When will it be legal to kill the poor?
Why are they being protected? What value do they provide to the world?
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everyone deserves a chance at life despite their financial situation.
Except non-whites.
That's the thing, most poor people are niggers.
And the other poor people are the actual proles. You're looking for an excuse to say you want to kill non-whites, but are too scared to admit you're a racist (on an anonymous imageboard of all things) so you've went for the class genocide meme. Which is (((coincidentally))) what (((they))) want too.
Very sad.
>Thinking you can just directly attack poor people
That's how you get beheaded you dumb nigger, you have to undermine the poor in a subtle long game to subjugate them and use them as glorified slaves
No. Most of the poor in America are white. If you don't have poor people... you don't have rich people. That's how I know OP is a LARPing pathetic simp.
>Most of the poor in America are white.
Makes sense.
This, and it's the easiest game ever because anytime they catch on, you just use the simplest of diversion tactics...
e.g. "yeah but look at black people! you're better than them goyim! you work hard goyim! yes you work so hard! those blacks are lazy! they just want your tax dollars goyim!"
and they literally bend over like the stupid cattle they are... and you get posts like OPs!
So, because I am satisfied with having less I should be killed? I say try it bitch. I spend all I make on weapons and ammo.
define poor. Cause by worldwide standards only 2% of the US population is poor.
What makes sense? I'm white and not poor... what I stated was a simple fact, that most poor Americans have white skin, not that it really matters, because we're divided by CLASS and not RACE... the Jew diversion tactics have worked splendidly on you though goyim.
So why do you oppose people uniting around race?
Poor as in degenerates on the sidewalk who beg for money and people who leeches of welfare.
Uniting around race? For what purpose exactly? The reason I oppose it is quite simple, a fractured underclass is a weak underclass incapable of actually defending itself from the people who really mean to cause them long term harm, and instability in society long term, at the behest of corporate and political overlords who know a divided lower class is weak It's really very simple. Uniting around something such as 'race' and the 'groupthink' involved when the real strength in this nation doesn't think about race at all is setting people like you to keep taking in the big long cock of people like me. You have to believe me on this one.
youre dumb. i know poor people with rich lives that subsist on their own and have large properties with very comfortable lives that they CHOSE. killing people isnt necessary to start, eliminate the welfare state and then people who are able to survive are attacked and thus will have to choose life or death. wherein, do you see where this is going? jesus this was obviously bait.
What nation? Because race = nation
You're barely literate and so you may want to rephrase this post more intelligibly if you want an actual response. I'd refrain from calling people 'dumb' in the meantime.
Try it you pussy suburban mommy bought me a car at 15 fucking cuck porn loli loving autistic faggot ill fucking stick you bitch. Ive been jumped by niggers being poor more times then i can count and you want to tell me that the poor should be killed? No, stop propping up niggers for being niggers and give honest white folk a fucking opportunity and not this kike controlled hell the last generation created and now bitches about this generation even though they are DIRECTLY FUCKING RESPONSIBLE. fuck you.
Also uniting around "class" isn't going to bring the stability you claim. It will in fact further enslave us. The only way to check the power that is dicking us is to unite. And the strongest uniting force is race.
Are you serious? The average opiod addicted single mom shooting up at night provides more value than you do. No one needs loners.
Race and nation are two completely different words that mean two entirely different things, so I'm not exactly sure what this post even means. Feel free to reference dictionary.com for more information on these two words.
I work all fucking week to buy a bike for my poor ass and guess what? Niggers fucking steal it. Maybe if middle class faggots didn't sell the poor white mans future to niggers and immigrants life would be ALOT easier.
No, it's not... because the people seeking to control you and your familiy for generations to come, do not care about your race whatsoever. Dividing lower class whites and blacks has long been a tactic of your overlords.... even when I explain it directly to you, you're literally incapable of understanding. You serfs really are the cattle I always imagined. Why must I have such contempt and love for you at the same time?
that guy in the picture was shooting that gun for the very first time at a target range. He is from Britain.
>Why are the being protected
Because they provide either taxes or votes.
Getting fucking horhe to come cut your grass for 5 dollars and fuck your fat nasty buckle toothed wife while your at work. No you faggots that don't have any experience having it hard will be the first ones to go during the end that is coming. Enjoy having no skills while you and your family starves to death.
So you worked hard for a week to buy a bike and you couldn't buy a basic bike lock to prevent it from being stolen? It sounds like those niggers capitalized on your retardation. It's funny, because so did the Jews and that's why you're no better than an ant to the people who really control your lives... but yes goyim, focus on those niggers that stole your bike, lol.
eat a cock retard, if you are so intelligent you would have noticed that i wasnt responding to you and merely misclicked posts. its k though, keep losing democuck
Suicide is only illegal if you screw it up
lol sorry your a poorfag who can't Afford another bike kys retard.
what's weird is that I'm poor and I see pan handlers with nicer clothes then I do asking for money. So yeah I kind of agree with you.
Ok, what power would this ruling class have over me in an enthically homogeneous society in which the underclass is united?
Just keep stockpiling arms and ammo friend, when they have their little revolution we may kill as many of them as we damn well please.
When can we kill the rich?
They dont work, they sit around collecting wealth from assets without doing anything, with many of them not even having earned those assets in the first place
The poor according to which timeline?
US Satellites keep track of all actions and thoughts so define poor in its entirety.
Especially the FAT ones who set in their rooms at 25 beating off to 12 year olds and sharing pepe memes.
Goddammit, stop making good points towards me. To be fair, it was not mine, it was my brothers. but still, good point i guess, it just sucks i even HAVE to lock up EVERYTHING i own! Shit i even lock up my CHAIRS in my own back yard!
How am I losing? My family is worth 100s of millions. I make around 300-400K with my own analytics firm and real estate investment. I make most of my money on the CME. It must be hard to reconcile that a Democrat who just turned 30 is able to virtually buy you and your children and their children with money that he didn't even have to work for. None of this is your fault of course, determinsim is real and your life and your control of it is completely illusory, I'll accept that you think I'm 'retarded' but I think deep down you simply know this can't be the case.
the meek will inherit the earth, that includes the poor who are often in their position due to none meek oppressing everything that is good.
You will rot in hell.
Deus vult
welfare leeches
you deserve this (you) friend.
>Niggers steal my lawn chairs to.
why is it important to keep those poorfag alive? very simple and basic. Votes, those rich politicians can simply persuade people just by telling them that they are gonna be rich or they will provide them with job and cash and house and so on. Those poor people easily bite the bait from the rich. Also, what kind of poor are you talking about?
doesnt matter, unless you buy a u-bar or something as strong they can be cut in a few seconds.
t. some old guy at a bike store who didnt upsell me the u-bar, just told me to hope crimi's dont come where i lock it.
Welfare leeches and panhandler fags
How does a homogenous society somehow protect you from competing with the people around the world who don't belong to your homogeneous group. It doesn't. It never will. The people who control wealth don't want it to. I don't even know what you're trying to argue when what I'm saying is so obvious.
I don't have to compete with other people around the world except to keep them out. And as far as the people "who control the money and won't allow this" many rulers have been deposed in the past.
>able to virtually buy you
lol this is why you are losing. even if what you say is real, you view humans as things. you are clearly sheltered, it would amuse me to see you in a bad neighbourhood. additionally, i do think you are retarded for your viewpoints and would gladly waste you along with a poor person if shtf came around.
>keep larping
You might not have to. But an endless supply of others in your 'homogeneous' group sure as hell do. Yes, I'm one such ruler that does not wish to be deposed, hence I advocate for the rabble to get its shit together for societies sake. I'm essentially a poor Elon Musk, poor being relative in this case.
>Does not know how welfare works
If I leave work, I have already paid insurance to cover me till I find work, my family also pays this insurance and so do my friends. Thus this is our money that we have paid into the system, I belongs to no one else especially the government or foreign people coming into our country without ever having paid into the system.
Now do you see why I have a fucking problem with immigrants using my NHS and my welfare credits that are ever decreasing because there is no fucking money left?
Wait wasn't that the whole conspiracy in The Purge. It was actually use as a way to kill off the poor.
>Green paper will be my eternal security
Just keep in mind that he might be serious and that fields correlating with apothecary may be too elusive for the blatant
Because then YOU will be the poor.
It's part of the classical caste hierarchy of human society. When you remove the bottom, something else replaces it as the bottom.
Ok I agree with you in this sense. I do not want society to fall apart either. I'm saying that uniting around class isn't going to get our shit together. It's not a sufficient binder to repair social trust and stability.
Chill out senpai your just here for the money.
imgaine paying car insurance and one day you can't claim the full payout to cover the damage you inflicted when you rode into someone, because some woman next door who has never paid made a claim with your money. You would go fucking mental right?
I don't view humans as things, or I wouldn't be here proselytizing. I've accepted a deterministic world view and that chosen, I wouldn't need to work a day in my life. I've accepted I'm at least 30 IQ points smarter than you, at no effort of my own, placing me two standard deviations above the one deviation you sit upon the average mud hut habitating negroid. You call me retarded, yet proudly wear the Libertarian flag pretty much ensuring that you're nothing but a drooling addlepate.
Far more value than anyone who comes to Sup Forums will ever have. Now killing liberals that should be ok.
your right lets band with bottom feeders and scragglers
pablo and nairobi will save us from ourselves if we get too frisky
>You call me retarded
Nah, you just love the smell of your own farts.
It's endearing to me, because it betrays your insecurity based on your deep rooted fears of inadequacy.
>what value do they provide to the world?
You must be young to ask that. Obviously they have a high value in a democracy, they are the largest voting group.
So if you are some alleged millionaire then why do you want to have all of you and your families wealth stolen and redistributed? Did your daddy give you the bad touches in the bath or something?
Have you been in a coma for the past twenty years?
The US sends the poor of this country, to kill the poor of other countries.
Once production and resource acquisition is automated, they will reduce the world population to around 500k and live like kings...soon...also anyone posting here doesnt get to partake.
Yeah fuck that Kill'em all
If you kill the poor youll be the nu-poor and itll be your turn, dumass.
There are some autists rolling in some serious cash, programmers, inventors, entrepreneurs. etc, being here does not necessarily equal being poor.
Who made the poor a problem for everyone?
Ever heard of a certain race called the Jew?
>yfw begging earns more than minimum wage
When it's legal to kill rich ones, user.
K31 is a poorfag rifle too.
What? I don't want unite with bottom feeders or scragglers.
People like you justifie when poor do rise up take out the trash like they did during Maos rise to power. Keep treating the poor like animals and you might find your self dead in a ditch with a bullet to the back of your head.
k31, great rifle
Liberals are a cancer on the earth every last one should hang.
Voting Democrat hardly steals and redistributes all of our wealth. Once again this is a conflagration of real leftism and the regulations and protections of the consumer that Democrats often propose. It's a strange hysterical fear coming largely from people that have absolutely no wealth to begin with, who subsist paycheck to paycheck and will now days, in most cases, leave less for their children than they had from their parents. You're losing, badly...
It's a poor person rifle, though.
If you're not spending 20 grand on a combo rifle/shotgun, you're poor.
>be me today at local store
>waiting for spouse to come out of store
>homeless man with dog walks by
>I smile politely
>homeless man mumbles something at me that I don't understand
Me- "excuse me?"
Homeless man in the rudest way possible says "mumble, mumble, my dog"
I thought he said he was looking for someone to take his dog
I respond, "I can't take in a dog right now"
Homeless man begins screaming at me belligerently
>he comes closer
>I reach for my gun
Finally he realizes I am probably armed. He turns around and walks off screaming about me.
I use to support homeless charities. Now my money will be going elsewhere. I kinda wish I had just shot him anyway.
This was a nice area with a lot of office parks.
>when will it be legal to kill the poor?
When the elites no longer need us, sometime after automation and the singularity.
Hint; you're not going to make the cut, no matter how rich you think you are
Is that fucking lindybeige?
Has he finally gone over the edge?
Did you consider he's homeless because he's mentally ill and this country completely fails to take care of its mentally ill. It's no fault of his own either... and if you wish to kill another human being because they mumbled at you then you're just another white skinned nigger peasant who needs a dosage of Zyklon B.
Yes Lloyd made a video about going to Switzerland and shooting a bunch of Jews.
There will be many billionaire niggers, poos and chinks as well. Your white skin won't save you from starving.
Yeah that's him shooting a rifle in switzerland.
Was he white?
First of all. Am heavily pregnant and didn't need to be threatened.
I don't care about his mental issues. I was worried about me and my child.
His mental issues should not put me in fear. So fuck you.
Its his families job to care for him not the nation.
Yes he was
OP reminded me of this gem lmao
Well then Is right. Don't let a brother stay in the cold. Unless you are a pregnant woman which it seems you are, in which case some other white man should have helped.
Typical emotional cunt, scared of any man that engages her. Maybe you should have let him walk off instead of being a stupid nosey bitch with your
My husband was ten feet away and immediately came over to help me. But he did tell me there were no cameras around, which I took as a threat.
Well, you're assuming that he has a family... or one that can take care of him. If they can't, then you have a bunch of mentally ill people roaming the streets, if that's what you want your country to be like, then you're a fucking idiot.
Sounds like a good holiday.
You did the right thing in the situation, you must protect yourself and offspring. I'm just saying you should feel pity for a brother who is mentally disturbed.
Christ you fucking stupid fuck, homeless are way more likely to be victims of violent crime than housed people. In your role play you almost shot the guy for talking to you, and you're scared of him?
Do us all a favor and kill yourself after giving your kid up for adoption
He spoke to me first. I though he needed help. I won't make that mistake again.
Also, evolution dictacts that pregnant women become overly protective of ourselves. I can not help that.
For the record I have never complained about a man before in my life. I have never felt unsafe around men before.
It's not her fault that she's a woman and retarded. Try to be a little more caring for these people... other than that, you're right.
He threaded me. Said he would realize the dog. I was minding my own business. Imagine if he had done that to a woman in your family.
He did verbally threaten me.