What does Sup Forums think of Milo's book? Is it even worth reading?
What does Sup Forums think of Milo's book? Is it even worth reading?
fuck off milo
Thought it got scrapped after he made those pedo comments
It's only legal for CNN to read it
I'm so glad his 15 minutes of fame are nearly over.
What does Sup Forums think of Milo's bussy? Is it even worth filling with cummies?
read the whole thing off and on in a day and a half. It was much better than I thought it would be. The writing style is very good. There is enough new material in there to satisfy those that have seen his previous work.
Milo is so brave for being right wing politically while at the same time being gay which is the left wants to always incorporate. The entire world is right/left. I also love how he whores himself out to the right!
If you are going to talk like a retard please do it elsewhere
In about a month just keep bringing up Milo the Gay Conservative(tm) on alt right forums to enhance discussion
Milo sucks blacker dick than you cheating girlfriend.
It's 'aight. Sort of like a reaaaaally long Milo article.
I just finished a ballin' book on generational cycles so I feel like whatever book I picked up next was gonna be a let down
Sup Forums is just a dumping ground for retarded shit as far as I'm concerned.
Fuck off faggot, go back to /lgbt/
I can't tell how many layers of irony this comment was written on
ITT illiterate fags that have read a book since the Bush administration
it was pretty good, it was funny and moved along at a good pace. My bluepilled wife read it and rally liked it.
who is the other geezer?
is that the "amazing stage presence" wanker from the lite Washington Memorial rally?
The Matrix is a good movie! The blue pill keeps you in reality and the red pill gives you the REAL reality. Deep art!
ok? and?
better to read peter thiel's book. he is the actual cool gay person
Milo is in his dead cat bounce phase.
It's like those old Twilight Zone episodes, where everyone finally realizes they're all dead.
yes, i agree with you fine gentelmen
wow, how amazing your opinon is sir
beautiful insight from an enlightened mind. thank you
>falling for a gay kike
both jewish faggots detrimental to america
Never knew he was gay. Don't you hate the alt right's support of Milo just because he fulfills the Hollywood definition of gay male?
Jewish propaganda
peter is german tho
i looked at the preview on amazon and within the 1st sentence it was absolute shit. and like the first couple of pages were him defending himself of the pedo accusations and basically just talking about himself the whole time. it's so juvenile and uninteresting. i don't think it was ever meant to be read seriously but just to stir up drama.
very creative bait. 7/10.
I'm working on finishing it. Honestly, I just bought it to push the Amazon ranking. There's not a lot of material that an average Sup Forums user & Milo podcast listener doesn't already know.
On point
Not remotely.
But it is worth getting it to #1 on Amazon to piss people off.
It's also worth buying 5 copies and leaving them in your Marxist university library
what faggot pedo jew publisher is he going to find to publish his faggot pedo kike book?
go away faggot kike shill. your botting and manipulation of amazon ratings is pathetic and will be another reason why you get fucking gassed.
Is there a reason the jews are flooding the board with gay shit today?
What purpose does it serve?