Kairo Seijuro or Light Rail Avenger found dead

The popular katana fedora autist in pic related was found dead drowned in a lake in Cali.

Long story short
>fedora gained online popularity for breaking up a fight between 4 niggers using his mad katana skills. check video youtube.com/watch?v=PYfUvW_3C3U
>made friends with a 16 year old qt anime cosplayer who wants him to be her sensei
>Kairo (30 years old) decided to sensei her underage ass up and teach her his sheathing skills on a far out island free of fbi
>en route his kayak got overturned by the waves and while retrieving his swords something grabbed him from the depths and drowned him
>his last words according to his apprentice was NO! before he was swallowed by the depths


Press F

Other urls found in this thread:


damn on the same day you can legally seath a sword in Texas. This really is the day of the blade.


>Jacintho also went by the name “Kairo Seijuro,” which is how the teenager who reported the boating accident referred to him, according to the sheriff’s office report.

I am not buying this, what could possibly grab a full gown man under water in a lake?


rip AZ lightrail bro



Damn, Texas was gonna legalize swords soon as well.

He could have become Shogun and formed an army of samurai.

Live by the sword.
Die by the sword.

Jews fear the samurai.

I didn't know marko arnautavic lived in CA

Imagine what really happened

>Canoe overturns, Katana man is trying to collect his swords
>His prized baby slips out of the sheathe, sinking into the abyss
>Autistically yelling "NO!!!" as he drowns trying to find it

Kek, F



legends never die
but people sure do

>something grabbed him from the depths and drowned him


>died last year
Where are you guys getting this info that it occurred today?

It actually happened in September of last year.

He's number five to drown in that lake since memorial day. Are Californians this retarded?

Apparently, that lake has frequent drowning.

Why didn't the authorities hire more lifeguards to supervise the lake?

Or at least some notice that Kayakers must wear life vests in this lake considering the bad history of this lake.

Maybe the lake has really strong undercurrents in some places that can yank you under the water. Apparently 5 other men drowned in that lake last year.

his swords was found intact strapped to the kayak. something grabbed him from the depths, alligator or sea snake maybe.

(((they))) killed him

Someone posted about him in the Texas sword legalization thread earlier and I was told he died but didn't believe the user who said it until he posted the story and now some user made a thread about it.

The Samurai fears the water

Real Samurai are alert to lake monster and ninja attacks. This clown was a joke.



He wasn't the first victim either.

Is it so difficult to float on water?

I think an animal is involved.

Swords last known location

Jason Voorhees


he died as he lived, bizarrely

This was from september of last year you fucking faggot
What kind of slide thread is this?


He deserved much worse.

The lake is 60' deep max and the biggest animal in it is a largemouth bass weighing in at 17.52 pounds.


daily reminder to always carry and always be aware of CIA niggers, kikes LARPing as white, and oathbreaking shabbos goy

>that pic
youve just given me a business idea.
im gona be rich.

This is old. It's sad that we will never get to see the full potential of his autism.

RIP in peace, The most alpha fedora in the world.
Press T to Tip Fedora in respect.


DLC for Friday the 13th when?

So what are we saying here?

And the world grows a little bit darker.

Shamefur water oni, not honoring a true samurai in 1 on 1 combat.


So what was it? any in-depth info? I guess he dropped one of his fav swords and decided to go deep for it? but how the fuck would he not know to go back up after pressure/air??

So many questions...


I find it odd he yelled "NO!" and I guess they weren't wearing life preservers

I wonder if one those monster catfish pulled him under.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing.

Sea snakes are small and only found in the ocean. Alligators have been reported in Southern California in the past (people let them go when they have grown to big to house cheaply/safely).

>six people drown in the last year
>claims of something pulling him down

There's definitely a monster in the lake.



Old as fuck news.

Heath Ledger is playing The Joker

Me too

>Brooks said Jacintho's cause of death is pending autopsy results.
>Jacintho’s drowning is the fifth on Clear Lake this year, all of them occurring since the Memorial Day weekend, Brooks said.
>All of the drowning victims were men, four of them having been boating shortly before their deaths occurred.

It gets creepier when you read the last part of the article. Is somebody drowning men in the lake or something?

Maybe someone drowned in the lake on Memorial Day and became a vengeful spirit that haunts the lake.

Nigger, this news is old as shit.

This is fucking old



Has there been any follow up or interviews of the girl? Maybe he just couldn't swim or treat water in a trench coat.

>the sad truth is that they weren't even a challenge
Every time

He's threatening niggers with a katana with Jesus now.


Like a true samurai he didn't know how to swim.



For real, give it a break lel

Kairo was so excited to have an apprentice, what master swordsman wouldn't be?

I bet the girl was trying to make it sexual, and when Kairo-san declined her advances she killed him out of spite and jealousy of his martial prowess.