Post your rarest Petersons.
Post your rarest Petersons
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Did he go off the rails with his latest videos?
he did a little bit desu. the bit about punching commies did advocate for violence a little
[spoiler]not that you shouldn't punch them but its a little hypocritical of him to say that[/spoiler]
How is it hypocritical? Have you listened to anything he says?
Wtf where is this from and why? Daddy nooooooooooo!
Did I miss something? What did he say?
He has been careful not to advocate for violence in the past
What did he say? Sauce?
Lol. Peterson'd. The minute he opened his mouth i knew he was a cosby
In his latest video he just seemed pretty
He drugs and rapes women? Or you calling him a nigger?
dlt ths
Unnecessarily, yes.
I don't think you'll ever hear him condemn the people who used violence to get rid of the communists in their countries though.
What was the context of this?
pic related.
It's not like Antifa doesn't give people plenty of excuses to punch them right now anyways with their bike locks and what not.
True, but are we at the point where it is necessary? If this continues, it certainly will be, but if we start getting physical too soon we will just be demonized
>someone genuinely took the time to fake that and didn't even bother to get the colors of the numbers to match.
What a dumb sperg.
Penile dissonance when you're 84 and seduce 17 year olds into sonship and declare people's vocabularies for them
He also had a limited amount of time to speak.
I think he's still trying to figure this one out.
He said he talks, writes, vlogs, to think and figure stuff out.
He's trying to crush post-modernism and he already went through the defund idea and decided that wouldn't work. Now he's on this idea which isn't bad, its taking the fight to them more directly, but ultimately it probably won't catch on, and he'll come up with something else again and again until he wins.
To me, it looks like he's fighting the rise of "fascism" in himself at this point and he's having a hard time coming to terms with that. If you notice, this one got a tad more violent. He knows what it will take to uproot and cast out the commies, but he is afraid of the power of the state, and rightly so. Peterson is wise, but this problem is very complicated to solve while maintaining morality.
>True, but are we at the point where it is necessary?
It's not like a bell's going to go off when it's time, that's the damning problem we face.
Besides, due to the nature of marxism portraying itself as merciful right until the end, communism is rarely stopped before it commits atrocities.
But those were before the internet and monoculture became a thing. If the US became communist, who exactly could stop us?
Oh right russia. Huh, no wonder they're propagandizing them into our enemies. Guess their timetables are farther along than we assume.
It's real idiot. I saw it happen live.
I just pulled it up on google, bruh.
I saw this happen with my own eyes. It was right after a leaf posted "pls be my ai gf" for the all 9s get.
In one of his other speeches he mentions how understanding the world first requires understanding of yourself, and most importantly the evil within yourself that everyone has, and that is very uncomfortable. I took this as his inner desire for fascism to remove the communists.
How rare?
mardi gras
>he's fighting the rise of "fascism" in himself at this point and he's having a hard time coming to terms with that
aren't we all. here's the problem, imo: the only successful response to communism, thus far, has been brutal fascism (thus far, including the USA's reaction if we're being honest) the problem with that is fascism sucks as much as communism BUT it is relatively easier to snatch liberty back from the hands of fascism than it is communism.
Quite the pickle we've gotten in to AGAIN.
I've been trying to come to terms with this for a while. I think about this near constantly, and I can't come up with a solution, so I hope Peterson does.
A Roman style temporary Emperor option would be nice, but then I imagine someone like Obama getting a hold of that, and I realize how bad of an idea it is.
I don't know man...
>Quite the pickle we've gotten in to AGAIN.
Isn't this (the 20th century onward) the first time in history we put the responsibility of the world on people other than dictators?
Humans aren't born equal. of course democracy doesn't work. There is no perfect solution either. Laws aren't nice to those that break them, why would civilizations be nice to those who seek to undermine its very roots?
Yeah I struggle with that. The conundrum is covered pretty well in the Gulag Archipelago. My dislike of commies is so much that I literally would not care if all of them were shot but then that would make me just as bad as a commie.
One of JP's favorite writers:
"Dubbed the most banned book in the world, this tome is so feared by Jews that they have refused to allow it's English translation."
- - Originally written in Russian, it has been translated into German and French by a group of Professors who have offered their translations for free. A full proper English translation hasn't become available until now.
'Two Hundred Years Together' was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature. Consisting of two volumes, the first being concerned with Russian-Jewish history between 1795-1916, and the second; Jews in the Soviet Union, this book exposes the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died. So it is clear enough why the Zionists were never going to allow an English translation of Solzhenitsyn's work.
FULL ENGLISH LINK: Can preview and read it without downloading it if you want (it auto populates the pdf on screen.) Might have to click the orange button twice to d/l because it has a pop-up the first time you click it.
New phone wallpaper, thx
I agree - we are in a lot of trouble. All of our institutions are either destroyed, subverted or compromised. The social contract has literally been broken. What made the west exceptional always was our strong institutions and the rights individuals have vs the state and institutions. Now all of that is compromised, where do we go?
party peterson best peterson
It's on wordpress you know.
Nobody in their right mind would trust a random zippyshare link on Sup Forums with the amount of raiding and shilling we're under.
take a peterson leave a peterson
Post the picture of him sexually dominating a genderfluid demi-queer pansexual otherkin while wearing a business suit and a smirk that says "You'd suck my cock in a new york minute, fag."
"That's an awfully big dragon following you around, bucko."
screengrab Biblical Peterson coming through
he let his daughter practice for some project on him
>she mustn't be able to ask her mom to do this; she needs to practice for a tranny play on a tranny and im ok with this
u ok dude?
that's not a motherless link
Get outta here woman you're having your hysterics again
are Austin Petersens allowed?
I don't know. The realization that brown people's ideology (or the jews that push it) will never not see white people as oppressors and target us as long as we live black pilled me pretty hard.
I'm not even a stormfag at all, but because of that I think it will essentially take a 1776, with some sort of European ethnic state arrangement.
Fuck no. That guy is a complete opportunist sperg.
It's funny but it's also true. 9/10 still a bit too wordy to be snappy.
Bare in mind he's got to unload about 30 years of 160IQ reflection on his views.
Wordpress isn't the scanned copy. They altered it. Wordpress version is a JIDF edit.
>brown people's ideology (or the jews that push it) will never not see white people as oppressors
I'd say it's moreso due to the fact that it is human nature to not want to take responsibility for one's actions. If you're going to let people blame their situation on things that happened 50+ years ago they're going to milk it for everything it's worth. They won't accept that reparations have been made in the past, or they didn't count. Then they make up some shit about how the system wasn't designed for them(which is also true, but you don't see blacks complaining about Yellow Privilege in Japan, do you?). All they need to do is adopt the successful white culture but they seem so vehement to oppose it because white people did some bad things in the past and apparently will never learn their lesson.
But I'm a mulatto and my black side are the blacks who 'act white,' so what do I know? They'd probably call me a self-hating black if they read half the shit I posted on this website.
Don't exaggerate. He was tested at 140IQ and he said it's probably gone down since then since it goes down with age. It's still a ridiculously high score.
He said it was in excess of 150 when he was tested.
>it is human nature to not want to take responsibility for one's actions.
I don't believe this, not as a whole. This is no where close to my personal life experience. I am weighed down every day by my sense of personal responsibility and it is my life ambition to live up to myself and my potential. I believe Western Civilization was build on the philosophies of individual rights and individual responsibilities. Loyalty to yourself and then to the state that is made up of you. And those philosophies could not have thrived for so long if people did not feel inclined towards that.
The "system" was designed for civilized man, color is almost irrelevant. And the USA has tried as hard as it can to make that work. I don't believe in collective guilt, and I don't want to just throw insults at you or your family, but I grew up around black people and there is (at least) a prominent culture of dodging responsibility, laziness, and blaming other people for their problems that needs to be fixed before any progress can be made.
That being said I do believe promoting a philosophy of personal responsibility would solve a lot of the problems in this country.
Pretty sure that was for 8s
Find da peterson
Fucking using the archive and find it, its real
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha were coming to get you
Maybe I say it's human nature because I see the deflection of responsibility as more common. Perhaps it's more of a cultural difference. Growing up being told that it's the white devil's fault (or whatever, could be the jew like in nazism. Basically pick any "other" you can scapegoat) that you and your family and neighborhood/civilization are where you are and not on the top of the societal hierarchy is probably the root of it all.
>The "system" was designed for civilized man, color is almost irrelevant
Agreed, though I would add that it was also based upon Christianity, which isn't racially exclusive either. There is no collective salvation in Christianity and it is a real driving force towards individualism and the individual's responsibility.
>I don't believe in collective guilt
neither do I, and the stuff about blacks is what I'm trying to hit on. All you have to do is imitate successful people and you'll turn out fine, but a lot of people are hellbent on assuming that in order for one person to be successful it means another has to be suffering.
The example my mother taught me was this. The socialist sees a pie and demands the rich give their larger slice up to the poor. The capitalist sees a pie and simply says we should make more pies so everyone can have more. The socialist would prefer to see everyone in equal misery than everyone being risen up with some inequality still existing.
>That being said I do believe promoting a philosophy of personal responsibility would solve a lot of the problems in this country.
not just in this country, I'd say world wide.
dmt peterson
took 5 - leaving same
posting a few more