>Over 360 species of large mammal in Africa, Asia, South America at highest risk
>A quarter of mammal species and 13% of birds are threatened with extinction
>Experts say drastic change to human diets and farming could reduce the risk
Earth at the brink of a sixth mass extinction
indefinite amount of time in which to scare the fuck out of everyone
Praise the chink.
Can OP name me what the Daily mail considers to be the previous five mass extinctions?
That sucks, but extinction has been the norm for most of the earth's history, not survival.
1. stop letting african nogs kill everything for food
2. Stop letting chinks eat everything for traditional medicine that isn't scientifically backed
3. Stop letting industrial companies just dump shit into the ocean.
4. Stop letting hue ape Brazilians cut down their rain forests for farmland
Wow it's almost like if white people had control of these countries things wouldn't be going extinct.
>South America
I blame brazil for this
White people run Africa while hunting animals for sport, they dont go extinct
Black people run Africa while getting huge amounts of aid money to protect them, animals go extinct
We are not at brink, we are in it. Rates are well past those recorded in Foss Rec during other ME events. Don't worry though the leftist environmentalists will fix this problem by backing innovation choking reforms which will prevent the level of technological ability and economic prosperity required to address these global problems.