>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
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listen to shkreli explain how the system really works
nah, fuck the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, and fuck the healthcare insurance industry
fuck em all, whole pile of greedy asshats
how many pills cure it? also why not just buy in India and ship it to usa... or better yet go on a vacation to India and get the pill why you are there.
Link pls?
I heard it as something to do with insurances or some shit like that.
Enforce USC15, Robinson Patman, and other antitrust/monopoly laws and this all goes away.
I should be able to order these drugs from India directly if I wanted.
National Socialists do not defend that.
Because if they catch you it is a felony
>HCV is spread primarily by blood-to-blood contact associated with intravenous drug use, poorly sterilized medical equipment, needlestick injuries in healthcare, and transfusions.
Let the degenerates die.
Plz link. I have heard all sorts of things about Shkreli, but want a video.
Actually, America subsidises pharmaceutical costs of the third world.
They charge us more because we can "afford" it.
India is full of poo so more hepatitis c
If you don't want Hep C perhaps you shouldn't be whoring around town like a fucking slag.
1. Privatise everything
2. No more innefective ways to spend your money
3. No more recessions due to no keynesian bubbles
4. Long term profit, humans win through the universe domination win.
>implying the government would enforce antitrust laws against its own monopolies
Free trade solves this problem.
wtf, I love poo now
Mother nature is really trying her best to kill 3rd worlders, why are we trying to stop this?
> Implying the govt will ever allow free trade
Those laws exist to FORCE free trade, you buffoon.
>punish companies for being successful
>free trade
>go to India
>cure your hep c
>but get hep a, b, d through z and 5 strains of HIV
There are a ton of poos here. Just get one of their cousins to bring it over in a tylenol bottle.
>implying you can't get fairly cheap medical coverage that makes prescriptions fairly cheap, or that there aren't generic versions of pretty much every medication that cost next to nothing
It's simple economics.
Nobody in the USA with healthcare is going to pay that much for a pill. Most insurance companies will negotiate down the price of the medicine. If they start at a higher price, they get more for the pill. I'm willing to be that insurance companies can talk the price down to a tenth of that. That's just how the system works.
Furthermore, the US pays more because the drugs are (typically) designed in the US and manufactured in the US. Someone has to pay the bill for all the research and development to advance medicine.
Once the medicine is developed, it costs nearly nothing to produce in mass which drives certain economic decisions. Obviously certain countries cannot afford multi-thousand dollar medicines, but when the pill itself only costs pennies to produce... selling it at any price over production costs is pure profit.
I work for pharma.
The reason for this is our company has to pay millions of $$ to develop a drug that might not work, or might not be approved, so the cost of that pilll you're buying has to pay for all the failures. In India, they steal the formula, and its all profit. The cost of any drug is almost nothing to produce,.
It's due to patents, which are socialist, without patents another maker would make the pill alot cheaper to oust competition
US companies spend millions and years on research and most dont get approved by fda. The ones that do are under patent if approved so some other company doesnt steal their work and undercut right away. remove that and research industry dies.
only reason it is that expensive is because somebody is willing to pay that amount. So something about the market is fucked up. We don't have a free market in the usa.
fix healthcare by eliminating taxation and most regulation.
Actually it's promoting insanity like
>pic related
to increase healthcare costs in the US to absurd levels.
their shit currency passes the savings onto you
It has more to do with the structure of our healthcare system and insurance than "big pharma" per se. There are no incentives to keep costs low the way things are done in the states.
There's a great breakdown here:
inb4jew york times
Please archive or screenshot
Without patents nobody would have any incentive to invent anything unless they were able to completely hide their methods, which would be unrealistic (other people would likely duplicate the discovery or reverse engineer it) and hold back progress if successful.
>only reason it is that expensive is because somebody is willing to pay that amount
When you're facing death you become willing to take on any expense.
This is what happens when you don't have a free market
It's no use explaining economics to a leftist. They'd rather the drug didn't exist at all than it exist with perceived "injustice" tied to its pricing. This is a religion to them
I hope you become bankrupted by a disease.
fucking Norway
I work for pharma and that explanation is full of shit. If that was actually the case, drug prices would be calculated using the R&D/trials expenditure and the predicted rate of doses sold to recoup sunk costs over the lifetime of the patent. This of course is not what happens.
Drug prices are driven by two things: power and prizes. How much power does the drug give the company over the market? How big a prize is their discovery (ie treating a niche disease with unmet need allowing them to charge upwards of 80k/dose). At the end of the day, drug companies will charge the most they believe the market will bear.
Also tying into this is the fact that the majority of pharma growth in the last 10 years has been from increasing prices of existing drugs rather than new drug development.
shkreli gives his drugs away for free if you don't have insurance
he's actually the nicest drug guy in the business
so of course the media demonizes him
900 bux is poo life savings though isn't it?
Damn interesting article. So as per usual, (((they))) fuck us over and the government legislates to protect (((their))) interests. Fucking AMA kikes fucked everyone over.
bantz boi
A lot of Indian pharma orgs are playing fast and loose with the rules: poor hygiene, sourcing chemicals from dodgy providers and testing their product as many times to get the results they like. They expect nothing will come of it, because they would normally just bribe the local regulator. And everything works out, that is, until the FDA puts an Import ban on their drugs for adulteration. Then they just reorg, rinse and repeat.
>Most insurance companies will negotiate down the price of the medicine.
They don't do that anymore because of Obamacare.
80-85% of premium revenue must be spent on care and quality improvement.
Premium revenue of $1000 a month.
Expenses of $800
$200 for everything else.
So the health insurance company decides to barter for cheaper medicine, what happens?
Premium revenue of $1000 a month.
Expenses of $600
$400 for everything else.
This violates the 80/20 rule, and the insurance company must refund these savings to the customer. Thus, there is absolutely no point in a health insurance company lowering costs.
What happens if pharmaceuticals raise prices? Initially, the health insurance companies are at a loss, so they have to raise premiums. However, what do you see?
Premium revenue of $1200 a month.
Expenses of $960
$240 for everything else.
Health insurance companies make more money as the cost of medical care rise because it allows them to increase premiums and subsequently the size of the 20% slice. This has created a feedback loop between medical care providers and insurance companies as they both make money when the price of healthcare rises. The people that lose are taxpayers who pay for subsidies and also the people who are forced to pay for health insurance.
It punished companies for doing the EXACT thing they are doing now in the Healthcare industry.
Racketeering, price discrimination, protectionist restrictions, etc.
Glad you are okay with that.
so the dems tried to create a foundation to build on existing legislation when the republicans wanted to make pretty something already standing but broke?
build on existing like add to it and the GOP wanted to fix it up
I'm libertarian but I support getting rid of crony capitalism. No guarantees that would lower the price though.
shkreli is a fuck and youre a weak tard for listening to him.
still wondering why people dont just go to india to buy it
It's funny how literally EVERY company was doing the same shit he was but he got branded as literally Hitler himself even after explaining why they do it
That's a part of it. Another part is that many of these companies are losing money. The cost of the pill goes toward future research.
No I won't, it's the whole root of the health care problem
If health care was less regulated drugs wouldn't be as expensive and healthcare would be 10x more managable
I think it's great. American companies develop new medicines funded by the American people's suffering, while our government ignores all those patents and grants free license to our companies to make generics. My grandfather has a lot of illnesses (including hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis) and takes about 5 different pills a day. If I was a burger I'd be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for his treatment, but here all his medicines combined cost about $100 a year. Medical devices like stents and catheters are next on the list for cancellation of patents. Price controls are already in, and when these companies refuse to sell them in India the government will allow generic devices as well.
So thank you americlaps, keep paying for the medical advances while we really the rewards. I'm not a fan of socialism, but it works in this case.
he knows it's true, he heard it on mainstream media
main causes of Hep-c
>drug use
>unprotected sex
>body modification (tattooing)
just dont be a fucking degenerate and you wont have to worry about it
>faggots actually believe this
>/leftypol/ will refuse to name the ones responsible.
You know it's the jews.
India will actually have to pay $900
Americans will never pay and nobody will attempt to enforce it.
So suck it poos.
It's almost like we Americans are subsidizing the rest of worlds "free health care".
Shkreli is gaming the system same as everyone else. Basically the FDA wants old drugs to be taken through modern trials, and rewards people for doing so with regulatory property and marketing exclusivity, which has the same effect as traditional IP in that it allows companies to exclude competition.
So Shkreli and other people like him (tons of people are doing this) buy up an old generic drug that has been around for decades, run it through modern trials which is basically guaranteed to succeed since the drug has been in use for so long, and get rewarded with an exclusive economic bubble that allows them to jack the price to whatever they want.
They justify this by saying the costs are eaten up by insurance companies, but the net result of multiple companies doing this for multiple drugs have had a major effect in driving up insurance costs across the board. Insurance companies will never pay out more than they get. If drug companies up their prices, insurance companies charge more to compensate.
>he's hiding behind a meme flag
Day of the rake soon, dogfucker
This is clearly abuse.
Put it on a scale.
On one side, you have the wholly unnecessary loss of life and well-being.
On the other side, you have something else.
The question isn't about "that something else" the question is HOW DO YOU ENACT JUSTICE AND CURE THE CURABLE ILL
You have to understand that (((pol))) will always side with the mega corporations and billionaire globalists
> degenerates
you don't understand how pricing/taxes work. people without insurance get these 80k meds for free and your taxes and insurance premiums go to paying for them.
So if anyone without insurance needs that pill, we all pay for it.
who exactly do you think decides the CEO's salary?
Allow reimportation to get those prices. Abolish FDA to get 5 steps ahead. Done and done.
other billionaires
>Abolish the FDA
I don't think that's a good idea, but there's definitely gotta be a way to drive the price down for FDA approval (currently like a billion dollars)
>Sup Forums sides with globalist
> implying it's the same pill
> The FDA, which has been on a campaign to get Indian drugmakers to conform with its regulations, slapped Unimark Remedies with another warning letter in which it cited two of the Mumbai-based drugmaker’s plants for keeping poor records, failing to train employees properly, and unsanitary conditions.
Last fall, the company was hit by a warning letter by the regulatory agency at a separate facility for similar infractions, which included pigeon nests in the building and a lizard roaming in a controlled area.
In the most recent warning letter, during an inspection of the company’s Bavla facility in August 2015, FDA officials “observed dirt and birds in the manufacturing area as well as a lizard in the controlled processing area.”
> During the plant inspection, staff were found in multiple instances deleting data and one quality-control employee “admitted plans to fabricate sample preparation data,” the FDA’s letter said.
> Besides failing to have a pest control program, the warning letter to Unimark Remedies in Mumbai cited the drugmaker for a host of record-keeping issues that have come up commonly among inspections of Indian facilities. Records were not filled out when batches were being produced. There were records purportedly signed by employees on dates that they weren't even there.
Nice flag.
I legitimately that the only reason people go after him and ignore all the other companies doing it is because he looks like a beady little fuck
>pol brags about helping elect a billionaire globalist elite
One of the reasons, I didn't fall for the American meme.
Life is good in India if you make decent amount of money.
Is there ever a time when Sup Forums doesn't side with the giant corporations?
>you don't understand how pricing/taxes work. people without insurance get these 80k meds for free
No, only stabilizing healthcare is provided regardless of ability to pay back.
this is true. patents are a very socialist idea. we need to do away with them.
which ones are jews?
wut? so u think that they refuse treatment without pay? what if they were bleeding out and needed an 80k emergency peration? do you think they just tell them to leave the hospital?
This. Plus, he openly insulted a bunch of congressmen and federal prosecutors, so they're going to be looking for any reason to put him in prison regardless of if the current charges stick. Not the smartest move.
yeah no shit india pushes cheaper drugs, they are also of lesser quality
ur fucking idol is about to see jail time lmao lets all take advice from him
>Yes goy listen to (((shkreli))) he tells the truth, there is no "conspiracy" that's just the way it works
How you so called anti semites support capitalism is fucking beyond me
He also puts himself in the public light giving the unwashed masses a target
nice lies pajeet.
The problem isn't the cost of trials, it's the myriad of ways to abuse the well intended regulatory framework for drug IP while jacking up prices. The majority of pharma growth comes from price hikes, with drug prices rising 8x the rate of inflation.
Here's how it's supposed to work: pharma company develops a drug, spends money taking it through trials. They then get a patent on the drug allowing them an exclusive market space to profit off the drug for 10 years, while using profits to develop new drugs. When the patent expires, the drug goes generic and becomes cheap.
In reality, pharma companies charge as much as the market will bear for their drugs, regardless of development costs, and game the system to prevent generics from driving prices down. A major way they do this is through filing frivolous requests to stop the generic, relying on the bureaucracy of the FDA to slow down the generic company. They will file a request asking the FDA to deny the approval of the generic. This will be denied, but will take 6-8 months to do so. They will file frivolous patents (ie adding a useless gel capsule and re-patenting). This will be thrown out, but the court case will take 4-6 years. A blockbuster drug will do 50-100 million in sales every month.
They also take advantage of marketing exclusivity to put their drugs in what is called "closed distribution" which prevents generic companies from accessing the drug. This makes it impossible for generic companies to run comparison tests to show their generic is biocompatible, blocking them from taking the generic to market.
The solution to drug prices is to close loopholes in FDA regulations that allow for abuse of their system.
don't be anti-Semitic
That pepe pin
And statists will never admit the solution is abolishing illegitimate institution like the FDA that have no legal right to exist under the American legal system, which would cause the price of drugs to completely plummet.
And since poisoning people is already illegal without the FDA(crazy I know) they wouldn't be able to just dump garbage into the market without repercussions. The regulations actually ALLOW them to poison people and not be punished.
He is not a jew, his parents are Albanian and Croation.
>lesser quality
stfu nigger
you know in socialism when they talk about power to "the people" what they really mean is power to the state. it's the corrupt state seizing control of industry and property and then you just trust the government not to fuck you over.
every socialist is a useful idiot
deep down you know this, but you want to believe
so the solution is to give more power to the politicians and let them run things?
>Somehow better than a Jew
Plus, even if he's not a jew by ethnicity or religion, he is one by character. Greedy, disgusting, walks over people for profit, wants control. Literally traits of a Jew. Give me a self respecting hard working family man that isn't a greedy cunt that just happens to be ethnically Jewish over "Non-Jews" like Shkreli any fucking day.
I will say though i enjoy his banters, he's funny as hell
If they're bleeding out then the hospital must treat them. They must provide STABILIZING treatment due to federal law. This means shit like treating acute trauma, getting your heart rate and blood pressure stable if it's out of whack, or helping to birth a baby. But they do not have to provide therapies such as chemo or indeed, this hepatitis medication without being paid.