Them niggers do the darndest things. Nigger appreciation thread
Them niggers do the darndest things. Nigger appreciation thread
It must have been the end of the month. Tariq couldn't wait another week for his Onigger bucks
Please tell me they aren't going to put those items back on the shelves after being smushed up against nigger crotch..
Also more comics if anybody has rare ones
He had every right. Fucking shit is out of control now days.
This is a very common negro thing. They prefer to get to an elevated position to increase their visibility when ooking and squawking. Whoever is the loudest and most obnoxious in the classroom wins all the gibbs
Here we have a loud negro who has ooked and squawked regularly and loudly enough to earn mass gibbs for the dindu tribe.
Lol. Best one out guys.
Automation can't come any sooner
What look at this
Explain this
le based black science nigger!
Smoove Moove, Ganessh
He is full of based intellectually distinguished advice when left to his own devices and not given scripts to read for shows.
>unhackable systems
just like the iphone 5 was "LEL UNHACKABLE"
but then Tim cook had to eat a big slice of humble pie.
More elegant twitter niggerisms.
I'm not even pro intelligent design but he is such a fucking retard when left to his own devices.
who the fuck is this guy
yeah i know him as the meme scientist but like, why the fuck is he renowned? TV show?
that one is true user.
if rabbits eat certain kinds of food, they have to re-eat it later to get more nutrients out.
is he kill
Affirmative action in science programs basically, then more affirmative action in media/tv. See pic above. He does have a presentable personality for media though.
The Space Nigger himself, Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Complete fraud propped up the (((them))) to serve as a counterexample to claims that the black race is of lower intelligence.
No shit. The point is he presents things like a dumbass who just learned it and is trying to act smart.
Is this true that niggers (((are being))) affirmative actioned to the best STEM formations?
>tfw when you're the cream of the crop of 60 years of the US ramming niggers through the university system
What point is he even trying to make here?
And if a qt gril walked up to me and licked my face, I'd reciprocate and subsequently be arrested for rape.
this guys a genius
Last one I have. More can be found on the jewgle or on his twitter page.
More tableniggers plz
think about what kind of people would follow him on twitter, they probably get a real kick out of all this bullshit
He's best buds with butt-blaster bill of course
this nigger is a credible scientist in ((america))? lmao
Some negro trying to pitch his tape to record label. "muh passion"
kickass reversal into a ddt
God what a fucking retard
Probably if we spent less money on welfare for savages.
Jesus, imagine if we had just genocided Africa and taken the whole place for European use.
Imagine the wonders we would have made.
Are hacks racists?
Theres a hot ones episode where this scifi nig appears
It is stupid as fuck. He takes any phrase and asks existential questions about it.
Is this post in the thread real if noone replies to it? What if someone replies but we cant tell if he or she is human? Then is this thread real? Uh? Uh?
As someone who spent years in retail you can always tell one one of the monkey's is gonna make a run with something.
The big momma boons had a bias for making a run with the big bottles of Tide.
A significantly more bloated, and autistic, Jaden Smith.
Based Poo
Damn that took a while to process exactly what red shirt did, excellent play.
Of course it's a fucking chinese doctor that willingly does this frankenstein shit.
he's aight
The hell is that zombie nigger in the back right corner?!
I used to work retail and niggers would buy up laundry detergent (when they weren't stealing it) like you wouldn't believe. What are they doing with it? Does every nigger truly make meth?
What is he even stealing? Look like MRE's/
He is renowned because of this proto-reddit "meme".
Because reddit can't be creative on its own, they were resorting to just drawing over stills of actual people's reactions.
This was one of their half dozen reaction images repeated ad nauseum. Shortly thereafter reddit made /r/atheism a default subreddit, referencing any pop scientist within arm's reach, including le black science man.
There's literally zero other reason besides this meme.
damn bruh, how can you be that careless to an infant
Damn, that's actually a good move.
Is that what poor people use all that detergent for? Couponers will come in and buy 12 bottles of detergent, use coupons and pay only $0.46, and then I'm left to wonder if it's drugs or a flea market.
To be fair he is an Astrophysicist, not an Animal expert.
probably not... the sub-saharan skull is exceptionaly robust
Debit/credit card fraud.
Tide is a detergent brand with strong brand recognition and loyalty. It can easily be purchased with a stolen debit card then liquidated for cash.
There is niggers on there and in case if you haven't noticed, there is also a fucking illegal immigrant.
Unfortunately, the nog can sue for that.
in his defense a lot of people think bats are blind, not to mention there's the common phrase "blind as a bat".
I'd unironically burn alive "30 coupon bitch" before niggers, and I REALLY hate niggers.
Especially when they start counting on you not checking dates before they're holding up 10 other Goddamn people in line.
I was waiting for it to end with the old man being assaulted.
I want to kill niggers, but I'd prefer to ruthlessly exterminate whites and kikes that have granted these niggers the rights to do what they do. God help this country if I decide to snap.
Love that one. Hilarious every time.
Holy shit what a fuckin genius LOLOLOL
this is damned funny, and i don't know why
one job
Primal urges take over.
>"Dean, it's Sam. I got a new case in South Africa, Bobby was right - it's demons Dean, they're all over."
Yeah maybe, if you don't facefuck the ground.
You forgot the file name R2dindu
Jesus Christ.
He didn't even steal the handbag.
Any more? It looked like her arm was about to do that thing where it's so hacked up it just starts flopping around uncontrollably