their own doings have beset them about; they are before my face." ... Hosea 7:2
He's frying it full of shit??!!!???
I've eaten dog in Asia and Latin America. It's the lowest of low tier meats but better than no meat. But holy fuck you need to prepare it like anything else!!!
p.s. Asians are really spotty with purging/gutting shellfish. Watch out.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that pigs are more intelligent and empathetic than even dogs.
The pics of what is done to them are widely available fellow insect.
>American doesn't understand how different cultures work
I mean, I hate chinks too but come on.
More sickening than the act of killing dogs in itself (which is at least up for debate) is the abominable act of boiling them alive. That's just satanic
Chinese are worse than niggers . A nigger is too stuid to know hes dping wrong , chinese are evil and take pleasure in torture id nuke every chink in china if i had the chance
We don't boil pigs alive though
Americans are the worst with shrimp. Here, we always take the "vein" (i.e. SHIT) out of the shrimp.
Americans never do. They're either too lazy or they like eating shit like the dogs they are.
One more reason when I refer to "asians", I'm actually referring to the Japanese, and ONLY the Japanese.
Fuck China.
Keep hiding behind that faggot flag, faggot.
I've never tried cat nor dog, and would happily give it a try.
Preferably with ketchup and pepper.
Japan has no right to talk about nastiness
The only reason whites keep dogs and cats is because they forget how to fuck.
You act like it can't be taken out after it's cooked. How many shitty shrimp have you eaten?
>Eating dogs is nigger-tier outside of an apocalyptic scenario.
Some rural swiss still eat dogs. It was probably even more common in the past.
Also, if you've seen what China has gone through in the past 150 years (IE even more than Mao), it's little wonder it's so awful. I get that it wouldn't be on par with the West even then, but if you an accept WWI/jews demoralized and ravaged Germany to the point of being the depraved hellhole Weimar was, I don't see why China should be so different.
>One more reason when I refer to "asians", I'm actually referring to the Japanese, and ONLY the Japanese.
I always love even the soft Japanophilia that crops up in right-wing circles. Literally everything you say about China was openly applied to the Japanese via Allied WWII propaganda and by the people who actually fought them. There are scores of allied vets that went to their deaths hating the Japanese.
Dream meme scum
I Am Deceit.
Is it over for me famalam?
ai is love
a.i. is love
artificial inteleegens is lahv
chinrar is borg
crush fool dread kek
Literally every shrimp I've had in America was full of shit.
China has always had an overpopulation problem going to at least 800 BC. Because of this and the constant economic upheaval which occurred during each Dynasty change (and subsequent technocrat purge / genoicide) eating everything became standard faire.
The last real time Europe had a famine was the 1300's. China in contrast had 6 during the middle ages and 2 self inflicted ones during the 1920-1980 period. All 8 of these instances saw more then 10 million or more people die of political or ecological starvation.
see, secret, suicide. sounds pretty cryptic or like I'm an edgelord faggot.
I dont think I'm a pessimist, but I thought this was a joke image until I read it and saw it had some regular words like 'kick' and 'naked' and 'obsession' I thought it was just all negative words.
wisdom, lust, kick
we wuz Solomon n shieet?
empathy is for the weak. Why would I empathize animals like niggers and dogs? There are plenty of stories and research about dog owners who died in the US. The police would often find the dog eating the dead owner instead of barking to attract attention or try to find help.
maybe if whites weren't so empathetic you wouldn't have a nigger, Arab or Latino problem.
>666: "doing something really well" 666 (pinyin: liùliùliù) represents 溜溜溜 (pinyin:liùliùliù ).
what did they mean by this
I wonder why chinks are so damn arrogant when they were slaves for much of their history.
>B-but muh gunpowder
And all the chinks came up with were fireworks. Europeans created firearms that conquered the world.
>M-muh Great Wall
Been there. Looks like utter shit.
>M-muh ancestors were emperors
Nah. There was 1 emperor and 1 billion peasants. Your ancestors were CHANKORO slaves who lived in extreme poverty.
why is it okay to eat pigs and cows but not dogs?
>be so poor you have to live next to immigrants
muh "master race" lmao
If you're so great why don't you move to North Dakota or Maine where there is only whites? You can die from heroin addiction like the rest of your people.
An enigma made a man leave in a rage of secrets
that just sounds badass to me
came here to post this
pee, hate, malice
More meat per kill
U fucking degenerate libtard ... we kill them FIRST !
>M-muh glorious Chinese history
Nigga please. Your ancestors were nothing but a statistic.
>Go to chinese neighbors house
>ask them to walk my dog while on vacation
>come back and no dog
>neighbors say they saved me some dog
>you ask us to wok your dog?
Passion coke pogo
Yea a bunch of chink slaves that managed to price out white Americans from the housing market and buying up all of (((Hollywood))) to produce movies for China.
Try harder cuck boy, the dragon is rising and you're too busy fighting 10 other "enemies" of the white man to take notice.
the south china sea is not yours
Nothing inherently wrong with eating dog even if I dont like the idea of it.If they were treated humanely and then euthanized It would be ok.
but no they skin or boil them alive while making them watch "to make them tasrte better"
CHANKORO's have no SOUL!
If these Gooks had any ounce of humanity they would kill the animal first. I don't really care they eat dogs but jesus fucking chirst, kill the damn thing HUMANELY first.
That's most people's argument about all of this
But really, look up the Chinese Sewer oil. It's fucking gross
>statistics proving our ruthlessness and the strength of those that survived and passed on their genes
My question is do you think you can survive a mass social upheaval in America today?
Off to the bile farm with you gweilo!
Why are Chinese sub humans
100% Satanic
He is not killing the cow but boiling it's fleas
look for the full video.
eastern vs western culture is pretty apparent on the issue of dogs. The legacy of the Hellenic and Latin culture in Europe is why I think dogs are so revered by Western culture, but not by Arab or Asian. The Ancient Greeks and Romans, contrary to the Semitic cultures favored dogs as pets, and valued them for their faithfulness and courage and were often seen on Greek and Roman reliefs and ceramics as symbols of fidelity. Cats were not favoured over dogs, on contrary Ancient Greeks and Romans didn't keep cats as pets. As a civilisation, they both had dogs as pets, status symbols or kept for guardians and as hunting dogs. Dogs were appreciated by the Greek for their faith and love. Homeros Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus who had a dog called Argos he raised and who was the only one that recognized him when he returned home after his travels, disguised to conceals his appearance. Only the old dog recognized him instantly. This theme has been often depicted in on ancient Greek vases.
The Ancient Romans kept three types of dogs. Hunting dogs; especially sighthounds, Molossus type of dogs like the Neapolitan Mastiff were often depicted in reliefs and mosaics with the words Cave Canem; and small companion dogs of Maltese type as women's lap dogs. Greyhounds were often depicted too, often as sculptures. Large dogs were often used in war by the Roman army in attack formations. There is also plenty of evidence of pre-Roman European culture such as the Celts also using dogs extensively for hunting and protection. Dogs were probably the first animal species to be domesticated by humans, long before agriculture
I'd take any reason to rise up with taiwan and hong kong to liberate them of chink mainland scum
>white man creates industrial farming
>brutally treat thousands of animals before their death to feed their obese populace
>gets asspain about a dog
No wonder the west is in a state of decay. Just hurry up and die already, it's painful to watch the west run around chasing shadows and bleeding all over the place.
Leave Peep Rage
A lot of those are barely verifiable estimates that have little support, or are total bullshit. Especially An Lushan and the Yellow Turban ones.
A majority of those have happened within the past 150 years though and goes with what I said , the shit China has gone through during that time is incredible and it's not exactly a wonder why it's such a soulless, inhuman place.
if you are genuinely muslim you won't understand because your religion teaches that dogs are haraam. To a westerner, dogs have been our allies against nature for thousands of years.
Fuck off dog fuckers, the chinks aren't in the wrong for eating them, they're in the wrong for being subhumans lacking any form of empathy or compassion. Your "I love my x pet more than my fellow countryman" and using pets as substitutes for children is one of the prime reason causing the fall of the West . We should be more concerned about the subhumans driving all megafauna extinct in our life time to get their 2 inchers hard and cure bonitis If anything, we need the chinks to actually eat more dogs and cats, the fucking things are a menace to every environment we introduce them to..
thanks that ease me up a bit
Chankoro's are DUMB mindless drones. A literal slave race.
First of all, I've never had a shitty shrimp, but I live near the ocean, we know how to handle sea food. Second
>eats intestine cooked on a stick
>eats chicken uterus
>is worried about a little shrimp shit
People have been saying this ever since the nationalist got kicked out of the mainland. Yet every time when HK and Taiwan needed your help your people turned away. You can't resist the allure of cheap shit and iPhones. It's honestly quite interesting, both the left and the right of this country hates china to its guts, yet no one stands up to them and support the nationalists, probably because we inherently hates asians as a whole and don't really care whether they are communists or otherwise
>outside of an apocalyptic scenario
so you've never been to rural China.
>rise up
Good luck. The Chinese communist party would rather have Taiwan returned a smoldering wasteland than allow the West to create a large enough arm buildup to threaten the mainland.
China cares more about the fact that Taiwan allows the west to exert political and strategic pressure than the island itself. And If you thought the DNC was bad you have no clue about Taiwanese politics.
Wisdom lust kick. Hummm... is that when you kick your self in the balls so you don't fuck the hot but probably diseased ridden town roasty?
>M-muh 5000 years of history!!!!!
All Turks are such sick fucks, bombs away in a few years you shitroach
Funny how nips think they are the ones who inherited the real Chinese culture. I could see why they refuse to apologize for ww2 since when do a supposedly superior race ever bow down to an inferior one?
Wish some Chinks would eat my neighbor's dog. Barking right now, 10 feet outside my fucking window!
CHANKOROs are the worst fighters in history. Always relying on pure numbers.
Lol probably buddy, good white joke, meanwhile shitskins blacks etc breed like vermin and should continually be exterminated as such
Difference between propoganda and knowledge you fucking retard
>Be a chankoro
>Get conquered
I hate chinks.
It's a tiny crustacean , you wouldn't even know if you were tasting its shit, what little would even be there, you stupid slant eyed fuck
>Be autistic jap nationalist
>Pretend to be white and repost the same poorly written shit weekly
>the dragon is rising
Not for long, chankoro.